

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


February 6th, Year 1347, in France...

In a large bedroom in a vast mansion lived a man named Diablo and his little sister, Alice.

Alice was bedridden due to contracting a plague that was spreading across Europe and Asia, killing millions of people.

"Are you alright Alice?"

"Brother, I'm sorry if I'm being a nuisance."

"Alice, you are my sweet sister, you will never be a bother to me"

"Hehe, I'm alright, you don't need to keep worrying about me."

Alice said with a sweet smile.

"*Cough* *Cough*"

Alice coughed up a small amount of blood. Diablo handed her a handkerchief and comforted his sister.

"Please continue resting."

"B-but today is-"

"I know. You don't need to come if your sick."

Diablo said as he readjusted Alice's pillow. Alice smiled as she looked at the ring on Diablo's finger.

"You still miss her?"

"Yes, of course. She was the love of my life. But you were the light that brought me out of the darkness."

"Heh heh, you're still the same sweet-talking brother I know."

Diablo once had a wife. Sadly, she died at a young age due to another kind of illness.


A man opened the door and walked inside. Diablo turned around and glanced at the man. He was wearing a long black coat with fire patterns scattered all over it.

"Master, it's time."

"I see, thank you for reminding me, Ignis."

Ignis, the prodigy of fire magic. He serves Diablo as his right-hand man. Ignis was once a young troublemaker on the street who used his fire magic for causing havoc. After encountering Diablo, who was only 18 at the time, his whole life changed and he became his disciple when Diablo became the head of the Casterel family.

"I'll be back soon, Alice."

"I pray that fate chooses you."

Diablo swept the hair on Alice's forehead and gives her a kiss.

Alice blushes and smiles at him.

Diablo then walks out the door. Ignis politely bows to Alice and closes the door behind him, following Diablo.

As Diablo and Ignis walk down the hallway, he passes 5 other prodigies wearing similar clothing to Ignis, they also follow him.

"Will the Myriad of fate really choose our master?"

A female prodigy whose coat had water wave patterns asked.

"Of course, how can he not? Our master possesses and controls every type of magic. That is why he is called the Monarch of Magic."

Another prodigy who had ice patterns all over her coat answered.

"Yes, the sacred title that has been given to those that have mastered all kinds of magic."

The one with trees and leaf patterns on his coat explained.

"Including the 11 fundamental types of magic."

A male prodigy said. He had swirling wind patterns on his black coat.

"That's not all, he has mastered all forms of magic. Not just the fundamental ones."

Added the prodigy with lightning patterns on his coat.

"Thank you, you all flatter me too much."

Diablo said as he chuckled in embarrassment.

"""""Anything to make our master happy."""""

They all said at the same time while bowing to him.

"Stand up, all of you. You're embarrassing our master."

Ignis said with a stern voice. His eyes burning with suppressed fury.

"""""Sorry, senior Ignis."""""

They all apologized while lifting their heads.

"Umm guys."

Diablo called them from the other end of the hall.

"Are you going to catch up?"

"We are very sorry, we will catch up now."

Ignis answered for the other 5.

As they walked down the hallway, they eventually arrived in a large empty room where a crystal with many flowing colors radiated a presence that felt as if it was sending out waves of energy floated on top of a chair.

There were 5 other prodigies who were waiting for Diablo.

As they caught sight of Diablo, they fell onto their knees and greeted him.

"""""Greetings master."""""

Diablo signaled them to stand up. Then he slowly approached the rainbow-hued crystal.

"When did you guys find this?"

Diablo asked his subordinates.

"It was found by one of the miners. Sadly, when he touched the crystal with his bare hands, he was overflowed by the intense magic it spilled and died a few minutes after."

Came from the man with watch shapes sewed all over his coat.

Diablo held his chin and nodded.

"Send a reward to this miner's family and give them my regards. Well, not like I needed to tell you since you've already done it."


The man nodded.

"As expected of you, Kronos."

All of Diablo's prodigies have similar pasts as Ignis. They were troublemakers, had different kinds of magic, met Diablo, and became his subordinates.

