

Author: 靳木
Ongoing · 41.9K Views
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What is 围棋之大明棋圣


君不见,永嘉鲍生善弈棋,弱冠见赏杨少师。   至今江左传奇事。技颇不辱贤豪知。   橘叟衔龙擘空去,却堕燕中小侯里。   人言两雄不并立,何得生颜复生李?   九指郎囚龙争国手,病诸葛不破摆龙门。   小道士一子饶天下,杨疯子半刀定江湖。   蜀中盗圣遇江淮花魁,徽州三子战京师双雄。   嘉州俊彦误入吴中弈旦评,寒山寺子道弥临海野雪僧。   新安之吕,闽中之蔡,余姚之岑,扬州之方。   八闽双杰士,三楚两枭雄。   赣地棋师,江南棋仙?   派外枭魁六合王玄所,宇内国弈江都方渭津。   林符卿终结群雄乱战,过百龄倚盖再开新篇。。

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Transmigrated Dungeon Cores: We are the invaders.

1 million people are "Rescued" from their death after WW3 and their souls are forced to acquiest to the whims of the sick being known to all as God. They are thrown into a world unlike that of which they came at behest of Chaos, a world of magic and wonder. But. They are not here to enjoy this new world, nor meet its people or exchange in culture. They were sent to reek havoc. Dungeons: A place in which the mana of the world is highly concentrated. A spawning grounds of monsters and madness. Treasures and traps. uncountable landscapes and wonders. A place where one can find Fame, Fortune and Power. but beware for the Dungeon can corrupt you, trick you, punish you, make you betray your friends, take advantage of you greed, and ultimately lead you to your death. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter Tadara. A planet with three times the land mass as Earth filled with life and magic that many races call their home. A place where Orcs, dwarfs, humans, elves and beastkin live in harmony and understanding. interbreeding is common and it only lead to futher blurr the lines between each race as the populace moves towards their increasing unity of the planet. Time: 3499AP Just as the planet celebrates the beginning 3500 year of peace since the wars had stopped with the martyrdom of the planets greatest hero Bestrodamn. The whole planet rumbled with an earthquake splitting the super continent into 9 fractured pieces and the ocean rushed to fill in the cracks leaving the people to scramble to safety far from the newly formed coastlines. it was at this time when every man woman and child heard a Ding sound reverberate in their minds and a message appeared in front of their eyes. My people I am your God, Order. it is my unfortunate duty to inform you that my counterpart Chaos has found your world. I entrust you all with the system to aid you in your growth and survival. you must seek out the envoys of Chaos and destroy them before they destroy you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N There may be parts of this story involving Rape, Torture, Insanity or loss of sanity. Backstabbing. Coercion. and any other number of things that some readers may find... questionable? I mean the mere act of breeding an orc with a elf seems a bit.... anyway. some slight goblin slayer moments in there too as it one of the best light novels I've read. and while yes the adventurer's have a system and classes the system will not be over powered as with Chaos coming into the world there will be balance. so the system will be skill based for the adventurer's and leveling up by farming Weak mobs won't be effective thus pushing the adventurer's futher into the dungeons.

McTripp · Fantasy
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Vigilante Fairytale

"Why bother throwing the man in the sea when you can just burn him and bury him deep into the forest?" Nic asked as he stood behind a man who was in front of a lot of computer screens. "What are you talking about?" The man didn't even look away from his computers when he asked indifferently. Nic draped his arms on the backrest of the sofa. He crossed his leg over the other and said, "I wouldn't be surprised if Meg would one day come here skipping happily to arrest you," He was looking at the screens in front of him until his eyes landed on the screen that shows the very woman he just mentioned. "She would definitely be happy to arrest me but she won't," Before Nic could ask why he was so confident, Timothy turned around to face him without standing up and asked, "What do you want?" Nic didn't even hesitate and straightforwardly said, "We want in," Timothy's eyes darken. "We?" He asked. "Me and Mason," Nic replied. "No," Timothy instantly answered and then turned his back on Nic to continue doing whatever it is that he was doing. "Why do you want to do this?" "I know that you are doing this because of what happened to your mother in the past and I believe in your purpose. We want to seek justice in our own way," Nic said. "This is unlawful," Timothy just said. "Since when did we abide by the law? Have you forgotten that we have our own rules, our own laws? Heck, we even have our own punishment and prison cells. You of all people should know that because you have been taking advantage of it since you were ten," Nic said. ********************************************** Nic, Mason, Daxon, and Matthew grew up together. Since their parents were friends, it was understandable that they grew up as friends as well. In fact, they always joked that they were friends before they were born. They care for each other. They look out for each other. They would kill for each other. Their bond was so deep that they always have each other's back. To the point that they would support and keep each others crimes. They were rich, smart, and powerful. Not to mention they were all good-looking young men. Everyone knows that. But not everyone knows the crimes that they were hiding. No know would know...no one should know. Except for their women. But the problem is...how are they going to tell their women that they are vigilantes who torture and kill criminals without making them run for the hills? Because if there is only one thing they fear...that is losing their women.

