
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Maybe, but I still need to do it(corrected)

The next day, Mark was heading to the back for his training with Tione, when he was stopped by Loki.

"Hello Mark, can you come with me for a moment? I want to talk to you about something and since I am here I will update your status since it's been a while." -She said with a greeting.

"Led the way."

Mark didn't need Loki to update his status thanks to the Guide. Obviously, it would be suspicious that a person could update the status without his god, so he made sure that the Guide did not display the changes unless Loki did.

Upon entering a private room, Mark took off his shirt and sat down in a chair, exposing his back. As Loki started updating his status, she started talking.

"I found out who was behind your attack." -Loki said while she was still focused.

"It was fast, who is it?" - He said widening his eyes in surprise, he expected her to take a few days, but only one night was enough.

"You have attracted the attention of a problematic goddess, you know." -Loki said wearily.

'Troubled goddess ... wait, don't tell me it's Syr' - The only goddess he could think of was her since he met only three gods.

"What is her name?"

"Freya the nympho." -She said irritably as she finished updating the status and handed the paper to Mark.

"Freya? Isn't she the goddess who has the level 7 adventurer? " - Mark asked surprised, he did not expect the goddess who worked in that bar to be the same one who had the strongest adventurer.

'Is she using magic that does not reveal her godlike aura?' - He thought deeply.

"Exactly, it seems that she intends to make you all to herself. Of course, I would never let you go, when you are such a treasure. " -Said while reading the values ​​on Mark's back.

"What an honor, two goddesses fight for me." -Mark joked. Just the thought of being under Freya who would treat him as a sex object was enough to make him sick.

"Nonono you don't understand, you have unlocked your status for less than a month and three stats are already at D, while the rest are at E. Your magic allows you to create spells as long as they are based on electricity and you have three skills which is unthinkable for a level one "-She began to count them one by one.

"What I want to tell you, is that I'm glad you're growing so fast, but I'm afraid you will break sooner or later, especially with that 'limit break' ability" -She said in a calmer tone than usual.

"Maybe, but I still need to do it." - He said with a rare true smile.

Mark couldn't deny that he felt tired. he trained for hours every day, and every day he suffered unbearable pain, but he still had to do it to achieve his goal.

"'Sigh, you are more stubborn than Aiz, do you know? And know that the princess has a head as hard as steel. " - Loki said exasperated.

"Thanks for the chat." -He was heading for the shirt he had dropped when someone brazenly enters.

"Oi Loki, me and the others are going to the dungeon... have they ever told you that you have a nice body?"

The person who entered was none other than Tiona, who had come to warn Loki that she was going into the dungeon, but when she set her gaze on Mark's body, she couldn't help but look at him with interest.

"You amazons have no sense of modesty at all, eh?" -Commented Mark as he quickly put the shirt back on.

After he started dating Selene, he lost that awkward side of him, but still felt uncomfortable being looked at so intensely.

"We are like this ehehe" -Replied stupidly.

Mark had researched Amazons and found something interesting. Amazons were all women because they couldn't give birth to males and they all had a free mindset, but when they decided to be with a man, they would stay with him forever.

When the situation calmed down, Tiona gave a better explanation. During the confrontation with the new species that appeared in the city, Aiz broke the sword she had borrowed from the blacksmith while hers was repairing, but now she had to pay it back and the price was 40 million valis. Initially, Aiz wanted to go alone, but then Lefiya, Tione, and Tiona joined in and as Finn and Riveria also wanted to research the dungeon, they decided to join as well.

"Do you want to come with us, Mark? I think we'll spend a few days there, so you couldn't train with either Tione or Riveria, but if you come maybe there will be time, as we'll be hunting around the 18th floor." -Tiona asked him.

Hearing Tiona's proposal, Mark was interested in it. Without them, he would have spent his time on the 9th floor, because if he wanted to go further, he better have a B in one of his stats. He also wanted to understand how high-level adventurers fought and thanks to his 'limit brak' ability, he could learn twice as fast by watching them.

"It is a good offer, also if you hunt around the 18th floor there should be no problem"

The 18th floor was considered a safe floor, where some adventurers had established a village, where you could stock up or just rest.

"Perfect, I'll see you at the gate in an hour." -With those words, she got up and quickly left the room.

Mark was ready to walk away too when Loki called him from behind.

"Mark be careful in the dungeon, too many strange things have happened these days" - Loki said seriously.

Nodding at Loki's words, Mark made his way to his room, where he put on all his equipment, with a small side pouch where he had placed various healing potions. Finished getting ready, he headed for the main gate where Tiona could be seen with Aiz and Lefiya, also already equipped.

Aiz wore light armor with metal parts covering shoulders, chest, and hips, while Lefiya wore a dress, which was likely enchanted to provide more defense and a magical staff. While for Tiona ...

"You have a particular style." -Commented Mark.

Tiona had the usual clothes which were a band that surrounded the chest and an Indian skirt, but the most peculiar thing was the weapon. It looked like two broadswords joined at the ends of the handles and far exceeded Tiona's height.

"I like to be light while I fight, plus I have tough skin" -She said with a shrug.

"It seems you came first, well we can start going, Tione and Finn are already waiting for us in Babel." -Riveria who had just arrived had similar equipment to Lefiya's, both being wizards, only her magic staff looked a lot like a spear.

As they walked towards the tower they were all just chatting but Mark could feel Lefiya's gaze, but when he turned to look at her she would turn around again, the problem is this situation has been going on since they left the gate.

"Lefiya, do you want to ask me something?" - Fed up with the situation, he finally asked.

"AH! No, you see, what I meant... "

You could see how agitated she was by the fact that she couldn't connect the words and by the fact that she kept looking at Aiz and the others.

"Aiz, Tiona let's go ahead and let them talk. Try not to be late. " Seeing that Lefiya wanted to speak privately with Mark, Riveria began to move on with the others, as she already imagined what they would talk about.

"Now that we're alone, what do you want to talk about." - Mark asked, wanting to hurry to enter the dungeon.

"I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday!" -Said as she bowed, with pointed ears all red.

Trying to think what she was talking about, he finally understood. When Lefiya learned that he killed those people, for the rest of the day she would either avoid him or show a pale face. Obviously, Mark considered it a normal reaction, so he didn't give it too much weight, but it seems that it was a concern for Lefiya.

"Haaa you don't need to apologize, your reaction was the most normal of all I've received. If it wasn't for you, I would have started to think I was the weird one" - Mark said wearily.

"But-but the captain's words said that an adventurer must also be ready to fight against other people and that the life of the members of the Familia is the most important." -Lefiya said hesitantly as she stood up.

"I understand that the life of the members of the Familia is more important, but I find it sad that even with all these monsters, people still fight each other. Lefiya I can see that you are a kind person who tries to help others. " -Mark honestly told her, while watching her aura.

Hearing Mark's words, Lefiya felt slightly embarrassed, but he didn't stop. - "But you must understand that the nature of people is unpredictable and the moment you show hesitation you could lose yours or the life of someone important to you."

Mark finished with a sigh as he made his way to the tower, leaving behind a Lefiya who was still pondering his words.