
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

High-level adventurers (corrected)

After their discussion, they walked together towards the entrance to the dungeon. During the walk, they did not speak, but the atmosphere between them was calmer than when they left the base.

Arrived at their destination, you could see the group of girls, had joined Finn and Tiona who were already in Babel.

"Oi! Guys we are here "-See the energetic Tiona, Lefiya could not help but laugh.

When he saw that they had arrived, Finn began to explain.

"Now that we are all here, I will explain what we will do. I took a couple of guild hunting quests, this should speed up the work, while the rest will be the magic stones or the drop of the monsters of the middle floors since with our strength we should be able to collect more than enough. "

Seeing that no one disagreed, he turned to Mark and Lefiya. - "Instead, for you two I have to ask to be supporters, I hope you don't mind." - He said regretfully.

"Well, I came to see how high-level adventurers fought." - Mark said quietly.

"Do not worry." -Lefiya said with a smile.

The supporter was a class that was not appreciated by many. Being an adventurer was the dream of every citizen at Orario. Obviously, not everyone could enter in a Familia and those who managed to unlock their status, didn't always have the strength or courage to be an adventurer.

For this reason, some people took care of carrying the drops or items for the adventurers, so that they could concentrate only on the combat. While the role of a supporter was a necessity for deep-level exploration, many despised them, making it an ungrateful but important job.

Watching that neither Lefiya nor Mark had trouble being the supporters, Finn nodded in satisfaction and handed them two large backpacks that were nearby. When everyone was ready they began to descend through the dungeon, but they walked with peace of mind since there was no problem at the first levels.

"So Mark how far have you progressed in the dungeon." - Riveria asked him as she positioned next to him.

"9th floor. I would like to proceed further, but I still don't feel like it." - Mark honestly said.

The 10th floor was where large monsters began to spawn and even if he had the strength to take one down, the problem of the number of monsters remained. The second problem would be the feature that was present from the 10th to 12th floors. The floors were full of fog, making it more difficult to fight.

"The fact that you can explore the 9th floor by yourself in such a short time is almost absurd, you know?"

Riveria told him amazed but then assumed a serious expression. - "Anyway, you are right not to proceed up to the tenth floor, the monsters use the fog to attack you and you never know how many there might be."

"You didn't tell him about the level 2 monster that arises around the 11th and 12th floors." - Tione told her by joining the conversation.

'Level two monster.' -Mark had focused primarily on researching the 10th floor, so he was quite surprised that level 2 monsters were already starting to spawn there.

"Meeting the infant dragon is quite rare, but it is true that a big problem for level 1." - Riveria sighed.

"Guys we are about to enter the 10th floor, from here we start running, otherwise it will take too long." -Said Finn who was the leader, as he went down the stairs.

When Mark walked down the stairs too, he was greeted by a large floor covered in fog, where several bare black trees could be seen.

"The tenth floor is completely different." -Mark thought aloud as he looked around.

"This is where the real challenge begins, now get ready to race." - Riveria told him, who in addition to being in charge of his safety, also gave him explanations.

"If you are all ready, let's start running." -With those words, Finn began to run together with Aiz and Tiona, while the others followed them from behind.

During the first few minutes of running nothing happened, but the sounds of the monsters began to be heard.

'Greeee!' 'Greeee!' 'Greeee!'

"Haaa, how much I hate the sound of the imps, captain I'm going to silence them."

Irritated by the various rumors, Tione plunged into the fog to deal with the monsters. Seeing that Tione had started to go wild, Aiz and Tiona also joined.

Because of the fog, Mark couldn't see well, but he could distinguish monsters the size of goblins with a gray body and an ominous appearance, but he was more interested in the girls. They were moving at an incredible speed, by the time he spotted a monster, they had already killed it, plus he could see how they never got in the way of each other, showing all their teamwork.

During the run, monster attacks became more frequent, and large monsters, such as orcs or silverbacks, began to appear. After a couple of hours, they reached the stairs leading to the 13th floor, where a Mark could be seen breathing heavily.

'Damn ... I hate this feeling.'