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【爽文+微科幻+女强男强】 傅珩是典型的偏执狂,幻想症中期。现实里高冷禁欲,手段狠决。幻想里邪魅狂狷,风流蕴藉。 时栖是时家不受宠的大小姐,在乡下养了十五年,刚回海城就被安排得明明白白。 ——跟傅家联姻。 时栖望着对面的男人,陈述讲:“我有轻度孤僻症,不会与人相处。” 傅珩:“嗯。” 时栖:“还有潜在暴力倾向,发作时以为自己是只怪兽,总想破坏身边的一切。” 傅珩:“还有吗?” 时栖:“为了你的安全,建议你另外再找门亲事。” 傅珩眼眸深沉。“不用。” …… 傅氏集团最年轻的总裁,跟平平无奇的时大小姐结婚后,所有人都在等和离。 就在傅珩怕她难过,决定扛起婚姻这杆大旗时—— 一狗腿子安前马后叫她老大,扫地大叔提着鸡蛋来感谢救命之恩,连家里的灰狼看到她都嗷嗷直叫。 直到一天,他看到亲手寄给某科研大佬的聘书,陷入沉思。 时栖看到聘书随意讲:“这公司整天不务正业就知道圈钱,不用在意。”说着把聘书扔进垃圾桶。 傅珩:? …… 多年后,记者好奇问:傅先生,天才总是与疯子同行,大家都很想知道,你现实人格喜欢夫人的什么? 傅珩沉默了半分钟:这个问题无疑在问我宇宙是否有边界。 记者:幻想人格呢? 傅珩邪魅一笑:腰挺细。

爱吃香瓜的女孩 · General
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reina del vacío y el chat dimensional

Sirin una niña que sufrió a lo largo de su vida con traumas que no dejan que descanse en paz cargando con la culpa de la muertes de sus seres queridos inclusive recurriendo al suicidio para aliviar su dolor, tendrá que aprender a superrarlo con la ayuda dejente rara. Pero no será facil para el grupo lograr que sirin que una vez fue la dulce niña amable que se preocupaba por todo vuelva Con una clara desconfianza en el mundo y en las personas sirin tendrá que lidiar contra las adversidades del mundo que le arrebató todo no solo en esta vida si no en la anterior también. Será un trabajo difícil para el grupo curar un corazón que esta al borde del abismo pero....... no imposible. ¿que pasará cuando diferentes tipos y a la vez tan similares se encuentran.? personas del mismo plumaje se juntas por un misterio sistema que tranciene la lógica del mundo. los recluta con la promesa de que estaran en la cima, pero ¿Será tan solo eso? O ¿abra alguna clase de trampa en sus intenciones?. Conforme avanze la historias de nuestro cincos protagonista se revelará a su tiempo. Acompañame en una aventura de tragedia, aceptación superacion y recuperación de un corazón sin vidad. A compañame a ver como un grupo de personas pasa por su tragedia que los ostiga en sus vidas, acompañame a ver como los protagonistas aceptan su pasado oscuro, acompañame a ver como superan su pasado que una vez fue doloroso para ellos y finalmente acompañame a ver como una niña vuelve a confiar en las personas que la rodean. Nota; aclaro que aquí sera raro ver escenas de sexo u otras cosas relacionado. Si te gusta ver esa clase de cosas en exceso este fan-fic no es para ti. Este fan-fic se creo para desarrollar un personaje que lamentablemente no brilló en su historia pese a ser la piedra angular de esta. Yo quiero que este fan-fic tenga un desarrollo y no sea plano como "siscon dimensional" otros fan-fic planos que no desarrollan en nada a sus personas y solo los tienen ahí cogiendo como si nada. Pocos son los fan-fic desentes pero que después se van por la borda, un ejemplo; chat dimensional. Me gustaba el concepto que prometía mucho en este tipos de géneros que son los fan-fic, el desarrollo con el que comenzó me anclo a seguir su historia, pero lamentablemente el autor transformo a su protagonista en un chino comunista que cualquier cosa que haga será una mara villa que no hay en otro mundo y que todo le sale bien por que si, no hay adversidades que los pongan en aprietos. Los otros protagonistas solo estan de adornos sin nada que aportar que no sea hacer brillar al imbécil del protagonista haru, que por cierto sufre de trastornos mentales de que el mundo debe de venerar como si fuera una clase de emperador "ya saben. El típico chino promedió plano que se vuelve el más poderoso sin nadie que lo detenga" una aptitud de mierda que para nada me gusta, es por eso que no abra muchas novelas chinas en esta historias a ecepción de lo que si se merecen como; elevación a un dios. Buen protagonista por cierto que busta salvar a su hermana sin cambiar su personalidad justisiera que por cierto es; ojo por ojo diente por diente. Alguien que valora a su amigos y ama a una sola persona siendo un hombre recto y no mamadas de princeso. Desde que el protagonista se transformó que coje y se creé el más importante de la historia dejo de ser interesante para mi y se volvió uno más del monton. Una historia que destaca no por su historia o desarrollo de personaje si no por enamorar a las heroínas con un simple hola.

