
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs



With Bete's arrival, Aisha did not hesitate to run away together with Haruhime. Mark simply looked at them; he did not have enough strength to chase them, especially with the pain in his ribs being doubled by the effects of the ability.


Gritting her teeth indignantly, Phryne shifted Bete's leg, lifting herself with a blood-stained face.

"HA! I will use your face as a rag!"

A huge wave of anger came out of Bete's body, and the moment the clouds covering the full moon moved, his body began to change.

His body hair stood up and all his muscles swelled, moreover, both his teeth and nails become longer and sharper, making him look like a real beast.


Before Phryne could do anything, Bete moved behind her and grabbed her head, and thrust it into the ground several times, cracking her face more and more.

"Only a few times I have been able to see his bestification, but I must say the increase in strength is exorbitant."

Arriving near Mark, Aiz spoke quietly as she saw Bete destroy his opponent.

'It looks useful.'

[It depends on the race, almost all animal races don't have such a large increase, and werewolves can only manifest their entire strength on a full moon, so they are considered the least suitable race to explore the dungeon.]

"Go die!"

Grabbing the now fainting Phryne by the shirt, who had also lost the level bost, he hurled her without hesitation toward the sea.


When the moon was covered again, a sigh came out of Bete's mouth as his body returned to its normal state, approaching Mark and Aiz.

"Why the heck did Phryne have the strength of a level 6."

"So you knew her? Because of the way she talked she seemed to have a grudge against you." -Mark asked confused.

"Hmm, Phryne Jamil, level 5 and captain of the Ishtar Familia. Counting today, we met only four times, and on all occasions, we fought, although it always ended in my victory. As for your question, it seems there was someone among them who was able to raise a level."

"And where would that be?" -Bete said as he looked around.

At his question, Aiz turned toward Mark which Bete also did.

"Gone." -Said Mark with a shrug.

"Tch you're useless, you can't even handle these little fish." -Bete said, mocking him.

"If by small fish you mean someone at level 4, why don't you go fight Ottar, after all, you only have one level of difference." -Said Mark smiling amicably with his middle finger raised.


"Stop it you two, we have to look for Lefiya, Tione and Tiona." -Aiz said, separating them.


"For Tione the captain and Riveria will take care of it, and I heard from Loki the location of Tiona. It should be at a cave to the southwest, and that's also where Lefiya is locked up."

"I see, I will head there."

As soon as she received the information she immediately ran, leaving Mark and Bete alone in an uncomfortable atmosphere.

"...I'd rather walk with broken ribs than be with you."

"Well said."

It did not even take a second before they headed in different directions.

--Pov Tione--

The first memory of childhood that comes to mind was not the warmth of a family, but rather the coldness of the sword handle and the smell of blood.

In Telskyura as soon as you were able to walk, you were blessed by the goddess and sent to the arena to fight, because it was a nation that only considered true warriors and in that kind of situation, I was introduced to my sister with whom I felt a natural connection.

Initially, it was not very difficult, I just had to kill the monsters in front of me and go back to the room where I lived with the other Amazons, the only place that gave me peace, but the good times soon ended.

I think I was three or four years old, I killed my first person. She was an amazon with an age similar to mine, but I could never forget those eyes full of terror hidden by the mask that covered her face when I pierced her heart.

When I removed the sword, dark blood was splashed all over my body, and no matter how much I washed, I saw those stains haunting me again and again. From that day, the encounters with other amazons only increased, but still, I could resist, because I knew I would return to the room where I would meet my sisters.

Unfortunately, that happiness lasted only until my fifth birthday.

On that day the sky was a cloudless blue, but I was looking at the ground in horror, where one of my sisters was lying on the ground bleeding, while in my hand I clutched the sword still dripping with her blood.

I believed that as a rule, members of the same room did not fight each other, but for the amazons to advance to the next level, the goddess Kali would have them fight to the death, to eliminate those with whom they had formed a bond and resign themself to a life of only fighting.

That day even though I had risen in level, I lost something important. From that moment on I kept everyone away from me, my heart was filled with anger at what they forced me to do, but there was nothing I could do.

When you became level two, you were assigned an older amazon who would train you. In my case, it was Argana Kalif, one of the two captains of the former Kali Familia.

She was the representation of the amazon warrior, aggressive and violent, showing no mercy in killing if it meant strengthening herself. Every day I was brutally beaten, and adding to my anger was the fact that Tiona was happy together with Kali.

But even then I couldn't really hate her, not when she smiled so stupidly as she slept.

So two years passed, where I was used as a punching bag by Argana, and on my seventh birthday, Kali's words destroyed the last hopes I had.

"Tione and Tiona will fight each other today."

