
Chapter 2

It was a vast room covered in shining gold all around. The shine on the gold was blinding. There were men wearing armor, people who looked like knights. In the center of all this chaos was a man, eighty years old at least. It looked like he was meditating. I looked around to see some of my classmates and even Mr. Andino. Lucas, Jonas, Zoe, Emilia, Mr. Andino, and I were all transported to whatever this was. A knight came closer to ask how I was doing. I replied with an "I'm fine, thank you." If someone else were in my position, he would have wet his pants by now, but those are the perks of being an anime addict. Wait, does this mean I won't have to study anymore?

"You are taking this better than I expected." A voice exclaimed. I looked and saw it was the old guy. He had stopped meditating.

"Well, I've seen these worlds in some anime and manga," I explained.

"I remember those. Aren't those Japanese TV Shows and Comic Books?" He said. I was shocked to see that he knew about them.

"Wait, gramps, how do you know about them? I interrogated. "I thought you were from this world!"

"I have been scouting over that world for over a year now, trying to find someone who could help us since I am the only person who is able to wield spatial magic," Gramps explained in grave detail.

"But why us? Why did you choose us for whatever help you need?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Let's save that question for later. I see that your friends are waking up now." He pointed out.

We explained the situation to my classmates, and no way in hell did they take the case lightly. Emilia and Lucas fainted, and the other three were scared too. It took half a day for all of them to calm down. Then we decided to talk to gramps.

"So, gramps, why did you choose us for the job? And what exactly is the job?" I asked.

"Let's start with what the job is… Over the past year, the Transcendent Devil Azazel has been causing trouble all over the Human Realm. He has wreaked havoc in two of the four kingdoms till now, and as his next goal is Brixton, we still have a year left until he attacks." Gramps explained.

"Wait... Azazel, isn't he a Fallen Angel from those Christian myths?" I asked. I have no idea why, but the others just weren't speaking. I guess watching anime does mentally prepare you for anything.

"Yes, I believe so. As to answer your question about why you were chosen, nobody knows why but you six have the highest potential in magic on your whole planet. The King ordered me to bring someone who has potential in magic to help defeat Azazel, and you six are the perfect candidates." He explained.

"C-can we ever be able to return home?" Jonas asked nervously.

"Well, why not? Though traveling through dimensions consumes a good chunk of my life span away, I should be able to manage it with how much I have left." Gramps assured.

"Well, that's good, but now what happens next?" I asked.

"I'll let you all rest for now. We'll go and meet the King tomorrow, so be ready." Gramps smiled at us and left.

"Zephyr, how can you be so calm? Do you not care at all? We may lose our lives. The King might be a bad person." Asked Zoe.

"Well, I do care, but I'm mentally prepared because of the anime I've been watching. Besides, who cares? Gramps is nice, so the King must be too, right?" I said carelessly, and boy was I wrong.