
( Haitus )The Uncrowned Dragon King

This world is ruled by the strong. A dog eat dog world where the only thing that matters is strength and who has the bigger fist dictates the rules, where the strong lead and the weak follow. Follow Damian as he tries to overcome his past in this new found world as he tries to gain the power he need so he no longer has to bow down to adversity and maybe stand at the top. will he crumple for the pressure or will he rise from the ashes and rule the world

Master_Livythan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Bandits - Chapter 4 Part 1

1. kill a wild beast

---reward 5% ingtegrated bloodline, 1low rank common space ring , I. gold

(rewards improve the stronger the wild beast that was killed)

2. get a follower

---reward 3% integrated bloodline, 1 common medium rank weapon, 500 silver

(rewards vary depending on the loyalty of the follower)

"what the hell is a wild beast?" [asked Damian thinking about the animals on earth]

(wild beast are the lowest ranked beast, they're equivalent to a body refinement expert while a peak wild beast can fight common spirit connection expert)

(I'm guessing those are the cultivation ranks she told me about)"seems pretty easy, let's get this over with, are they any close to here?"[asked a smirking Damian think it'd be as easy slaughtering chickens literally]

(an early rank wild beast could slaughter a mortal like you without even breaking a sweat)[says Hope with a disdainful tone]

"hahaha I doubt it, I was pretty strong in my past life and I should be even stronger now so I doubt I can't handle a mere beast" [says Damian in disbelief]

(oh? how strong were you at your peak?) [says Hope not hiding the derision in her voice]

"at my peak I could handle 400kg if I tried my hardest" [says Damian with pride]

(oh? that's not bad)

"see and you were saying I coul--"

(for a mortal)[says Hope interupting Damian from his bragging]

"what do you mean mortal?" [ask Damian with a confused tone]

(cultivation is a way of breaking apart from mortality, the further you cultivate the less mortal you become until you completely shatter the shackles of mortality)

"shatter the shackles?" (asked Damian growing even more confused)

(the goal of every cultivator is immortality, and cultivation is just the steps taken to reach that goal. And for that they must break the shackles of mortality and each stage in cultivation leads to another shackle and after breaking that shackle will your lifespan increase . No one knows how many shackles there are hence why you must always reach for higher) [says Hope)

(Body Refinement stage is just the first step of your journey and right no you haven't even taken the first step)

"how...strong is a body refinement stage cultivator?"[asked Damian after digesting what he was told]

(a stage 1 body refinement cultivator or body cultivator can lift 300kg with ease as if they are lifting child toys, and it increases by 150kg until the 10th stage where it starts to increase by 300kg until the 13th stage where it increases by 600kg until the peak) [says Hope]

"and how strong is a wild beast?" [asked Damian after losing all his pride]

(a early stage wild beast is equivalent to a stage 3 body refinement cultivator and the beast always holds the advantage versus a human wiith the same cultivation, only downside is their lack of intelligence)[says Hope in a softer tone]

"so how can I win?"[ asked Damaian with slight hope and none of his earlier arrogance]

(You're not human Damian plus you have me) [explains Hope]

"that's right I totally forgot about that" [says Damian in an awkward tone as he scratches his cheek]

"so my first step should he getting a follower to help me" [says Damian after considering his options]

(I think you should find some clothes and somewhere to spend the night first Damian) [says Hope reminding Damian that's he's currently naked and in the middle of no where]

(animals usually make their homes close to a water source so I should travel east and see If i can find a cave)

"which direction is east from here Hope?" [asked damian while doing some stretches]

(you're facing east Damian)

(guess I could use this run as a way to get used to this body)

He starts out slowly taking step after step in a stiff manner trying to get used to his strength, gradually easing into a sprint as he made his way through the forest with more finesse and ease and he grew faster and more intune with his body.

"hahahahahaha this is freedom"

Every step made him feel one with the earth as the wind blew up against his body, losing all restraints as he ran for kilometers as he made his way to his destination laughing like a maniac.