DaoistQ0FVGx · Anime & Comics
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A Lady's Worth

Lorene - He’s an American and yet he looks at me, a Lady, as if he owns me. Adam – She may be a Lady, but I want her. Lorene – He’s not a gentleman. Adam – She’s a brat that needs to experience a real man’s discipline. Both Adam and Lorene come from two very different levels of society, but when things go badly wrong one Lady finds that the best chance for survival she may have is the value that one man has placed in her that has nothing to do with money. There’s a catch though. The value he sees in her is for her to be his woman and yet he’s the last man on earth she ever wants to gain possession of her. She should know, because she told him that to his face. Can she change for the better or will she not learn her lesson until it’s too late to make a difference? Journey with Lorene and Adam as they learn the reality of what it takes to come together and be one flesh and have a good time doing it over and over again. Stories by Aedan Sayla author of Christian Erotica – If you would like to read erotic stories between men and women as God ordained for it to be without any of the kink of modern sexual deviances thrown in then give my stories a read. They’re not vulgar, but entirely classy. They don’t obsess on being dirty, but they’re highly erotic. They’re not drenched with clichéd plotlines, but are highly engaging stories with characters worth identifying with and even cheering for. My stories are entirely righteously erotic and that is truly by design.

Aedan_Sayla · History
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The Extra's Evolution

In a bewildering turn of events, the main character (MC) found himself suddenly transmigrated onto an airplane. Initially, he was at a loss for what had occurred, but as time passed, he discovered the truth: he had been transported into a sci-fi fantasy novel. It was a world where survival was impossible for the weak, as a future filled with villainous attacks would claim the lives of countless individuals. In this chaotic world, only the protagonist's life was guaranteed, while the fates of other characters remained uncertain. Arjun, a mere extra, could meet his demise at any moment, oblivious to the reasons behind his impending death. Armed with this knowledge, Arjun embarked on a journey to become strong, using his knowledge from his previous world to survive. Little did he know that destiny had other plans in store for him, leading him down a treacherous path where he would save numerous lives and emerge as a hero to the common people. His life would be characterized by unforeseen twists and turns, forcing him to make critical decisions that would shape his extraordinary destiny. Once an ordinary person in his previous life, Arjun now embarked on a path of greatness. Arjun had to contend with a multitude of adversaries, including villains, demons, and individuals driven by greed, all of whom sought to sow chaos in this modern era. Each encounter would test his resolve and push him to the limits of his abilities. Furthermore, the world he now inhabited was populated by various species such as elves, dwarves, mermaids, and more. Arjun goes further in his complicates journey. As Arjun ventured forth, his fate became intertwined with the destiny of the entire world. He would face numerous trials, confrontations, and unexpected allies, all while striving to maintain his humanity in the face of overwhelming challenges. The choices he made would not only shape his own future but also determine the course of an entire realm, where the forces of darkness and light clashed in an epic struggle. Armed with determination, knowledge, and an unwavering spirit, Arjun set out on his extraordinary path, ready to face whatever perils may come his way and emerge as a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. * * * * * * * * first time writing a novel, so please try to ignore my grammer mistakes this novel cover is AI created by someone else if someone wants me to remove that. contect me in the review section

aniket_keer · Sci-fi
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州
Volume 2 :一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州
Volume 3 :新安烟雨沉,少年江湖远


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