
(naruto fanfic) The beast of war

-[ note ] Im writing this so as to improve my abilities and knowledge as a writer so any Criticism and tips are welcome hope u enjoy this fanfic takes place around the same time as the during the thrid great ninja war do u think our mc will survive? follow our mc as he walks the path of a ninja and explores his brand new world will he learn cool ninjutsu and stop madara and the akatsui? find out as u read this story

Smile_computer · Anime & Comics
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Few weeks go by as I get closer to Obito and Rin, but today marks exactly one mouth since joining the academy and As per the plan Today Im graduating.

" So u want to graduate early is that right kayomi? " my sensei looks at me with an frown on his face

" yes sensei i believe i can graduate early with my abilities " i said with full confidence

Sigh " If u insist let me get the papers "

Later that evening kayomi is seen performing the Transformation: Technique transformating to looking exactly like His sensei " well done kayomi-san now please perform the shadow clone " said one of the teachers

Nodding kayomi went through a few hand signs and in a puff of smoke made ten clones which exactly looked like him with glowing red eyes.

" well kayomi done Congratulations on becoming the fastest ever to graduate from the academy " the teachers said in disbelief that an 6 year old who joined the academy just a month an go is now graduating.

It truly was shocking to them, even prodigies like itachi and kakashi took years before they graduated, compared to them he is in a league of his own.

" sensei are you okay? you've been standing there for awhile "

Gaining his senses back the sensei said a bit nervous " nothing just thinking of something but here is your headband "

" but as an heads-up you won't be assigned to an team for atlest 2 or 3 years as there are no other genins around "

Kayomi nodding said with an smile " I know sensei but thank you for looking out for me "

Giving his sensei one last bow of respect kayomi leaves his classroom never to return again starting his path as an ninja.

Well not intel he gets assigned to an team

Heading home to the orphanage kayomi plops down on his bed falling asleep in no time.

--| System Notification |--

- user has obtained the [ rank genin ]

System will update

sorry again its short i know but somehow i keep on working super late at night so my limited energy only allows for this much :(

if there are any mistakes please late me know and hope u guys are enjoying my story :D

Smile_computercreators' thoughts