

Reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, Cassius Warrington is confronted with a reality that is both familiar and foreign to him. Follow his adventures as he delves into the mysteries of magic and ancient secrets. While a threat greater than Voldemort lurks in the shadows. (A/N: This is a BoyxBoy story; if you don't like it, please leave.)

Lucien_Morningstar · Book&Literature
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"When do you plan to buy all this?" Cedric's voice interrupted his thoughts, and Cassius took the envelope from his grasp and placed it on the table.

"I'm not sure, it'll mostly be this week or next." Cassius responded with a thoughtful expression. "Why are you asking this? Are you coming with me while I go shopping?" He inquired.

"No, I was just wondering, it will be possible only if my father allowed it." Cedric said this while pulling a candy from his pockets. "I brought your favourite candy, which you ate nearly a pack of the last time you were here." As he said the last sentence, he smirked and handed out the candy.

Cassius snatched the candy from his grasp and opened the cover to eat it.

"You are welcome to join us. My mother will be here soon; you can bring your father so that they can finally meet." While munching on chocolate candy, Cassius made a suggestion. "Believe me, my mother can handle any problem, so you don't have to worry" He spoke with confidence.

"He'll be here soon anyway. For he can track me down no matter where I go on my own. I'm even convinced he has a tracking spell on me." Cedric began complaining once more.

Cedric didn't resembled his future self; instead, he resembled a young boy eager to leave his home and explore the world. Cedric's sorting into Hufflepuff was truly surprising, given his character now. However, it is not without precedent, as Cedric exhibited the Hufflepuff qualities, valuing friendship and loyalty above most.

Cassius met him while strolling through Diagon Alley, specifically at the Florence Fortescue Ice Cream Parlour, where they unintentionally collided, causing his candy and Cedric ice cream to spill on them.

Then, one thing led to another, and now they're here.

"Well, it appeared to be so." Cassius met Cedric's gaze with deep black eyes.

Cedric caught a glimpse of something in those black eyes that stared at him. He gazed at the starry night sky through the black eyes, the resplendent stars twinkling and the grey moon gleaming, the night was a like veil that draped the entire sky.

Cedric stared at the mesmerising eyes in a daze, completely oblivious to the melting ice cream in his hands.

"What happened?" Cassius inquired when he noticed Cedric in a daze while staring into his eyes. "Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

"I just saw the night sky through your eyes." Cedric didn't bother hiding what he saw because Cassius was his first friend his own age, and the majority of people he spoke with and met were older than him.

"Night sky." Cassius, who was previously unconcerned, became more serious. "It must have been your hallucination, Cedric." He responded with a lame excuse.

"There you go with your secrets again," Cedric said lightly when he noticed his dodging.

Cassius sighed at how sharp Cedric was, despite the fact that he was only a child.

Cedric cut Cassius off just as he was about to explain.

"It's fine; just let me know when it's okay." He said quite considerably. "After all, everyone has secrets, don't they?" His tone shifted to become mysteries.

Cassius didn't bother any longer, his thoughts wandering into the "night sky" mentioned by Cedric.

Cassius, on the other hand, possessed a power other than magic, which he had not anticipated, as he had assumed that his reincarnation was all he had.

Night manipulation.

He named his power that way, despite the fact that he didn't like the name, but it was all he could come up with to describe his powers in simple manner.

Within his mind, he had already made a list of his current powers in the domain of night, which are as follows:

Nocturnality: The deeper into the night, the more powerful he become. His physical strength, intuition, and mental fortitude will all improve.

Dream manipulation : He can manipulate the dreams of others.

Dream Invasion: He has the ability to invade the dreams of those who are weaker than him, interrogate them, and guide their dreams in a specific direction. He can tell if people are dreaming or not.

Somnokinesis: He has the ability to immediately put others to sleep against their will, rendering them completely defenceless in the process.

Manipulation of Darkness: He has some control over the aspects of darkness.

Concealment : He can conceal himself in a different space.

Cassius experimented a lot to come up with this, but he also knew that these powers weren't the limit of what he could do with his domain of night. He also had some vast amount of magic far above the kids of his age.

His abilities only have an effect on those who are weaker than him; for example, if he tries to invade the dreams of master legilimens, they will immediately become aware of his intrusion.

Those who follow the path of legilimens can also manipulate others dreams and even go so far as to influence others by planting suggestions in their minds, or simply control others.

Cassius felt the original bright and cheerful portrayal of Harry Potter in his previous life had become a literal nightmare when he learned about this through his mother.

The possibilities and theories that this raises reminded him that the world is not as bright and beautiful as it appears on the surface.

He also bugged his mother about learning occlumency and legilimency, while she eventually got a teacher for him. He also didn't have to worry about his memories being read during this process because the entire class was initiated under a binding magical contract containing powerful runes.

Under the direction of the teacher, he also constructed his mindscape and defence.

Cassius was finally able to relax, for he has some protection over his mind and didn't have worry about some old man messing with his mind.

Once again, the power of magic was truly terrifying. Even while going through the lesson, he asked his occlumency teacher a question.

When legilimens enter the mind, can they change or alter the memories of others?

All he got in return was silence from his teacher.

This convinced Cassius that the magical world was not as simple and shallow as he had previously believed. He also noticed that the history of the magical world is also very hazy before the era of the founders.