
(DROPPED) Immortal Blade 汉字

Commander Ferson, the wielder of an Immortal Blade, which grants the user great powers and immortality, sacrifices his life force to save his medieval kingdom which was under attack. The war hero celebrated for his achievements finds himself 500 years in the future, centuries after the war has ended, and no one recognizes him. He realizes the kingdom he has once served went through dramatic changes. While most things have become better, a new threat reveals itself. Commander Ferson, who has lived decades in the medieval ages is suddenly thrown in the modern times. New acquaintances appear and new events take place. Can he survive in this unknown environment and once again save his kingdom?

A9C · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

The young 'uns are clearly much more judgemental than the older people since some are pointing their fingers at me and chuckling.

"Check that weirdo out."

"Yeah, what the hell is he doing?"

I do understand where they are coming from, however, as I seem to be the only one here in armor. Everyone else is wearing some sort of fabric clothes. Although I am still not completely sure why wearing armor invites such laughter.

As long as it doesn't cause an uproar, I can deal with the ostracization, but I am beginning to feel a little annoyed. Back in my time, I was mostly treated with the utmost respect as a wielder of the Immortal Blade. I have so rarely been ridiculed. Those who tried never got to see the next morning.

However, that's not to say I can't control myself. I sit through the students' pointing fingers with a smile.

Soon, the majority of the students pass by me and go on toward the throne room. The small group of girls at the very end of the line come into my view. They seem to be a pretty isolated group as they are quite far behind the main group, but they are most fairly good-looking young ladies.

I have never been involved in romantic relationships since all that I know is my service to the kingdom. There is a very large amount of responsibility on the shoulders of Immortal Blades since they are usually their kingdoms' strongest force.

These girls are all of marriageable age. In fact, if they are in my time, they should have all been married already, but something about them tells me that they don't have husbands.

Unlike the other students, these girls say nothing as they pass me, but they don't take their eyes off of me either. Even though they don't laugh, I can feel their judgemental stares.

After they pass me, one of the girls begins to speak to the others.

"You guys go on ahead, I wanna see what's up with him."

"Are you sure? Is he one of those LARPers?"

"Yeah, aren't they all weirdos?"

I don't know what those words mean, but from the context, I can tell that they aren't very complimentary.

"It's fine. I am just curious. I will catch up soon."

With a wave, the girl breaks off from the group and begins walking toward me. I realize that this might be a good opportunity for me to gather some information.

The girl's long, wavy brown hair flutters in the wind with her short skirt. The fashion sense is definitely from a different period, but regardless of the time I come from, I can tell that she is quite the beauty.

"Hi, how are you doing?" The girl says while taking a seat beside me with no hesitation.

It's unusual. No women back in my time simply approach a man without ulterior motives unless they are of noble lineage. But this girl doesn't look to have any motives other than sheer curiosity.

"Good, miss." (Ferson)

My reply seems to surprise the girl a little. Her green eyes widened slightly. Those green eyes are strangely familiar. They remind me of an old friend.

"I'm sorry, can you speak again?" (Girl)

"Um… sure? What's the matter?" (Ferson)

As if having her doubts confirmed, she speaks again.

"That's a very odd accent you have, where are you from?" (Girl)

I was about to say Eventyr when I realized that the kingdom I am currently in might not be Eventyr.

"Here?" (Ferson)

"Weird. I've never heard that accent before." (Girl)

Well, that makes two of us.

"Is that right?" (Ferson)

"Yeah, anyway, what's your name?" The girl asks with a smile.

"Ferson, Sir James Ferson." (Ferson)

The girl chuckles.

"Oh, are you in character or something?" (Girl)

"Pardon?" (James)

"What's your real name?" (Girl)

I am not understanding the girl's question.

"Sir James Ferson." (James)

"You are pretty dedicated. But seriously, what's your name?" She looks slightly annoyed.

"I don't know what to tell you. My family name is Ferson. I was named James, and I was knighted by King Eventyr VI when I was 17." (James)

The girl looks to have reached the limit of her patience.

"Yes, I know about Sir James Ferson, and you are supposed to role-play as him. Even though you are not doing a very good job."

I now have a slight clue as to what is going on. She must be thinking that I am pretending to be myself, but in that case, shouldn't I be doing a great job?

"What do you mean I am not doing a good job?" (James)

"I mean, your costume is good, but you look nothing like him," the girl says after glancing up and down at me.

How do I look nothing like myself?

"What… do- does James look like?" (James)

"It's Sir James Ferson, please show your respect. Also what are you talking about? Just look there." (Girl)

The girl turns around and points her finger at the huge statue I saw earlier. I look over, puzzled. The statue is a big, muscular man holding a sword above his head. I can kind of see a resemblance between the sword and Loitsun Vera, but that is a little stretched.

Nothing is making sense anymore. I turn my face back to the girl and ask.

"Um, I have a strange question. What is the name of the kingdom we are in right now?" (James)

"Strange question indeed. Are you still in character? No one calls it a kingdom anymore. We are in the Democratic Union of Eventyr." (Girl)

The name Eventyr is good to hear, but why a new name?

"What… What happened to the war against the Kingdom of Himmelvann during the reign of King Eventyr VI?" (James)

"Are you quizzing me?" (Girl)


"I mean, this is common knowledge. Eventyr was under the threat of destruction from the endless Himmelvann army, when Sir James Ferson, the wielder of the Immortal Blade Loitsun Vera, performed the ritual Overføre at the cost of his life, granting all the Eventyr soldiers inhuman powers for around a year, during which time Eventyr pushed back, not only saving themselves but also conquering the entire western continent… what, are you crying?" (Girl)

I can't stop the tears from forming in my eyes. The kingdom has not simply recovered but taken over the continent. That was the dream I have always had. And the king has kept his word. My story is alive even today, just, with some inconsistencies.