
Chapter 1

High school entrance exams are NOT that easy; for me anyway. I'm Zephyr, a 14-year-old orphan living in the Westbrooke Orphanage, It was my third and last chance to prove my intellect, and I failed. I failed my high school entrance exam for the third time. What am I going to do with my life? What if I never get a job? What if I have to become a thief and rob stores or something like that? What if I get arrested while I'm robbing stores?

Questions flooded my mind like a tsunami. Suddenly I felt a little light-headed. Everything after that is a blur. I woke up in the infirmary.

"Wha- What happened?" I murmured. Had I fainted? If so, who brought me here? How long has it been since I passed out?

"Oh! You're finally awake!" A voice exclaimed. I turned around to see Nurse Baros. I asked her who had brought me here.

"It was Andino. He told me that you fainted right after you received the results of your last exam." Nurse Baros explained. "I think you should go thank him."

"Yes, Nurse Baros," I said and left the Infirmary. I wanted to thank Mr. Andino for bringing me here and ask him to round up my mark on the entrance exam. It's a long shot, but I have to try it or never succeed.

"Mr. Andino," I said.

"Zephyr! I see you've woken up. How are you doing? He asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. I wanted to ask if you could round up my mark to 70% so I could pass." I asked nervously.

"I'm sorry, Zephyr, but how am I supposed to increase your mark by 9% just for you to pass? That would be an insult to my job." He said. Tears started to roll down my eyes. How could I have failed for the third time? I had no future. I would live in the slums for the rest of my worthless life. I ran home in despair. Westbrooke Orphanage is not that far from school, so it only took me fifteen minutes. I didn't bother saying hello to anyone. How could I show my face to anyone when I am such a loser? I decided to go to bed early that night, but you won't believe what I saw when I woke up.