When they became his subordinates, Diablo, who had mastered all forms of magic had broken the limits that prevented them from advancing from their level of magic. This gave Diablo all of their undying loyalty.

(As a stupid author, I love dumping info. I mean, anyway...)

"You find any information on it?"

Diablo asks.

"Well, according to our librarians, it's an ancient crystal that emits massive energy levels and once it connects with its worthy one, it fuses with him and grants him power that surpasses the gods. It is called the stone of fate."

Said the man with stars splattered all over his coat.

"Locus. By him, who exactly do you mean?"

Diablo said with an intriguing face.

""Well, of course, he meant you.""

Two ladies in the corner spoke at the same time. One of them had skulls and purple flames over her coat, and the other had white golden feathers.

"Hmph, of course, you meant me. Now..."

He turned around while putting on a contented face.

"Wouldn't you all agree?"

They all nodded and kneeled down, except one of them. This man had weird moving particles on his coat. He first had an emotionless expression, then he gave a crooked smile.

"Of course, I can never disagree with my master."

Diablo cackled with laughter. Even if Diablo possessed infinite potential, he still craved for more. He was intoxicated by power, he needed more, he needed more power, and this was the perfect thing he needed.

Diablo walked towards the crystal and took a hold of it. When he did, the crystal began glowing.

"What do I do next?"

He asked Locus.

"In order for you to connect with the crystal, you need to join it with your source."

"I see, that would make sense."

Every mage has a source. Their source is located on a random part of their body and it is marked with a crest.

Diablo took his shirt off revealing two crests, one located on his heart and another in the middle of his chest. Unlike others, Diablo is the only mage to have two sources.

Diablo then hovered the sharp end of the crystal in front of the crest on his heart.

"Fate will choose me, and then, I shall exceed to a level beyond a god's."

Then he trusted the crystal into his left chest.

The crystal shone a bright glow. Diablo cackled as the crystal slowly began entering his chest, fusing with his heart.

But then...



The crystal in his left chest had exploded, creating a fist-sized hole.

Diablo looked at the blood that was dripping out of the hole.

"I-impossible... why did it-?"

Then the man with the crooked smile erupted into laughter.

"Rem, what did you do?"

"You're too naïve. Isn't it obvious? Did you really think that was the stone of fate?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Thanks to you, my reality magic has advanced even further than that of a god's. That stone you stabbed in your chest was a fake. We all deposit our energy into that stone so it would emit the same energy level as the real one, and we also infected it with the symptoms of this plague."

Diablo began coughing up blood. He glanced at all his subordinates.

"Is this true?"

They gulped and nodded. Rem clenched his hands.

"Why did you do this Rem?"

Diablo asked as there was a large puddle of blood on the floor.

"This was an order from the royal capital. His majesty ordered me to take you out."

"You betrayed me for that self-proclaimed king?"

"You will not insult the king, whatever his majesty says is absolute."

"But why though?"

"The spell you used for lady Alice, you could've used it on everyone who is infected with this virus, but you never did because you are selfish. Not only that, but it was also for a better future, a better future where you never existed. Tell him Kronos."

"It is true, most of the futures that I've peered at, you brought chaos onto the earth."

Diablo shook his head as blood dripped down from his eyes.

"I need to he-heal."

Diablo placed his hand over the hole in his chest.


He'd try using a healing spell, but nothing happened.

"It's useless, we've nullified your magic."

Diablo glanced at all his subordinates. They all had their palms pointed at him, a grey magic circle in front of them.

"Y-you all...if this wasn't the stone of fate, where is the real one?"


Rem held up his hand and slowly the same crystal that Diablo stabbed himself with materialized.

Rem expected Diablo to be mad, but Diablo smiled and laughed with a scrappy voice.

"Rem, your reality magic, it's gotten better and better."

Rem gritted his teeth as he watches Diablo put on a grin.

"Why aren't you mad?!"

"Why would I? I removed your limits for a reason, so you guys could advance."

Rem glared at Diablo. Then he turned to Locus.

"Bring her here."

Locus eyes widened.

