
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs


I am tired as fuck....I use to think that doing mass releases would be something simple when I saw other's doing it but damn. I got a headache from doing that shit and it got to a point when I could barely type anymore

So don't get your hopes up about this ever happening again, I'm gonna sleep until the evening

On another note I want your guys help with something, I've hit a wall after thinking of how he'll gain strength after a certain point without going down the cultivation route, maybe magic, this is what I have in mind. What I want you guys to do is find a way to help me implement it




Then after this point would be where they become one with their wolves then after that I thought of like mastering their new abilities while there wolf grows bigger and bigger somewhat or some shit, i don't know yet I haven't worked it

10 feet tall

15 feet tall

20 feet tall

After this is where I like stall since I don't know where to go but then I remembered a book I read and decided to use that template

From Lowest to highest











Now I need to like find a way progressing to these stages make any sense, I mean it's not needed for now but like I'd rather figure it out now than to have to figure it out later


I'm just gonna start rambling right so I can fill the content and finally go to sleep so you don't have to read this

What do you guys think about Vadatos and Fascalli?

Like were you surprise or was it what you expected?

Like I tried to keep it unique, I've seen similar set ups in several other stories where this new person shows up and catches some high up person's attention and then their concubines get jealous because they themselves aren't getting that much attention so they try to get rid of whatever is taking the attention away from them

So like I wanted to change it up, instead of them getting replaced, they find their actions to get rid of the someone is unneeded because the high up person didn't see them as a potential partner in the first place

Honestly in the beginning this would have probably been my only story that had the chance of being a non harem believe it or not, that's because I personally don't care for most of the girls in the show other than Malia but then I decided to take my personal feelings out of it

Whenever I do something like this, I create like different obstacles for my characters and then write what I believe would have been their actions if they actually had to go through it

This way while it may seem as a forced plot it is actually a coincidence, by doing this I've found that I can even surprise myself when it's all coming from my head. Or to simplify all that bullshit I just wrote, I create a cause and write an reaction based off of the character that experiences it

For example Imprinting

I introduced it into the story for the heck of it and since it can truly fit in without fucking up anything else in the story

My cause being intense emotions

The character I used it on being Christian

The reaction as you have seen was him imprinting on both Malia and Allison. Now you may say that I just did it that way to set up the harem but I did not, it just ended up happening that way

My proof? I set the premise for the activation of imprinting before I started writing that chapter, using Christians erratic behavior as a cause I set off several coincidences that went like this

His weird behavior along with his charm from his looks plus the fact that he had something she needed drew Allison's curiosity

Which made the original romance starting scene from the original turn into a awkward mess, which made her more curious about Christian as a result

Him trying to piss off Scott caused him to be in close proximity to Allison and Malia when, Lydia and his inherent dislike of her character from the beginning of the series along with his already erratic emotions made him lose control and become enraged at Lydia hence creating the opportunity for imprinting to happen

Didn't expect that did you? I know you didn't because neither did I, because if it wasn't for those series of coincidences the entire scene would have never happened and you guys would have read an entirely different chapter

Don't believe me?

If Christian's mind was healed he would have walked straight pass Allison on the bench since he himself had no such idea of creating a harem

As such outside of his handsome looks he wouldn't have made much of an impression on her along with his complete disregard of her would have made the story follow the same route as the orginal

Meaning he would have walked straight pass Allison at her locker when she and Scott where having their little stare off or whatever the fuck that was hence he wouldn't have met Lydia and the whole imprinting scene might not have happened in that chapter unless something else happened

This is why I'm enjoying this story so much because all I'm doing is setting some traps called plot and watching the characters fall into them on their own accord because of their personalities and then sitting back while trying to guess what'll happen next

Now that I think about it.....this is probably why I can't think of a way to progress his strength hehehehehe. Well that's why I have you guys there for to brainstorm along with me

Btw all those people who were expecting a chapter release on Monday for Void king, I apologize because I honestly thought yesterday was Sunday and today would have been Monday so that's my bad...


That's how you reach 15 000 words

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


Master_Livythancreators' thoughts