"yes Hope" [says Damian in a good mood ]

(you ran pass a group of people)[says Hope]

Causing Damian to freeze mid step and smash head first into a tree

"and you're now saying this why?" [asked Damian while picking himself up off the ground]

(I didn't wanna ruin your fun)[says Hope in a teeasing tone which is new for her]

"hehe....well how long did I pass them?"[says Damian trying to change the subject]

(they were about a few minutes from here, you should catch up with them if you hurry)

After running for a few minutes he came across the sound of fighting on the clearing in front, so he slowed down and hid in a Bush and watched what was happening.

They were about 30 men surrounding a merchant caravan and they were fighting wiith the workers. They outnumbered the caravan workers 3 to 1.

"bandits? Hope I thought we were deep in this forest? how come they aren't any beast attracted to this fight?"[asked Damian while observing from his hiding place]

(seems we're in the periphery, the strongest beast here should be low rank)[says hope after a moment]

"why does this fight seem so weird?"[asked Damian with a frown because the bandits are losing ground ]

(it's because the workers have a higher cultivation than the bandits but it seems they're injured, they probably came out from deeper in the forest and the bandits decided to take the risk)

"how strong are the workers and the bandits?"[asked Damian after hearing Hope's analysis]

(the workers are all stage 5 body cultivators, while the bandits are a mixture of stage 4s and 3s)


"finally decided to move you mangy dog?"asked an muscular old man from the merchant caravan as he drew his sword and walked out cutting down any bandit in his path as 2 people followed him.

"HAHAHAHA how could I miss the party old bitch"says an 2meter tall and burly man with a hideous scar across his face dragging a large axe

"I'd love to say this is a coincidence but we both know better, so this was obviously planned but you are definitely not smart enough to make a scheme this elaborate so you must just be the hired dog" [says the old man after thinking for a while]

(must be those old fossils from the Ying Family, hmph wait till I'm done here and and I'll find a way to wipe out your disgusting family) thought the old man coldly

"Ding Chen seems I'm not the only 1 who wants your head hahahaha, I told you I'd make you regret it the day you gave me this damn scar" the man as he points his axe with a blood thirsty look on his face

"hmph seems you've made some progress since the last time but you're still an ant before me"says the old man in a disdainful tone

"Protect my granddaughter" Says Ding Chen to the man next to him before he disappeared and reappeared behind the burly man aiming his sword at his head.

Which was dodge by the burly man in a speed that didn't match his body as the 2 of them started to fight.The shockwave from their fights caused every one else to stop and watch.

TING!! TIING!! TIING!!clash after clash as the old man started to push back the burly man who was barely responding to his attacks

"hmph you want my head with this level of strength?" snorts the old man as he increased the speed of his attacks causing multiple injuries to appear on his opponents body.

"AHHH!!! old man take this move of mine, MOUNTAIN SPLIITTTER!!"screams the burly man as his arms bulge and the veins in his arms moved around like snakes as he raised his axe and brought it down wiith newfound power as if he wanted he wanted to split the earth

"hmph child's play, Storm sword: first move torrential Slash" says Ding Chen as the speed of his sword increase another fold completely disregarding the burly man's move.

"Hope are they the martial arts you mentioned?"[asked Damian observing the changes in the burly man's arms]

(that's a mortal art that barely boosts his power by a bit)[says Hope in a disdainful manner]

"I'm assuming they're different ranks of martial arts?"[says Damian not minding Hope's tone as he continued watching the fight]

(skills are separated into mortal, spirit , earth, sky, heaven, king, demi-divine and divine ranks in either low, mid or peak stage)

"what rank is his skill?[asked Damian curiously]

(mid mortal rank at best)"and the old man?"

(peak mid rank)

"what are there cultivations?"[asked Damian]

(The old man is a 9th stage body cultivator and the burly man is at the 8th stage)[explains hope]

"thanks Hope" [says Damian before continuing watching the fight ]

"hmph once an ant always an ant" says Ding Chen "let's end this foolishness Storm Sword: second slash separating the sky"

"AHHHH!!!"Screams the burly man as his axe flies away along with his arm causing him to kneel

"hmph seems those fossils at the YIng Family have gone senile" says Ding Chen as he was about to behead his opponent

"GRANPA CHEN" screams out the girl as she's held by a cloaked figure....

i need to work on my fight scenes don't think it turned out to bad I guess

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts