
The past and The future

mars, unknown location

right now in the underground base a depressed looking handsome young man with a tail could be seen sitting on the ground while glaring at a awkward looking young man with blond hair and blue eyes with whisker marks on his cheeks,

"So, let me get this straight, you are the rokudaime hokage of konoha and an immortal and you have been sleeping on this world for the last 5 billion years , is that it ???" asked an irritated ikki towards the former hokage who nodded enthusiastically.


shouted ikki who had blown his fuse , while this was going on the tyrant was stunned speechless inside incursio , although he had already concluded that the naruto world was part of this universe , he did not anticipate the greatest hero of the shinobi to still be alive .

"If you stopped shouting and let me speak i will tell you that !!!" replied a now irritated hokage.

"As i said before , after the 4th shinobi war the bijuu had wandered around the world , sasuke who was like a brother to me had also left the roam the world , after that i god married and had two beautiful children , after 60 years of service i had retired and handed over the title of hokage to namae uchiha uzumaki , my granddaughter , i then left konoha to wander the world where i was summoned by the bijuu, the eight remaining bijuu wanted me to seal them into myself because they did not trust any other humans in the world, after i absorbed all the bijuu my body reversed itself to it's prime when i was 25 years of age. then i roamed the world for the next 500 years, then , i sensed it, i don't know who or what but something forcefully broke the seal i and sasuke had put on kaguya, but just as i was about to head there i sensed kaguya's chakra disappear as if it were never there , when i got to the location i saw a lone shinobi running towards konoha , i intercepted him and used my newly acquired rinne-sharingan to hypnotize him, that is when i learned of the demise of kaguya and that there existed an entity who could annihilate a goddess as if it were nothing"

during this time we could see ikki having a strange look on his face as if he found it both funny and terrifying

"after that i made a plan with the bijuu , i would reveal my existence to the world once more and bring all the villages together ,i did work and then i had all the scientist through out the world to work together on a system which would connect the very soul of every living being on the planet, this way if every any other alien being were to try and infiltrate our planet we would immediately know it as they would not be connected to the system, we called it the soul system , i know the name may not be that great but it did it's job, a new born of the planet would instantly have it's soul connected to the system, like that another 5000 years went by , in that time we became extremely advance , we had space ships running on chakra, we had advance medicine, we even modified the soul system to send and retrieve information instantaneously , but then the threat returned but unlike what we thought it did not arrive from outer space like the extinct otsusuki clan but from within"

at this point ikki gave naruto a questioning look ,

"after having the 9 bijuu inside me for so long i myself had transcended humanity and did not require them to be sealed in my body to maintain my immortality, a few years before i had released the bijuu back into the world where they were treated as deities now instead of demons, but one day suddenly a madara wannabe used a strange unknown jutsu to reform the juubi by combining the bijuu, but instead of taking control of it he forced it back into the form of a tree , i knew instantly that he was trying to form a chakra fruit, i could instantly feel all of the natural chakra in the area being drained into the tree , after a long and aurdious battle i used my rinne- sharingan to transport the tree away to a nearby planet because the chakra fruit had almost completely formed and at this stage if i destroyed the tree the explosion would be the end of our world, but after i transported the tree and stole the chakra fruit, the madara wannabe who called himself yuugio otsusuki continued to fight me in my drained form, since the bijuu were now gone forever , i was a disadvantage so seeing no other choice i ate the chakra fruit and officially became a god, i then killed yuugio , but the damage was already done , i could sense that the planet was already loosing it's vitality and at most had 30 more years left to it"

after saying that he showed a sad expression but ikki suddenly asked something which had been bugging him for sometime,

"Hold on, if what you said is right then why is the moon which is supposed to be round looks like some kind of a slime with a deformed shape???" asked ikki whike pointing towards phobos and deimos .

"It happened during the last stages of our fight , because i did not have full control over my new powers i accidentally overloaded my bijuu rasenshuriken which was redirected to the moon , it then broke of into two pars and lost a lot of it's mass" he said to which ikki nodded,

"after news got out that our planet was dying , there was panic everywhere people were pointing fingers at each other and before i knew it , the 5th shinobi war and the final war of the world known as elemental nations took place,,,,during the final days of the planet the people realized their stupidity and agreed to come together to preserve the legacy of their race,they knew that they would perish with the planet so they took a new born child which happened to be my descendant and imprinted all of the knowledge and culture of the shinobi world into the very genetic code of the child using a forbidden fuinjutsu which had sacrificed the lives of the remaining four kages,

after that our planet which was once teeming with life became a barren wasteland , oceans and rivers which had once stretched out endlessly were now dried up leaving behind deep canyons and cliffs, after the last of the shinobi had died i decided to go into hybernation and set a protocol into the computer such that if ever in the future a being which had at least 40% human dna appeared on this world , it would wake me up, and that is how i knew of your arrival on this planet" said naruto towards anow serious ikki,

"wait , you said that you had transported the shinju to earth right , then what happened to the tree??" asked a now alarmed ikki.

"Honestly? , i do not know , i had enough problems to deal with so i never thought of that till now" said naruto.

and here is the plot twist , how do you guys like it ,

the next chapter will be a side story about what happened to the shinju and as for those who have carefully read the first two chapters of volume two you may have a small idea about it , so ,,,,seeya

ps: thanks for your review about my new fic "Infinite Stratos, the power of the hunters"

ruijard1creators' thoughts