
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Her plan(corrected)

--- POV Aiz ---

I have dedicated my entire existence to becoming stronger because I have already lost everything I cared about and thanks to that, I became the youngest adventurer to become a level 5, but these days I have had other thoughts on my mind.

The reason was due to two boys. The first was a boy who, due to my mistake, was almost killed by a minotaur. The boy looked a lot like me when I was little, scared and alone. At first, I didn't know why I was so obsessed with that guy, but after spending time with the other girls I finally understood, I just wanted to apologize for putting him in danger. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to meet him again.

The second boy was Mark Tormeto, the new member of the Loki Familia. Our first meeting was disastrous, because of Bete. That day, at the inn, I saw how a level 1 could be dangerous even for a experienced adventurer, but what was most disturbing, were his eyes, which looked like dark abysses that gave no value to people.

I was initially on my guard towards him, but over time it developed into curiosity. I heard from others that he spent most of his time in the dungeon and only went out in the evenings or stayed for days. In some aspects we were similar, we did everything possible to become strong. I tried to become strong to avenge my parents, but for what reason was he trying to get stronger?

As these thoughts ran through my head, I heard Loki's voice.

"What are you thinking with your beautiful head Aiz-chan!" -She asked me as she made a perverse look.

"Nothing special" -I told her as I dodged her hands.

Even with her behavior, I know I could trust Loki. When I had nowhere to go, she welcomed me into her Familia, moreover both she and Finn, Riveria and Gareth were aware of my past.

"So where are we going?" - I asked confused. She told me that she had to discuss something important, but all we did was walk.

"Actually I wanted to take you to a place... oh, here we are" - She said pointing to the inn in front of us.

Upon entering, I could see how all the people were hypnotized by something. Looking where their eyes were, I could see a female figure wearing a cloak. Just seeing her figure made you feel comfortable, but when I saw her face I was stuck with her beauty.

After a couple of seconds spellbound, I quickly shook my head to recover.

'The charm alone managed to captivate me.' - I thought, surprised

"What you have in front of you is Freya the goddess of beauty." -Loki told me.

"... Pleased to meet you." -I said trying to resist her charm.

"Ara, what a beautiful girl, I understand why she's your favorite, but why did you bring her here?" -Said Freya elegantly.

"You know how it is, it's the festival and it's not every day you can have an date with Aiz, plus if I didn't stop her, she'd spend all her time training." - Loki said with a shrug.

'I also know how to have fun.' - I muttered irritably.

"So Freya, let's not waste time, I know you've been making some weird moves lately. Are you by any chance interested in a new boy? " -Loki told her while looking at her with his eyes open.

'Interested in a boy?' - I thought confused.

Hearing Loki's words, Freya showed a smile that confirmed her hypothesis.

"Looks like I guessed it, I bet he is a child of another Familia, so why don't you spit it out, you don't want there to be resentments between us right? " -She told her with a sly smile.

"There are actually two boys I'm interested in." -Said Freya keeping her smile.

Hearing Freya's words, Loki was surprised. - "Surprisingly, two boys managed to get your attention."

"That's right, the first is much weaker and more unreliable than both mine and your children, but he has such a pure color that it makes him so beautiful in my eyes. The second, on the other hand, is his opposite, he fights in every situation and never shows his weak side. Besides, he seems to see my true nature perfectly, I couldn't help but fall in love with them. "- Just talking about those two boys was enough to make Freya blush and wriggle.

Seeing the state of the goddess I couldn't help but blush.

"Tch, what a nymphomaniac." - Loki said with disgust.

Freya, who was still in her world, jumped up when she saw something outside the window.

"I'm sorry, I have an important business to attend to, let's talk next time." -Said Freya before walking away quickly.

"What?!" - Loki said without words.

When Freya was looking out the window, I happened to momentarily see that boy

"Go to hell, Aiz let's go!" - Irritated, Loki took my hand.

Looking out the window again, I was no longer able to see him. - 'Was I wrong? But maybe I can meet him at the monsterphilia. '

After we left the inn, we tried the various street foods they were selling for the festival, but I couldn't suppress my curiosity about the earlier discussion, so I asked Loki.

"Loki about before ..."

"The discussion with Freya eh, I wanted to understand what she was up to because her movements have been strange lately. This is why my intuition is telling me to be careful of this monsterphilia "-Loki told me seriously.


"Exactly, the intuition of the deceiver of heaven." -Said while spreading his arms and showing a predatory look.

'Trumpet sound'

"The show is about to start! Follow me, let's take this shortcut. "

As if by magic, her entire atmosphere was immediately destroyed, returning to her silly appearance. Following her, we were approaching the Colosseum when we saw members of the guild and the Ganesha Familia in panic.

"Did something happen?" - I asked the elf employee with brown hair and green eyes.

"A-Aiz Wallenstein, how lucky to have you here! The fact is that some of the monsters have escaped, but we can't afford to let people know, because chaos would spread on the city, so we ask you the favor of helping us. " -Said as she bowed.

"In the end, my intuition was right, 'sight', Aiz let's make sure that the Ganesha Familia is in our debt." - She told me smiling.

"Affirmative." -With those words, I got ready to go hunting.

--- POV Freya ---

After seeing Bell, I decided it was time to execute the plan. Upon entering the Colosseum, I headed to the area where the monsters were kept. The walk was simple, using only my gaze I was able to enchant everyone who approached. After several minutes I reached the area where the monsters were present and took the keys to the cages from a person I had fascinated.

Looking at the various monsters, I finally decided on one I liked. It was a monster that looked like a giant white-furred gorilla that could be found between the 11-12th floor.

"Fufufu, you are my choice."

Using my charm I put the monster under my control and only then I opened the cage. Looking at the monster I approached and stroked its muzzle.

"I want you to behave well when you're out of here, the only one you can attack is a tiny goddess and a boy with white hair and red eyes, they should be together" - Seeing the monster nod, I showed a satisfied smile.

'Haaa I can't wait to see how his whimpering appearance transforms into one of courage.'

Just the thought of it made me wet. To prevent others from killing the monster, I decided to free the others as well, although I commanded them to attack only if they were attacked first.

"And this should help Bell unleash his potential. The problem is Mark, he needs to be more drastic more ruthless! " -Smiling, I came up with a plan.

'There should be three intermediate level 1 killers in my prison, I hope you will like my gifts Mark' - Singing happily, I walked away from the Colosseum.