
Chapter 12

It was a pamphlet for a Martial Arts Tournament in five days. The prize was two hundred Clo. Wait, what? TWO HUNDRED?! If I win this, I can buy many pills for Calypso!

"Calypso, do you want a lot of Fire attribute pills?" I asked, with a smug expression on my face.

"Yeah!" Calypso exclaimed.

"Then could you help me get strong enough to win this Martial Arts Tournament? I don't think I need to explain the prize since you can read my thoughts." I said.

"Well, I could teach you a Martial Art that my previous master used to use. He was a Transcendent, so I think it would be of great use to you." Calypso explained. "It is a Divine Level Martial Art, so It would be quite tough to comprehend, but if you can do it, it will increase your strength greatly."

"DIVINE LEVEL?!" I screamed. Martial Arts were divided into four levels. The weakest was Human Level, then Earth Level followed up with Heaven Level, and the strongest was the Divine Level. The amount of Divine Level Martial Arts that exist currently could be counted on one hand.

"Yes, a Divine Level Martial Art. It is called Soaring Dragon's Blaze. It is a Martial Art that uses a knife and the user's legs." Calypso explained.

"A knife and legs, huh? I've never heard of a Martial Art like that, but it seems interesting, so teach it to me." I said. He plucked out one of his feathers, which transformed into a Martial Arts book.

"Here, try to comprehend the first step in two days. After that, we train with it." Calypso said.

"How many steps are there?" I asked.

"Twenty-seven and each step has a Martial Skill attached to it," Calypso explained. He really was worthy of being a Phoenix. He had so much knowledge. Couldn't expect any less of an Immortal being.

I spent the next two days trying to comprehend the Martial Art. I also bought two daggers to help with my training since those were necessary for Soaring Dragons Blaze. I didn't sleep for two whole days and finally finished comprehending the first step of the Martial Art. Even though I was at the second layer of whatever the first Devil Path Cultivation Level was, I was pretty confident in myself holding my own against a layer four Basic Human Body Cultivator. I didn't have much time, as Azazel was going to reach Senterra in about ten months. Even though I was scared, I didn't know if I cared or not if Azazel destroyed Senterra. The same Kingdom threw me out and abandoned me in the middle of nowhere, with no one to go to. Gramps was the only person to care for me even a little. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I needed to win this Martial Arts Competition at all costs.

We headed out to train with the New Martial Art I had just acquired. Even though it was just the first step, it was monstrously strong. I had three days left to practice, and considering the condition of this town, the most vigorous opponents I would likely face would be Layer fives or sixes at most. As we were talking about training, Calypso suddenly transformed into a human.

"What the-" I started. "You can transform into a human too?! Then why was I carrying you around all these days?!"

"I'm just lazy, okay?" Calypso replied. He was decently tall, about five feet five inches. He was light-skinned and, for some reason, had horns made out of the fire.

"Aren't you a phoenix? Why do you have horns?" I asked.

"To be honest, I don't know either. It's always been like that." Calypso said casually. "Anyway, let's start the training. We don't have much time."