
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs


The air temperature had risen so much that the amount of oxygen was decreasing, making breathing more and more difficult, but Mark couldn't get distracted for even a second.

Analyzing the monster in front of him, he wasn't sure if his piercing spell could damage the dragon's scales, but there were only three spots left that were uncovered. Its neck, stomach, and back of its legs were the only places he was sure of doing damage.

Choosing the spot where he wanted to attack, he began to run towards the monster. Seeing the human approaching, the dragon swept its tail which Mark dodged by jumping.

The moment he jumped, Mark knew he was an easy target, so he immediately launched a 'flashbang' that blinded the monster.


Stunned by the magic, the dragon began to shake its head violently, while keeping its eyes closed due to the light that blinded it. Seizing the opportunity, Mark ran under the monster's body, where he began to rip open its belly, but he noticed a problem.

'It's too superficial!' - Even if it didn't have scales, that didn't mean it wasn't resistant.

Feeling a pain coming under him, the monster began to duck down to crush Mark.

Noticing how the monster was about to crush him, Mark fired an 'electric ball' to the bare leg causing a big wound and managing to escape just in time.

Feeling the pain coming from his leg, the monster's eyes turned red with anger. it released a breath of fire on the ground, causing a wave of fire to form that quickly approached Mark.

Having no escape route, due to the wall of flames behind him, he threw an 'electric ball' on the ground, raising a mass of earth which he used as a defense.


Although the earthen wall protected him from being hit directly by the flames, the heat was such that it slowly burned his armor, then moved on to his skin. When the flames finally disappeared, the area was covered in smoke blocking his view, making it impossible to dodge the next attack.


Hit by the tail like a whip, he was sent flying several meters away, piercing the wall of fire and then crashing heavily to the ground.

--- Pov Bell ---


"That explosion was close!"

"At least it killed some of those monsters."

"Less chatter and more kills, it's just a short distance from the entrance!"

'Mark...' -The reason it missed the shot is probably due to Mark distracting that monster.

Our group had attracted the attention of the monsters and now we were killing them as we slowly approached the entrance. Fortunately, the previous explosion killed many of them, opening a path for us.

Hearing a roar behind me, I dodged an orc's fist and then got into position to cast my magic.

"Firebolt!" -A red flame came out of my hand, hitting the monster's head and killing it.

"Lili how is your situation- Lili!" -Turning around, I saw Lili surrounded by the imps, while she was lying on the ground.

Seeing her state, my body moved automatically. I ran to the nearest imp and killed it with my dagger, then I fired a spell at the monster that was about to attack Lili, unable to defend myself from what appeared behind me, who scratched my back.

"AAAH!" - Resisting the pain, I turned and stabbed the short sword that I had in the other hand on the monster's chest.

The rest of the enemies, I killed them with magic, finally managing to get to Lili.

"Lili, drink this." -I told her, as I passed her the last potion I had left, but if it meant saving her it was just fine.

" Mr. Bell 'cough' 'cough'" - ​​Lili said softly.

"Don't worry Lili, I'll help you." -Putting her on my shoulders, the pain in my back returned, but I had to hurry because the group had already moved away, while some monsters were approaching my direction.

Starting to run, I tried in every way to dodge monsters, but there were times when I was forced to use magic or take damage since my mobility was limited.

"Mr. Bell, you can leave me here, I'll just slow you down with me here." - Lili said softly.

"Don't even joke, Lili, I don't abandon a partner." -I told her while I was avoiding an orc.

"You don't need to worry, Lili is not a good person. I've fooled a lot of people, so you don't have to worry about leaving an innocent person behind. " -Said as if it were natural.

"Even so Lili, I wish to save you." -I told her reassuringly as I could see the group again.

"You do not understand! Lili tricked you and that's not even how I look. Today I was going to steal your knife if it weren't for this situation and I used to take part of your money. If you understand, why do you still want to save me?! " -She screamed at me angry.

"Because it's you Lili, I don't want you to disappear because I consider you an important person." -I told her looking at her.

I didn't have a reason to save her, I just didn't want her to disappear after all our time together. She may have made some mistakes in the past, but I still wanted to save her, as a true hero would.

"'Sniff' 'sniff' you are an idiot Mr. Bell. 'Sniff' a great idiot. " -Told me while sobbing behind me.

"You're absolutely right Lili, I'm an idiot. For this reason, I need your help." -I told her as I placed her on the ground stroking her head, as we had arrived at the group.

"If you are done with the fuss, we have a passage to close."

Hearing the voice beside me, both my and Lili's expressions turned red with embarrassment, remembering the situation we were in.

"'Cough' Mr. Bell, we'll continue talking later." - Lili said, even though she was still embarrassed.

Smiling at her words, my expression turned serious as I watched the passage. The monsters didn't stop coming out.

