
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs

Could Someone please explain


" Scott I think we should have knocked " replied Stiles before he noticed Lydia and waved at her to which she ignored and was staring at Malia weirdly and kept opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something

Scott walked towards Allison before he grabbed her arm softly bringing her attention towards him

" Allison are you okay " Allison wiped her tears and tried to calm her erratic emotions before she looked at the person who grabbed her arm

" sorry who are you? " she asked softly while looking at the other boy who came and tapped his friends shoulder before giving him a look of understanding

" it's Scott, I sit right in front of you in class " explained Scott awkwardly

" yo Scott isn't that the pretty boy from this morning, it looks like he's sick...dude why are all the girls here so hot " whispered Stiles not knowing most of the women in the room heard his whisper. Hearing him Scott looked around before he noticed Malia and walked towards her

" you you're somehow connected to that thing that bit me last night and did this to me " Malia didn't even bother to reply to him and continued to think of ways in which she could help, seeing that she ignored him Scott was about to continue when Derek pinned him up against the wall and made him face him

" what thing? " asked Derek while holding down Scott

" a giant thing with red eyes bit me when were in the woods last night " replied Scott while trying to free himself

" what did it look like " asked Derek with increased enthusiasm especially after he heard whatever it was had red eyes

" don't bother asking Derek, we already know who it is " said Laura when she heard our conversation and answered the question herself making everyone look towards her

" I don't so can someone please tell me what's going on " interrupted Lydia since Derek didn't allow her to leave before everything was cleared up

When Derek was about to ask his sister what she meant, Christian suddenly sat up and released an enraged roar, shaking the entire house and the surroundings once more bursting the eardrums of most of the people in the room

" I think we found who roared " said Stiles while he tried to catch his footing


' what happened ' I wondered while trying to catch my breath, I looked around dazedly as I tried to figure out where the hell I was before I saw most of the stars of teen wolf looking at me before my memories returned and I released a low growl

" Vadatos " I released his name through gritted teeth before I felt two people in my embrace and found my emotions started to stabilize before I hugged them and pulled them deeper into my embrace

" not to ruin whatever little reunion or whatever this is but can someone please get to explaining? " I groaned internally before I looked at the cause of my frustrations

" who invited you three? " I asked after calming down before I called Laura to my side, deciding to deal with her matter later

" I wasn't invited your girlfriend pulled me all the way across town, against my will might I add " replied while walking towards us, I could feel her eyes on us. Hearing what she said I gave Malia a look and she looked away awkwardly

" when we heard your roar, I was going to leave on my own then I saw Allison crying so I knew she felt your pain as well and was going to bring her ass well but when we were leaving Lydia blocked our way so I decided to drag her with us " understanding what happened I looked towards Allison and gave her a smile before I felt a familiar hostility once more and was reminded that we weren't alone

" everyone take a seat " I said finding this entire situation to be a pain in my ass so I just decided to stop caring and do whatever I wanted, I released a sigh before I hugged the two in my embrace to relax my soul before I spoke

Ignoring Lydia who decided to keep standing I looked towards Derek

" Derek Hale, when did you come to town? " I asked feeling surprised since Laura didn't die then I remembered because of us Scott was still bitten

' is this fate? 'I pondered before I turned to look at Allison who slightly left my embrace but was still close enough for me to feel her warmth

' seems you'll be becoming a pack member' kind of funny remembering what her family does for living

" I came today when I lost contact with my sister a few days ago " he replied while looking between me and Laura, nodding my head at his words I started thinking

' am I ahead of the story? shaking away the dumb thought I thought of my new words

" my name is Christian LuneDeSang " ignoring their looks I continued and started introducing those around me

[ A.N honestly that's blood moon in french, if someone didn't point it out it would have stayed as just Christian]

" this is the first member of my pack and my mate Malia Hale " when I introduced her I received several looks but I felt a sense of relief from Scott making me chuckle internally

Pointing to Laura who sat by my side " this is the second member of my pack Laura Hale, if she's gonna become my mate? well that's undecided at the moment, we'll have to see in the future " I replied while looking teasingly at Laura who met my look head on

" the other one in my embrace is my future mate and her joining my pack is her decision for the future " for now at least I added that part in my head while ignoring the growling of Scott

" now that that's out of the way let me tell you what you want to know so you can leave my house. Everyone single person in this room is either a supernatural creature or they have some connection to the supernatural. I am an alpha werewolf, Malia is a omega werecoyote, Laura, Derek and Scott are all beta werewolves, Allison comes from the hunter line, Stiles is....well Stiles and Lydia is a banshee" pausing to let them process what they just heard, I continued before they could ask questions

" as you can tell by the last names, Malia, Laura and Derek are all related and so is the werewolf that bit Scott last night, it's Malia's father and their uncle " before I could explain more hormones for brains butt in

" wait if you knew who it was why didn't you stop him ? " interrupted Scott while looking at me angrily

" why should I stop him? " I asked while looking at him amused before I continued before he could speak some stupid shit I didn't want to hear

" you are neither one of my mates nor one of my pack members, so your life has nothing to do with me " I replied coldly , before he could continue Stiles grabbed him unfortunately, I wanted someway to vent and he was looking like he wanted to volunteer

" this is taking to long so each of you ask me one question and then I'll answer then you leave " I said feeling myself grow more tired

" you said I'm a what? " asked Lydia while looking confused

" Banshees are simply a special human woman who has the supernatural power to sense and predict when someone is about to die. As a result, they are considered harbingers of death and are often referred to as the "Wailing Women" due to the fact that they unconsciously scream to announce when someone has died, usually those killed by supernatural forces, though their scream can also be used for other purposes, including stunning to destroying the heads of enemies, it all depends on their strength " I replied nonchalantly before I ignored her

[ A.N i'm tired bite me ]

" what do you mean, it's our uncle? " asked Derek quickly before anyone else could

" the feral alpha is your uncle Peter Hale. When he came out of his fire induced comma he was looking for blood and to start whatever plan he had in mind, he need more strength. When we first met him he was trying to kill Laura before we stopped him. I made a deal with Laura for your mother's alpha spark and what she wanted was to join my pack. Yes I have a way to take other alpha sparks the same way I took your mother's alpha spark" I found myself short breath and decided to cut short my story

"I decided to gave it to him because I need him to do something for me "

"next " I said feeling more of my strength leaving me by the second

" is there a way to cure this curse? " asked Scott while he looked at us

" I don't know what curse you speak of " I replied before I suddenly felt dizzy before I passed out

yh sorry about that, I'm working on fumes rn


Master_Livythancreators' thoughts