I knew it would happen sooner or later, after all, this was the most effective method to let one of us level up.

"Kali I don't want to fight Tiona, we want to get out of this country."

Tiona's words made me open my eyes in shock at how stupid they were and I was not the only one, but Kali simply laughed.

...Before I knew it, I was standing outside the city walls.

"W-What does that mean?" -I asked the goddess without understanding.

I was sure she was doing it as a way of teasing us, but her words made me kneel on the ground.

"What do you mean? I don't think I ever forced you to stay, all this time, the doors of this country have always been open. Ah, you don't need to worry, once you leave we won't follow you after all I love all the members of my Familia, but I am a little sad. You are two interesting sisters, one looking like the sun and the other like the moon it's such a shame to see you leave hahaha."

Laughing happily, Kali began to return leaving me still kneeling on the ground.

"Let's go Tione."

As I raised my head I saw Tione's outstretched hand and her smile that was the only light in that dark place.

I knew well who the sun was that Kali was referring to, so without hesitation, I shook her hand and we headed out into the vast unknown world.

(Current time, just before reinforcements arrived.)

'steps' 'steps'

Following the members of the Kali Familia, Tiona and I were paying attention that they were not doing anything strange.

The investigation in Melen was going well until Kali appeared with its members which complicated everything, especially when they were able to kidnap Lefiya and that was exactly why we were following them.

After they kidnapped Lefiya, they left a readable message only for me and Tiona, in which she said to come alone if we wanted the elf to stay alive.

"You go up there."

When we arrived at the dock, one of the amazons pointed at me signaling me to get on top of the vessel.

"Where is Lefiya?" -Tiona asked.

"She is at the place where you are going." -The Amazon answered her.

Looking at each other for a moment, Tiona and I nodded our heads before parting.

"You better not lose Tiona."

"You too Tione."

I walked on the beam that connected the ship to the dock and landed on the deck of the ship, where Argana was waiting for me with a smile.

"You kept me waiting Tione, how about we go?"

Without even waiting for my answer, the ship began to move further and further away from the port, but my concentration remained fixed on her.


"?... What are the violas doing there!"

Hearing vague sounds coming from afar, I turned my head toward Melen, only to see the violas rampaging around destroying the city.

"Oh, are you talking about the diversions?"

"Diversions? So you're dealing with those monsters?" -I asked her seriously.

"I'm sorry to inform you but I don't know anything besides the fact that they would be used as diversions, but now let's stop talking and fight."

Smiling excitedly, she got into a position to attack.

Shaking my head to clear my superfluous thoughts I too got into position.


Running at the same time, we exchanged a punch that hit our faces respectively, but even so, Argana managed to kick me under the chin sending me flying into the air.

"HAHAHA! Let's have more fun!"

Laughing like a psycho, she also jumped and tried to throw another kick to crush me to the ground, but I denied her. Grabbing her leg I threw her against the ship's mast causing her to crash.

Even with the exchange just executed, as soon as our feet touched the ground we ran at each other again.

Kicks, punches, fakes, and parries in no time we were exchanging continuous blows, and neither of us seemed to suffer any serious damage, but I knew of the difference in strength we had.


Parrying her punch, I slipped a few steps back dispersing some of the blow, but the pain was still there.

'Although she has the advantage of strength, she is not an enemy I cannot defeat!'

Encouraging myself, I decided to charge again but was blocked by Argana who was laughing sadistically.

"Don't you think it's time to change the rhythm?!"

Before I could react, she moved her head next to me and bit my shoulder.


I kicked her to push her away, but she had already moved to the edge of the boat.


Laughing at my confusion, she disappeared from my sight.



Feeling a burning sensation on my back, I touched it only to see my hand bloodstained, but it didn't end there. Moving even faster, she slashed my body several times causing me to fall to the ground and that's when I noticed her drinking my blood.

"You... you became stronger after drinking my blood didn't you?" -I asked her with difficulty.

"It is a momentary curse, by drinking the blood of someone who has been blessed by the Falna, I can increase my strength, even if it comes at the cost of decreasing my endurance. Do you remember, in the past, you told me if I felt anything when I killed my fellow sisters, my answer was no, because they are part of me. Their blood will be the means that will allow the creation of the strongest warrior."

She said as she licked her still bloody fingers.


"But I must say that even though you have not become a true warrior, your strength is worthy of praise, much better than when you were protected by Tiona."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"After the first ritual of killing your roommates, were there any others?"


Now that she was telling me this, it made no sense. Since I was spending all my strength training with her I had completely forgotten about it, but the number of my sisters was decreasing more and more, which meant that the ritual was still being repeated, and since Tiona was the only one left, it meant...

"Tiona took all your turns to kill your roommates. You were protected by her."
