
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Monsters in the city(corrected)

Going back a few hours, Mark was walking with Tione, Tiona, and Lefiya. Initially Bete was also supposed to be there, but when he heard that Aiz would not be with them he decided to go alone.

Meanwhile, as Mark walked, he kept some distance from the girls by not starting any conversations. Seeing the awkward situation, Tiona tried to chat with Mark.

"So Prince, how does it feel to walk with three beautiful girls?" -She told him while posing.

Looking at her strangely, Mark replied simply. - "Notify me when these girls will appear."

Hearing Mark's words, a vein of anger appeared on the girls' foreheads.

"Eeeh so you don't consider me a beautiful girl, it looks like the next sparring will have to be harder." -Seeing Tione's smiling face, was enough to make Mark shiver.

"' Caught ', then Mark how are you finding yourself in the Familia." -Lefiya asked him, trying to change the subject.

"... I would say well."

Mark couldn't complain about that. They had a lot of books full of information about monsters and the dungeon, they were not restrictive about his life, plus they were helping him to get stronger. Of course, Mark knew they were doing all of this to have an extra resource they could use to explore the dungeon, but Mark was fine with that, because that was his goal too.

After answering, he continued to look at the large crowd and the various stalls selling various food just for the festival.

"I didn't expect all these people would be here for a festival" -He thought aloud.

"Surprising isn't it? The most amazing thing is that this festival has only been held for a few years. " -Tione told him.

"So it's not a traditional festival?" -Mark asked curiously.

"That's right, it was introduced by the guild and is now held once a year."

"Oh, look at the crispy potato kiosk, how about we stop there."

Hearing Tione's advice, they headed to the kiosk where they were selling stuffed crispy potatoes and Mark decided to buy the one stuffed with meat and cheese.

As Mark and the others were enjoying their lunch, he heard a familiar voice.

"Excuse me, I'd like two potatoes stuffed with cream."

Turning to the voice he found the familiar figure of Bell. - "Oi Bell, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Hearing someone calling him, Bell turned to see it was Mark calling him. - "Mark! You're right, I heard you joined the Loki Familia, congratulations. " - He said smiling.

'His aura is still pure white, but strangely there are gold filaments? He also seems to have gotten much stronger in such a short time. '- While checking Bell's aura, he heard a slightly childish voice calling the boy from behind.

"Bell who are you talking to?"

With some difficulties, a girl made her way through the crowd. She was a pretty girl who came close to Bell's chest, had black hair in a double ponytail and blue eyes, with a white dress that came slightly above the knees. The surprising thing, however, was how such a small body could have mountains so large that they barely fit into the dress.

'A goddess?'

As the Guide had said, every time he met a god, he could feel a presence from them that differentiated them from normal humans. Looking at the aura of the goddess, he was finally happy to see a normal aura. Until now the only gods he had as a reference were Loki, who was difficult to read, and Syr who had an aura full of lust.

"My goddess, he is the boy I told you about. Mark, this is my goddess and my goddess, this is Mark. " -Explained Bell.

"Pleased to meet you." -Said Mark making a slight bow, he didn't know how to interact with the other gods, so he decided to behave humbly.

"Ah you don't need to be so rigid, I hope you will continue to be a good friend of my son." -Said as she smiled.

"Ah... sure." - But what he thought was. - 'When did I become his friend?' - They only met a few times and exchanged simple words.

"Now that we've said goodbye, let's continue our date!" -With those words, she took Bell's hand and made her way through the people. Seeing Bell's embarrassed face, Mark couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Then Prince you know how to laugh." -Tiona told him.

"I just saw a funny scene." -Said Mark with a shrug.

After visiting other kiosks, they headed for the entrance of the Colosseum to wait for Aiz's arrival, but no matter how long they waited, Aiz wasn't there.

"Could Aiz have taken another path?" -Said Lefiya doubtfully.

"I don't think so, to enter the Colosseum you have to go through here" -Replied Tione.

While the girls were arguing, Mark was checking the aura of the people he saw, having almost become a hobby, but he noticed something strange.

'Why are all those people with an elephant emblem agitated?' - In fact, he could see that every one of those people was agitated.

"Hey Tiona you know those guys, they're acting weird" - Mark said pointing to them.

"Ah, they are members of the Ganesha Familia, one of the strongest in Orario, and now that you point this out to me, it's true they are moving strangely. How about following them? " -She asked looking at the others.

With a nod, the group followed them only to see Loki yelling at the various members of the Guild and the Ganesha Familia.

"Are you telling me that there are no deaths or injuries? Don't joke and search more carefully! " -She screamed irritably. Seeing Loki, the girls walked towards her, while Mark walked over to a guild member he knew.

"Eina what's going on?" -The guild member was none other than Eina who was checking the various reports that were coming up.

"Ah Mark it's you, something very bad happened, the monsters have fled to the city." -She said agitatedly.

"I don't know what you would have expected in taking the monsters out of the dungeon." - Mark said with a sigh. - "How is the situation now?"

"A little while ago we met Aiz Wallenstein with Loki, so we asked for her help, now she is there to control the situation" -Eina said while pointing at the top of the Colosseum.

Turning his head to where Eina was pointing, he could see Aiz at the highest point of the Colosseum, but what surprised Mark most was what happened next. Using the wind, Aiz charged towards a monster several buildings away, but it didn't end there. As she continued to use her magic, she used it to attack monsters at a speed impossible to follow with the naked eye.

"She's great" -That was Mark's honest comment.

He knew full well that by increasing your stats and leveling up you would become a superhuman, but that didn't take away the feeling he felt as he watched her fight. Speed, grace, technique, and precision, all were the best of the best.

'One day I will be like this too, no ... not like this, I will be much stronger' - Unconsciously he was showing a smile full of challenge.

"She is amazing isn't she? This is the reason they call her the sword princess" - Eina who was turning her back on him didn't notice Mark's smile, otherwise she would have been surprised since she considers him an analytical person who would not get caught up in feelings.

"Then Mark, do you want to join the hunt?" -Hearing the voice, Mark recovered and turning he could see that the girls had finished talking to Loki and were ready to help.

"Exactly we can not leave everything to Aiz" -Said Tiona.

"M-Me too! I want to help Aiz "-Lefiya said agitatedly.

"I don't know how much I can help with you here, I'll try to take care of some small fish." -With those words, Mark headed for the north side, while the girls headed for the east side.

With agile movements, Mark managed to climb over a building and checked the streets and could see that everything was fine when his eye happened to see a kobold on the roof.

'A kobold... 4-legged?' -He remained surprised by this fact, Mark decided to reach him anyway, but the monster did something he did not expect... it ran away.

"Guide is it normal for monsters to run away?" - Mark confusedly asked as he chased him.

[Monsters are beings who usually have no feelings, but under certain conditions, they can escape if they feel deep terror.]

While chasing it, he found the monster increasingly strange. Moving on all fours it was much faster, and even more bizarre was that it did not attack any of the people on the streets.

'Damn, I can't fire a spell, there is a risk that lightning will cause a fire' -Many of the buildings at the Orario were made of stone but had some wooden pieces, so he feared that casting a spell would cause a chain fire.

As he continued to follow the monster he noticed that people were getting fewer and fewer and when the monster finally stopped, he had come to a small square surrounded by walls.

"Now you are mine" -He launched an electric dart that ended the life of the monster.

"Better go back and report the monster's behavior."

After killing the monster, Mark decided to leave, because he felt that something was wrong, but when he tried to head towards the vehicle that led out of the square, he was able to perceive three presences approaching.