
( Haitus )The Uncrowned Dragon King

This world is ruled by the strong. A dog eat dog world where the only thing that matters is strength and who has the bigger fist dictates the rules, where the strong lead and the weak follow. Follow Damian as he tries to overcome his past in this new found world as he tries to gain the power he need so he no longer has to bow down to adversity and maybe stand at the top. will he crumple for the pressure or will he rise from the ashes and rule the world

Master_Livythan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Silva Dynasty

Along side a beautiful lake, sat 2 figures silently sipping on their tea in complete silence. The only sound was the occasional rustling when the wind blew through the surrounding trees


Both of them rested down their respective cups in sync as if it was planned before hand and they raised their heads and stared at each other. The wind seemed to halt as the duo entered what seemed to be a staring contest, neither wanting to bend to the other, their auras started to rise and it affected the surrounding area as a strong wind picked up blowing away any grass or loose debris. They continued to rise until a mini cyclone was created with them at the center, both their eyes narrowed dangerously, then all of a sudden.....


"Pft!!!hahahahaha, need a tissue?" laughed the male figure as the winds died down and the area returned to it's previous serenity

*Snort* "keep your tissue perverted scum" said the female while she covered her face with the sleeve of her robe. If her face wasn't blocked you'd see a red tinge on her cheeks

Scratching his head awkwardly at the way he was called, the male figure coughed then spoke

"so why did you call me here Miss Hime Cheng or should I call you Princess?"said the male with a grin plastered over his faced as he watched the surprise that flashed quickly in her eyes before it disappeared

"how did you know Mr. Damian?" asked Hime after regaining her calm as she started seriously at the boy....no man sitting before her

"oh? I wasn't expecting you to admit it so quickly or even admit it at all, I'm curious why you did?" asked Damian curiously

"I see no reason to deny it and something tells me if I did that you'd get up and leave" said Hime not moving her eyes from him for a second

"is that what you call female intuition?" murmured Damian to himself before he raised his head and looked at the woman sitting across him seriously for the first time since he arrived before his face returned to his signature smirk

"you're right about that feeling of yours, if you lied then I would have left because it shows you don't trust me even though you clearly need something from me further proving you're no better that those old politicians and I honestly have no interest in scheming and even less in watching out for someone scheming for my head" said Damian with a tired sigh

and to answer your previous question. Your entire being screams " I'm a Princess ",from your holier-than-thou attitude to the simple actions of just sitting. Honestly i'm surprised that those stereo types were actually spot on, the only way that it'd be more obvious is if your wore a sign with " I'm A Motha£$%king Princess"said Damian nonchalantly while he was laughing internally as he watched her cheeks twitch as she tried to keep her indifferent look

"you.....why is your way of speaking so vulgar?" Said Hime as she stared at the smirk on his face wishing she could bite him to death

"i just speak in a way that's comfortable for me. I honestly don't get why you guys speak like that, "elder this" "elder that" "senior this" it seems so tedious all in the name of "respect" and the fake ass smile you wear just seems uncomfortable" said Damian while chuckling

Hime Cheng was struck speechless as she never questioned it as it seemed like the most natural thing to do when speaking to the older generation since she grew up learning etiquette and everyone else does it as well and now she's at a loss....

"see you have no comeback" laughed Damian "but on another note what do you need from me princess? wait let me think, running from a fiance? or are you just ambitious and want to stand on your own? or is it that you want to prove yourself, prove that you a female can do it as well" said Damian as he fired off his thoughts back to back not giving her a chance to answer as he laid back and stared at the sky

After not receiving an answer for a while Damian sat up to see what was wrong only to find the princess clenching her fist so tight that blood was dripping from her palm with her head bowed, he could have sworn that he saw tears gathering in her eyes followed by many different emotions that gave her a dark aura

"maybe all three...."murmured Damian as he stared at the girl before him noticing how her current actions made her figure seem so small, seem so lonely and pitiful. Clicking his tongue internally before he sighed before he reached out his hand

His hand froze mid air as he titled his head and looked coldly in a particular corner in the room before snorting before he disappeared then appeared behind Hime before pulling her into his embrace. He felt her stiffen then start to struggle in his embrace but his hold was to tight which surprised her as she was a stage 2 Spirit Core cultivator, resigning to her fate only to freeze once more when she felt a large warm hand on her head before it started stroking her hair

'no matter the world women never change' said Damian internally as he continued to stroke her head

"no matter matter the age, no matter the background, they'll always be women that say they don't need a man, that they could do it on their own and they're many that do, many that did and they're men that believe that women should depend on a man, that they should lead and women can follow which I find pretty funny to be honest" chuckled Damian " but I personally believe women can have their dreams and their own ambitions.....but I also want them to know if it ever becomes to hard, if the pressure ever becomes to difficult that they have someone to fall back on, someone to shelter them from any storm and that they could count on me to cut down anyone or anything that stands in our path" said Damian as he stared at the seemingly endless sky as his pupils glowed

looking back at woman in his embrace, Damian tapped her softly so she would look at him, holding her chin and raising it so their eyes could meet before he spoke

"so i'll ask you, do you wish to join me and create our own future, following our own rules, letting no one rule or fate" every word he spoke struck in her mind like thunder as she stared at his frightening yet mesmerizing eyes