Being the weakest, after running through 3 floors, especially of that size, it was normal for him to feel tired. Unfortunately, he was traveling with monsters, who, even though they fought, did not show the slightest sense of fatigue, even Lefiya, who was a level 3 sorceress, was in better shape than him.

"Do you need more rest?" - Finn asked him.

" 'Inhale', we can go. " - Taking his last breath, he prepared for another run for the 13th floor.

After going down the stairs, Riveria explained the floors ranging from 13th to 17th.

"From this floor, it is better to be on level two. The dimensions of the floors increase, the speed with which monsters are born is extremely fast and the biggest problem is that these floors become a real labyrinth. "

By nodding to Riveria's words, Mark could see that the appearance of the floor looked a lot like a cave surrounded by rocks, and looking ahead, he could see how it began to branch out. His curiosity, however, was interrupted by the birth of the monsters nearby.

"Ok, from here it gets serious." With those words, Finn quickly sprinted at the 5 newborn Hellhounds, and with simple spear swings, he killed them.

'I couldn't even follow his shadow.' - He thought in shock as he ran.

Finn Deimne was a Pallum, a race that was in ruins after they discovered they believed in a false god. Their race had a small body and was considered the weakest, which was why there weren't any glorious stories about them.

Finn, however, was different. After losing his parents to monsters, he decided to become stronger and his dream was to bring his race to glory and he succeeded by becoming the captain of the Loki Familia and its strategist, but for Finn wasn't enough. He wanted to reach goals that surpassed the Zeus and the Hera Familia, which were the strongest Familia at Orario.

As the race continued, Mark's expression got worse and worse, he underestimated the difficulty of the new floors. Initially, he thought that if he were stronger there would be no problems in continuing alone, but he understood that it was impossible. As he ran he could see the monsters never-ending and even when they killed them all, soon more would appear.

The problem was also the types of monsters, hellhounds that spit flames, monster rabbits that had small hatchets and were fast, but the real monster started appearing on the 15th floor.

'GRAAA !!!'

A large humanoid monster with mighty muscles and a bull face stood in front of the group. The mere presence made Mark suggestive, while the others ...

"Finally something worth hunting, let's see who kills the most." -Said Tiona smiling happily while charging forward with her urga, killing the monster with a simple blow.

"AH! It's not fair, you didn't say start! " -Tione also began to massacre the minotaurs along with Aiz.

Seeing the scene in front of him where the ferocious-looking minotaurs, were now running away in terror, Mark did not know how to react.

'They even scare monsters.' - He thought without words.

"Particular show huh?" -Commented Finn who stood beside him with tired air. -"Whenever possible they find a way to go wild, but tell me, how do you fell to see high-level adventurers at work? " - He asked curiously.

"Your movements are fast but minimal, look for the best way to kill monsters without wasting your stamina, plus always keep your guard up for any unexpected events." -Mark replied as he picked up the stones left by the monsters.

During the various fights, he always watched their movements, positions, and reactions, to make them his own. Obviously, it would not have been easy, but with 'limit breaks' it was easier to memorize their actions in the fights.

'clap' 'clap'

" Very well, you were able to understand the fundamental points, but you are missing one." - He said raising his index finger

"Trust. The fact that we can fight safely is because we know our comrades have our back. Even those girls who are competing know very well that in case of a problem, they would protect their companion. " -He said looking into Mark's gray eyes, which never show what he really feels to others.

"Trust eh" -

Such a simple word, but with such a heavy concept. Mark was unable to gave his trust to others, he prefered to be suspicious, even if tired him mentally. Trusting a person meant entrusting them with your life, but who knows what a person could do in case of a crisis with your life, like what happened on the boat.

"Mark I don't know the reason behind your problem. All of us here have secrets or pasts that we don't want to tell, but if you want to go to the bottom, you need companions you can trust and they can trust theirs back. " - Finn said seriously.

"... I'll think about it." -Said Mark simply.

"Guys can we go on, I think minotaurs will not be born for a while."

Breaking the serious air that had formed between them, both Finn and Mark turned, only to see the floor full of monsters stone, while Tiona, Tione, and Aiz could be seen satisfied.

"...I think our chat went on too long." - Finn jokingly said.

After collecting the various stones, they headed towards the fattening area of ​​the floor boss.