"Now comes the difficulty, while the wizards charge the spells, we must make sure to protect them." - Shouted the adventurer who seemed to have more experience.

"YES!" -We all nodded at his words.

Lili stayed with the wizard group and would support them with her crossbow attached to her wrist, while I joined the defense group.

'If only my magic had a greater range.' -I thought as I prepared to face the first monsters.

My magic allows me to create a short-range fireball, failing to get to the entrance.


With their roar, the group of monsters began to charge. I did my best to eliminate them as much as possible by alternating my magic and the weapons I had at my disposal.


"Wizards keep going, it's not closed yet!"

While we were fighting, the mages launched the first attack, which could not completely close the passage, also it became more and more difficult to manage the monsters that approached.

"Mr. Bell be careful!" -Hearing Lili's scream, I was able to parry an orc's attack just in time and cast a spell.


The blow had hit the mark, but I was beginning to feel the effects of the lack of Falna, but I didn't want to give up, Mark was facing a much more dangerous battle and it was thanks to him that we were resisting like this.

'I will not lose!'

Motivating myself, I hurled myself back towards the monsters and started killing. One after another the monsters fell, but they didn't seem to end and when the situation seemed to get worse, I finally heard the sound I wanted.


"The passage is closed, let's kill these things, and let's go help that madman!"

"OH!" -Knowing that the monsters could no longer descend, the energies we believed were gone, reappeared as if by magic, giving us the strength to finish off the remaining monsters

'Wait for us, Mark, we're on our way.'

--- General Pov ---

While the adventurers were closing the passage, Mark was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. By now the area had become hell with flames and smoke being everywhere.

Reaching for his pocket, he pulled out a potion and quickly swallowed its contents. Just before the tail hit him, he used the sword sheath as a shield, but even so, his left arm was broken, generating continuous waves of pain.

It should be noted that Mark had kept "limit break" active since the beginning of the fight, mainly for two reasons. The first was that thanks to that ability, he was growing even now, and against that monster even one more stat could make a difference. The second was more of a selfish factor. He wanted to use the dragon as a means to completely overcome his limitations, albeit at great cost.

'cough' cough'

"It will take a while for the effects of the potion to take effect." -Said Mark, as he stood up, but it seemed that the monster would not give him this chance.

A fireball was approaching quickly to Mark, for this he was forced to run even if every movement caused him pain.


This time he was fast enough and managed to get out of the blast range, but the situation still remained disadvantageous for him.

The monster was very slow due to its weight, but the tail was another story. It moved at an absurd speed, managing to make unpredictable movements, but there was an area where it was difficult to hit him, and that was close to the monster's body.

"You are strong it is true, but compared to that amazon girl, you are nothing!" -Showing a crazy smile, he began to run, while on his left hand he prepared an 'electric javelin'.

Seeing the human who had wounded him approach again, the dragon began firing fireballs that were less powerful, but which it could launch faster.

Making the most of his agility and dexterity, Mark managed to dodge each of those attacks, changing direction each time. Arriving close enough, the monster stopped using the flames and began to use its tail.

The first attack was a vertical swing which he dodged by moving sideways, but the second was a horizontal attack near the ground, forcing Mark to jump. Not wanting to repeat the mistakes from before, the dragon closed its eyes and used its tail to stab Mark's chest. Just before the tail impaled him, Mark turned his body in flight, barely avoiding death, but receiving a cut on his chest.

Ignoring the pain he landed on the ground and quickly approached the monster's leg and there, raised his still broken arm, where he had charged the magic towards the monster's neck.

"Eat this bastard!"

Releasing the magic, a fast spinning electric spear was launched, striking under the dragon's jaw. The blow did not stop there and continued to penetrate, reaching the monster's mouth where I begin to pulverize everything.


Roaring in pain as blood came out of its mouth, the dragon desperately swung its tail to hit Mark but being close to the monster's front leg, it couldn't hit him and it was impossible for it to squeeze Mark because the monster wasn't fast enough.

Meanwhile, Mark showed no mercy, every moment he would attack a weak point whether it was the monster's neck or his belly with magic or the sword, increasing the number of wounds and would always be in a difficult position to be hit.

Unknown to Mark, the group of adventurers had finally arrived, but they couldn't believe their eyes. The monster that terrified them was now reduced to that state, even the group of girls had also arrived only to be amazed by the show.

Noticing that nothing had any effect and not being able to launch the flames yet, the dragon tried to hit him with its head, but Mark dodged just in time and, taking advantage of the opportunity, managed to stab the sword in the monster's eye.


Wriggling its head with pain, the monster had every intention of killing the human who was causing all these problems. Seeing the state of the monster, Mark believed he had found the trick to kill it, but it cost him dearly.


'cough' - Coughing up blood, Mark could see his chest was impaled by the monster's tail.

title: Mark stabbed