
Chapter 9

Just like that, I was a fugitive. I was surprised that only two guards had attacked me, the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Senterra indeed has better defenses than that, or did they not care about me at all? Well, that can't be the case since not many Devil Contractors have existed in the Human Realm. I was most confused about why gramps had told me to go to Mount Peleus and meet Aetos. Who was that guy, and how did gramps know him? Also, how could he help me? I had a million questions.

I decided to find a place to stay for the time being. Gramps had been giving us an allowance of ten Clo per week, and I had saved up every single Clo I had received while the others spent them all. I had forty Clo, enough for fifteen days of living expenses. I could also absorb Clo to expand the Qi reserves in my body, which could help me break through to higher stages in my cultivation. I decided to absorb one Clo a day, which would reduce the time I could survive with this, but I also had to get stronger. For revenge.

The next day, I decided to stack up on food and head to Mount Peleus. Doing that would reduce my Clo consumption, as I would not have to pay to stay at an Inn. I started by asking some people how long it would take for me to arrive at Mount Peleus. Most people said that it would take around eight days if you're walking, which was, to my luck, the perfect amount of time. I kept walking non-stop for a whole day and decided to rest in the cave I had found. As I went inside the cave, I saw three grown men in their thirties or so. They took out their weapons as they saw me.

"Look, a child." Man number one said. He was tall and bald, with a dark skin tone. He was also very bulky. It looked like he bench-pressed at least a thousand pounds—a real chad.

"Yea, how much would he sell for if we capture him?" Man number two replied. He was pale, decently tall, and had a squeaky voice. Oh, and he also had a mullet, very cool.

"At least twenty-five Clo, let's capture him." Said man number three. He was a short, pale man with a long nose and tons of acne. He was also bald, lame.

"You guys done talking?" I asked. These guys looked like slave traders, so it was natural for them to have tons of money. "I'm gonna need you guys to drop me all of your Clo and get out of this cave."

"HEY! That's our line!" Man number two yelled.

"That was an order. Now do it!" I ordered.

"I swear, this guy keeps stealing our lines." Man number two said again. "Hey kid, cut your crap and come with us."

"And what if I don't?" I said with a smirk. I had absorbed two Clo, which improved my cultivation to the second layer of whatever realm that Demon cultivators had. These guys were still on Mana Foundation Stage, so I could take them out quickly.

"Then we'll force you." Man number one said menacingly. He lunged at me with his longsword, and I dodged. Although I didn't have much battle experience, I could easily take these clowns. As he recovered from the shock that a kid had avoided his strike, I kicked him in his nuts. I respected him at first, but he was just a weakling.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed.

"Man, shut up!" I said and punched him in his face. The other two men also charged at me as I did, but I dodged all their strikes and kicked them in the nuts. Boy, were they loud. After that, I decided to loot them.

"WHOAA!!" I said, mesmerized. I found seventy-five Clo, three swords, and a Magic Resistance artifact. By its looks and how it was made, it should be able to dispel around five percent of the attack. While I was celebrating my profit, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my knee, and boy, was it unbearable. I looked behind me to see that Man number one had stabbed me with a knife. I screamed, and the man laughed.

"Just kidding, it doesn't hurt. It just stings." I said with a smile. Usually, I would've been on the floor crying in pain, but since I've reached this stage in my Cultivation, my body has become very tough.

"I let you go at first, but now…." I said menacingly. I used my long sword to slice all of their heads off. As I did that, the Qi from their corpses started flowing into my body. I guessed it would be because of my contract with Hades since he's the God of Death and all and because he gains power from the dead. Unfortunately, their Qi was nowhere near enough for me to break through again. It seems like breaking through isn't as easy as I speculated. I decided to go to bed. For now, I still hade a long way to go.