
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs


--Pov Tiona--

When I was a kid, I was never able to bond with anyone. Friendship and family were terms unknown to me, but if there was anyone I cared about, it was Tione.

Maybe it was because we were twins, but I felt a natural bond with her, but because of my words, our relationship deteriorated.

It was our fifth birthday, and both she and I had killed one of our roommates.

When I returned to the room, I saw Tione sitting lifelessly in the corner of the room and sat with her in silence.

I didn't know what exactly I felt when I killed my roommate; I felt kind... heavy. An uncomfortable feeling, but not as serious as my sister's.

"Who did you fight against?" -I asked.

"...Seldas." -She told me in a trembling voice.

Seldas was the eldest of the group and had the role of big sister. We all got along well with her, especially when we all slept together with her, but even so...

"That's great."

Those were genuine words. For me, who was struggling to understand what a family was, Tione was the only connection I had. What I meant by my words was that I was grateful that she was alive, that I could still see her and talk to her.


A fist full of murderous intent hit my face sending me flying away, but what really hit me was a wave of tears full of sadness that covered her face.

From that day on, Tione became more violent and her eyes were always unfocused. The room that used to be our resting place became much like the arena outside.

In that kind of environment, I began to train with my senior, Bache, the second captain of the current Kali Familia.

Those icy eyes, the indifferent voice, and her harsh attacks made me experience real fear for the first time.

A year passed and before we knew it, only Tione and I remained in the room. Whenever Tione had to fight with one of the roommates, I volunteered, not wanting to see her sad again and in that environment where despair could engulf us at any moment I found it.

In the middle of a pile of trash, there were some pages of a broken book that caught my attention, so I took them and after working out, I asked Bache if she could read them to me.

"...Wait a moment."

The moment she took the papers, her expression became complicated and after looking at me momentarily she left the room.

...Bache did not return that day.

(The next day)

"...If you are curious I can read it to you." -She said it as if she was doing me a favor.

As we sat on the floor she began to read word by word about the main character Argonaut and his adventures. I was fascinated by the various places described, the characters who appeared, and how he always smiled at the unexpected.

Only later did I find out from Kali that Bache could not read and have secretly gone to her to learn and from that moment on, every time we finished training she would read me more of Argonaut's adventures. I didn't know why she did it, but her voice was pleasant to hear, so we spent a lot of time together and even though the training was hard, I was no longer afraid of Bache.

With the victories of my fights, I asked Kali if I could have more books, and thanks to her help I learned to read on my own.

'Now that I think about it, Bache seemed dejected when she saw me reading alone, I wonder why?'

Every day I would read, even if it meant staying up all night, and the more I read the more I would laugh. My heart was filled with joy every time I read a story, so much so that rumors began to circulate about the "Crazed warrior."

But even so, I would have laughed, for the day I saw Tione crying, I knew I had to protect her. My sister and the moon that illuminated the darkness that surrounded me.

(Current time, just before the arrival of reinforcements.)

After wishing Tione good luck, I was driven to an area not too far away. Walking on the beach I followed the amazons and hidden among the rocks there was the entrance to a sea cave.

Entering I immediately smelled the blood, but I kept walking until I reached a fairly large circular area and on the various protrusions of the walls there were several amazons who acted as spectators, including Kali.

"Where is Lefiya, Kali?" -I asked, shifting my gaze to where she was sitting.

"Don't worry, she is here. Once the ritual is completed we will release her, but right now I am more curious how the confrontation between master and pupil will proceed."

'steps.' 'steps.'


"Get ready Tiona, this will be a fight to the death." -She said without emotion.

She had changed, I could no longer sense what she felt, she had become more like the standard of a true Telskyura warrior.

"Do we really have to do this?... I don't want to kill you Bache." -I asked her sadly.

"If you don't want to fight, I'll make you do it, 'die asura.'"

The moment she recited those words, a dark green liquid surrounded her hand.


Seeing this, I immediately put myself on guard. Bache's elemental magic consisted of a poison that could rival that of Poison Vermis known for its deadliness.


With Kali's shout, Bache charged at me and when she was close enough she threw a punch that also released some of the poison that coated her hand.

Jumping to the side I dodged and where I stood, the poison had begun to corrode the rock, but even so, I could not stop as she continued to throw poisoned punches at me.


With no more room to dodge, I was forced to parry but when my hand made contact with the poison it began to sizzle, making me realize how acid that venom was.

"He-hehe if it weren't for my 'abnormal resistance' at F grade, I would have lost my hand."

Continuing to smile, I gritted my teeth in pain and quickly ran toward Bache.

Since only her right hand had poison, I decided to grab it, leaving Bache surprised, and taking advantage of the opening I gave her a kick that sent her flying away.

"What do you think of my tactic? Since only your right hand... OOOW! Why is my leg burning too?"

Lowering my gaze, I could see the skin showing burn marks.

"I think you are forgetting something Tiona, you are not the only one who has grown over the years." -Kali said, smiling.

Shifting my gaze to Bache my eyes opened in shock. Her whole body was covered in venom with several poisonous tentacles wriggling about.

She charged me at full force and as soon as I entered her range she began to attack me in every possible way, with venom splashing everywhere

'Hold up, how am I supposed to defeat her? I can't touch her or let her touch me, it's impossible.'

"You got distracted."

Falling for a feint, she took my head and then stuck it in the wall.



My whole face seemed to be on fire as the poison trickled down my face and made contact with my eyes.

"I have to do it Tiona! I have never seen Argana as my sister, she is a monster who will use anything to strengthen herself, that's why I need power! A power that belongs only to me!"

With eyes dilated with obsession, she lifted me into the air and then crushed me to the ground.

'Eh-ehehe I feel my whole face on fire.'

Even with my body aching, I could not give up and stood up. No matter how much others might ridicule me for how I acted, I would keep my smile.

Maybe I would never become a hero, but if I was able to stand up for the people I cared about then I would keep smiling.

"Oh, she got up." -Kali said fascinated, as Argana continued to look at me.



Screaming at the top of my lungs I put my hands on my hips affirming my determination.

"Pff hahaha! I have to say it Tiona you are the best for my entertainment."

Clutching her stomach, Kali seemed to be amused at my words, but it didn't matter.

"Don't be stupid Tiona, my venom cannot be supported by willpower alone." -Bache said apathetically.

"I know, it hurts very bad."


"But I'll keep smiling!"


"No matter how much it hurts!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"No matter how hard may be!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"I'll keep laughing!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"?!-Your body!"

"I will smile and continue forward!"

Red smoke began to come out of my body as I spread my arms wide, and although the pain was devouring me, I felt stronger than ever.

[Berserk Tiona: The attack is increased by the damage taken.]

--Pov Tione--

"AH?! She protected me?!"


"Don't fuck with me! Are you trying to become something like my hero?!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"Do you think I'm a princess waiting for her charming prince?! FUCK OFF!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"I've decided, I'm going to punch her so hard that even her future children will feel it!"

'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.' 'ba-dum.'

"After I kill you, it will be my stupid sister's turn, ARGANA!"

Red smoke began to come out of my body strengthening me, but my goal now was to take out this bitch.

[Berserk Tione: Attack is increased by the damage taken. Effects are increased by the anger she is feeling].