"Are you crazy? She's bedridden, there is no point in bringing her here. She'll eventually die."

"Do it."

Rem clenched his hands. Locus gulped, he snapped his finger and a few seconds later, Alice's body floated into the room.

Diablo began trembling as his eyes were glued onto his sister's floating body.

"What are you planning to do?"

Rem glanced at his former master and smiled.

"Did you know that if the stone enters an unworthy mage's source, they will die?"

Diablo tried to stand up, but he stumbled. He looked up at Rem.

"Don't please, it won't choose her."

"We don't know that yet. We might as well try."

Everyone except Rem looked away, they didn't want to look Diablo in the eyes.

"Why aren't you all stopping him?"

He asked them all.

"I've trapped them with my reality spikes."

Diablo looked at them and around them, they were surrounded by sharp spikes. Then he looked at Kronos, who had no spikes around him.

"My magic is the most potent of the others, they know they can't beat me, not even Locus or Kronos."

In this world, reality magic is ranked higher than time and space. Not only does it bend reality, but it can also rewrite reality. It can create illusions, cause chaos, and even alter one's existence. However, it has a short range of 1 meter.

Kronos was in Rem's range, so even if Kronos tried to stop time or reverse it, Rem can kill him with ease. This is how powerful reality magic is.

Rem hovered the crystal over Alice's stomach where her source was located.

"Will the stone of fate choose her?"

Diablo couldn't talk anymore, all he could do was utter weird noises. He was shaking his head the whole time as he watched Rem drop the sharp end of the crystal on Alice.

When the crystal entered Alice, it glowed a few times, maybe the stone did choose Alice.

Sadly, it didn't.


A large hole appeared in Alice's stomach.

Diablo froze, his eyes widened and his mouth gaped. He just witnessed his sister get murdered in front of his eyes.

"Boohoo, your sister is dead. If only the stone of fate did choose her. Even all those attempts at suppressing the symptoms, she still suffered. This was for the best."

`Alice...my sweet sister...`

Diablo crawled up towards his sister. He dragged a trail of blood behind him. There were many things going on in Diablo's head.

`Alice, how. I swore to protect you. I-I-I failed.`

He caressed his deceased sister in his arms. Tears overflowed from his eyes and they dripped onto Alice's face.

Then his eyes flashed yellow. He lifted his head and glared at Rem. Then he looked at the stone of fate in his hand.


Rem wore a confused expression.

"What are you looking at?"


Then the stone disappeared from Rem's hand.

"What? But how could you use magic?"


Diablo jabbed the crystal into the middle of his chest, where his other source was. Then the stone was absorbed into Diablo's chest.

"Th-the stone of fate, it really did choose Diablo."

Diablo's whole body began glowing. While it did, he kissed his sister on the forehead and hugged her closer.

A demonic voice echoed in Diablo's head.

`Your wish, your wish...`

Diablo glared at Rem.

"Send this imbecile to the furthest planet in the universe, then remove all attributes of reality magic from everyone except me on this planet, and lastly, kill me and you can do whatever you wish."

His chest glowed a strange color, a color no one has ever seen before. Then in an instant, Rem was gone, vanished in thin air. For everyone in the world that possessed reality magic, they had lost their attribute, and lastly, the light in Diablo's eyes faded away.

Then he went limp, with his sister's face in his arms.

. . .

Diablo Casterel and Alice Casterel, died on February 6th, Year 1347.

After Diablo's death, all his subordinates and fled and his body began twitching, and it was as if something was trying to escape from his body. Then a tree bursted from Diablo's back, roots came from his chest and it covered his sister's body, while his faded and slowly became the tree.

In a matter of minutes, a large tree that stretched into the sky had appeared. That's when monsters suddenly appeared, these creatures were called magic beast. They were born from the tree that Diablo had become.

This was the start of a new era. Eventually, a century later, France was overrun by magic beasts.

The age of Diablo, the Monarch of Magic, was over...




Sorry if this was a long prologue. Anyway, consider adding this to your library, that's all.

MonarchXcreators' thoughts