

Anya is now 14 years old and the Strix mission is still ongoing, Loid is still trying to make sure his family is as believable as it can get. The Nup hasn't tried to start a war between the two nation,Ostania and westalis, or atleast that was the case. News came to Loid(Twilight) about a secret experiment that the Nup were running on children, he and his organization managed to run down the place and found that there was an experiment that had been completed. Task with the responsibility to look after it, Loid brought the experiment with him, so he doesn't get turned into a weapon of war. Note: The story focuses mostly on Anya and Shin, and I promise to give daily update once I notice people are reading. join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Gps on Frank

"Oh, I see," Yor said, she sat down on the chair while Loid and Anya were standing with Shin standing beside them.

"He's your friend's son?" Yor asked.

"Yes, exactly, my friend's son, he'll only be staying for a few days" Loid responded, desperately trying to keep his cool.

"If that's the case, then I sincerely apologize" Yor bowed her head, "I hope I didn't hurt you," She asked.

Shin also bowed his head, "I apologize" He uttered, before raising his head.

Yor stood up from their chair, "I'll go start dinner ready then" She said, before walking towards the kitchen.

Loid stared at Shin before sighing, 'I have to keep him in check, he might mean no harm but someone could get seriously hurt' Loid thought.

Yor entered the kitchen but she couldn't help but look back at Shin, 'This kid's strength, it's extraordinary, could he have learned to fight?' She thought to herself.

Of course, Anya was able to hear what Yor was thinking, She held Shin's hands and dragged him to the entrance of her room, "Bend your head" Anya said.

Shin bent his head and Anya gave him a knock to the head.

"Why did you do that?" Shin asked with a calm voice.

"So you remember this pain anytime you want to attack someone"

"I thought it was an Intruder" Shin responded.

"Still, you shouldn't have-" Anya noticed the mark of fingers on his neck and was shocked.

"Your neck!" She yelled.

Shin used his hands to rub his neck, "Oh, is there something on my neck?" He asked.

'Now I know why papa was scared just now,' Anya took a deep breath, "Listen here, from now on, Anya will be your teacher,".


"Yes teacher, Anya is quite smart, I'll teach you to be normal in no time" She smiled, rubbing his head with her hand.

. . . . . .

It was the next morning and Anya was already ready for school, she had her uniform on and it was complimented with on Stella star and one bronze star that she earned in school.

She came out of her room to see Yor in the kitchen cooking and Loid was reading his newspaper on the dining table as always.

"Good morning Papa, morning mom" She greeted before placing her bag on the table and sitting down for breakfast.

"Morning Anya-san," Yor replied, walking toward the dining table to place the food on the table.

"Morning" Loid folded his newspaper and shifted his attention to Shin who was watching television with bond.

"Shin, it's time for breakfast," Loid said, placing his newspaper on the table.

Shin stood up from the ground and started heading toward the table, "Yes sir" He sat down on the chair.

Yor served their food to them before sitting on the chair to have her own food.

"Time to eat!" They all said in unison, before picking up their chopsticks and eating their food.

"Time to eat" Shin muttered, he picked up the chopstick and tried to lift his pasta, but it just kept on slipping back inside the bowl.

He looked at Anya for a while, then Loud, then Yor, before holding his chopstick and slowly lifting the noodles, but it fell back into the bowl.

Anya stood up from her chair and leaned forward, taking a fork from the table and rolling the noodles before handing it to him.

"You don't have to use the chopsticks if you don't know how to," She said, before sitting back on her chair.

Anya finished eating her food, she immediately cleared the table and picked up her bag and removing the noddles from Shin's cheeks.

"Okay, I'm off to school" She yelled as she ran out of the door.

"I don't know why she's in a hurry" Loid uttered, looking at Shin who was using all his focus to eat the noodles.

"Loid-san, how long does he plan to stay?" Yor asked, packing both hers and Loid's plates to the kitchen.

"Oh, till his father comes back, is there a problem?" Loid asked.

"No no, I was just thinking, who's going to look after him when we all leave the house?" Yor responded.

The question struck Loid because he never really thought about it.

. . . . .

"Uhn uh, no way," Franky yelled, he was walking beside Loid, who had his hat and suit on and Shin was following behind him.

"Shh, stop yelling" Loid whispered.

"You want me to look after a one day old mutant, what if he goes out of hand?" Frank yelled, looking at Shin who gave no reaction to him at all.

"I have a mission, I can't baby sit a teen when I'm working" Loid said.

"Well, I'm still on a mission too"

"He's stable, he doesn't do anything that's not necessary, I only need you to look after him for a couple of hours, okay," Loid said, kneeling in front of Shin.

"Take care, okay? No trouble" Loid uttered.

"No trouble," Shin responded.

Loid smiled, "Take care of him", he said before walking away.

"Hey come back, don't leave him with me, Loid!" Frank yelled, he slowly looked at Shin before giving an awkward smile.

Frank took Shin back to his hideout, he had just finished one of his missions when Loid called him.

His hideout was an abandoned counter shop right in the middle of two supermarkets.

"So, I hear your name is Shin uhn?" Frank asked, taking his coffee from the desk and sitting down on the chair.

"That's correct," Shin replied.

"Any hobbies? Or do you not remember anything?"

"I do not, I can only recall seeing Loid releasing me from my capsule" He replied.

"I see, that's pretty sad, sad indeed"

Beep! Beep!

The sound of something beeping started getting louder and louder.

"Is that..." Frank slowly looked at his body to see that his clothes were beeping.

"Ohhhh I fucked up, I fucked, up where is it?" Frank yelled, looking for the GPS signal that was beeping on his body.

He was finally able to remove it from his trouser, "Yep I fucked up, we have to get out of here" He muttered.

He began packing his stuff into his handbag, Shin just stood in the middle watching Frank panic.

He then heard something coming from the fifth building in front of him, "Missile" Shin muttered.

"Uh?" Frank didn't quite hear what he was again.


A missile launched into the small shop that Frank was hiding in and everything exploded, leaving nothing but the burnt remains.

. . . . .


Leave your thoughts in the comment section, so I'll know how to carry on from here.