

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"Never have I seen someone possess this amount of desire for revenge. It's nice to see that, even after their death. Eventually, they would give up after a few years. But you really want to fight, don't you?"

A man covered in darkness sitting on a throne decorated with chains and weapons said as he looked at a man chained up in front of him.

"They killed my sister, no, he killed my sister. I won't forgive, never..."

This was Diablo, dead, and currently imprisoned in limbo.

"You really strive for revenge, don't you?"

The man on the throne said. This man was the god of revenge. He too was imprisoned in limbo.

"Maybe you want a second chance in life?"

Diablo raised his head and stared at the god.

"You can really do that?"

"Well yes, of course, I can. Well, not specifically me, but there are some other gods who can."

The god said as he rubbed his chin. Diablo tilted his head and clicked his tongue.

"If it means I get to kill him, I will gladly do it."


The god shot up from his seat but was dragged back into the throne by the chains.

"Tch, stupid chair won't even let me stretch."

In a few minutes, another god covered in light had appeared. He was carrying a large cross on his back.

"Has he chosen?"

"Yes, though, I kind of waited a few centuries, then asked him."

"You know heaven reeks of his smell right?"

Diablo looked at the two.

"What do you mean?"

The god looked at him and shook his head.

"Your desire for revenge is overwhelming, we decided that we would resurrect you, so I asked him."

He said as he pointed to the god of revenge.

"If he could ask you if you want to be resurrected?"

`Hmm, this... god... was suppose to ask me if I wanted to be resurrected or not?`

Diablo thought in his mind, what was the point in resurrecting him? So he could find Rem and murder him? What would he do next?

"What good would resurrecting do?"

`I've failed to protect my sister, my sweet sister.`

The guilt for not protecting his sister was still running through him.

"You could restart life. Those that have been reincarnated have live newer and better lives than their previous one."

"You've resurrected multiple people?"

"Yes, after all, I am the god of reincarnation."

"I see."

`I can restart a new life, a life where I can live a quiet and peaceful life.`

"I'll accept it."

The two gods nodded. The god took off the cross from his back and placed it on the ground.

"Before I do the process, do you have any special requests or questions?"

"I have one request. To keep my gift."

"That's it?"

"And a question. How many years has it been?"

There was a slight pause.

"It's been 8 centuries since your death."

"So it's been that long, huh?"

800 years is a lot of time, Diablo wondered how much has changed.

"Before I reincarnate you, be advised that France is no more."

"France is no more? What do you mean?"

"Well, you'll find out soon."

Then the god opened up the cross and a bright light wrapped around Diablo and dragged him into it. Then the cross closed up.


A baby was born in Tokyo, Japan on February 6th, 2142.

A woman lying on a hospital bed was resting with her baby beside her. The woman stroked the baby's cheek.

The baby slowly opened his eyes.

`Have I been reincarnated already? That was pretty quick.`

Diablo looked around and inspected the room.

`Where am I? Is this...a hospital?`

Diablo's vision was a bit blurry, so he couldn't see very well. He felt something tickling his face. He turned his head and the face of a woman who was around her 20s was in front of him.

`Could this...be my mother? This warmth, I haven't felt something like this for so long.`

Diablo let out a small cry. During his time, his mother died when he was only 10, she was the only family member other than his sister to ever treat him as an equal.

*"Don't worry, mommy is by your side."*

(Note: MC does not know Japanese. The * symbol will mark the words that he isn't able to understand.)

The woman said.

`What did she say? This is Japanese, right?`

*"What should we call him?"*

Diablo heard a male voice. He turned his head to a handsome man. He looked around the same age as the woman.

`This must be my father. Pretty handsome, maybe I've inherit those genes.`

Diablo thought in his head.

*"How about Kenji?"*

Diablo or his name was now Kenji did not understand what these two were talking about. Diablo was born in England and he later moved to France, so he knows English and French. But he never went to Japan, so he had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.

*"Kenji, what a beautiful name."*

Kenji looked at the smiles on their faces.

`They must be a happy couple.`

*"Katashi Kenji. That will be your name."*

Kenji's mother said as she kissed Kenji's cheek.

`This warmth, it's been so long...`

Kenji gave the couple a smile.

*""How cute...""*

They both said as they glanced at Kenji's little smile.


