
2 || Divergence, or not?

``Hayabusa. . . ?`` A woman called out to her young son as he rushed to his mother. He looked confused as he stood by the woman without uttering a word.

``This will be your playmate, your father decided it.`` She only said as the little child looked at her mother then to the little girl his age. She had white hair and turquoise eyes staring at him and that rosy lips smiling at him cheerily.

``She is Kagura from the Kagura family.``


Dawn has arrived as Hayabusa was eating his breakfast, his parents approved of his decision and tomorrow he will leave for the elite class.He had one day left and he decided to pack up and train the whole day. It was going to be a new experience for him, Hayabusa never expected to even attend a class.

He heard of the Magic Academy at the Western Lands but didn't think much into it, he didn't seem to like the idea of staying in a desk for a long time. Although this special class was intriguing, it mentioned the battlefield and honing his skills, this was a chance for him to grow and be better than ever.

His mother called him as he went down, he was quite surprised as he saw Kagura and his mother drinking tea together. The snow haired girl turned around and smiled at him as he only nodded back. ``Hayabusa!~`` She'd squeal as he leaned by the wall.

``She came to visit you, why not let her accompany you train for the day?`` His mother explained as he only nodded again, not uttering a word as Kagura stood up ready to go. He didn't really mind his playmate tagging along since she always used to train with him back in the day. Though he did admit she was quite behind but he was fine with her strength.

``Let's go.`` He said as he walked outside while Kagura grabbed her special umbrella and also walked out. He jumped up to a roof as he waited. Kagura threw her umbrella to his direction and appeared on the roof holding it. This was one of the girl's special abilities and her main tactic to get damage done.

``Ah, I'm quite rustic. . .`` She'd utter as she dusted herself.

``You seem fine.`` He'd only reply as he dashed off, though a little slow for Kagura to follow. She managed to follow him as she jumped roof to roof. The two ran off to a forest clearing as they landed on the grass. Kagura would breathe as Hayabusa checked if the coast was clear.

``Haya. . . ?`` She'd ask as her friend disappeared. Kagura looked around as Hayabusa landed on the ground dusting off the dirt on his clothes. ``I'll start.`` He'd say as he started jumping on the branches, the trees here were gigantic and the branches were high. Kagura sighed as she sat on the ground not letting go of her umbrella.

She gazed at the sky and wondered many thoughts, she was quite relaxed with the peaceful atmosphere that was in this forest clearing. This very area was the place that the two always had trained, so she always felt at ease.

Summer has arrived after all.


Meanwhile the shadow sect ninja was dashing off branch by branch, circling a certain tree as he threw his multiple shurikens hitting it in all angles. He'd stop and dash forward again as three shadows appeared in different branches in different directions, he'd close his eyes as he prepared himself to teleport to these very shadows.

He held his shurikens, ready to throw them as he teleports to the right shadow. He throws the three shurikens as it caused a small explosion on the tree causing it to fall. Hayabusa teleported to his left shadow and dashed off back to Kagura.

But as he was on the move he heard the once peaceful birds fly off as they have grown scared of the commotion that he had caused, little guilt was in him but he resisted it. Emotions will only get in the way of training, he thought as he arrived to the resting playmate.

``Ah you're back!`` She'd look a bit drowsy as she called out as he only looked down at her. Kagura patted the grass patch next to her motioning him to sit down and relax. Truth be told he wasn't really tired but if it satisfies her then he had to sit down. And even if he didn't, she'd nag him to death for training too hard.

``You suddenly ran off and I was quite worried, though I had faith you would come back~.`` She'd smile ever so innocently as he only nodded, he was a man of a few words after all. She looked quite troubled that her playmate won't ever talk until necessary.

Sure she already got used to it, he wasn't the talkative type after all. But that was one of his unique traits that she liked, she'd be surprised if Hayabusa suddenly talked alot. She really can't imagine it.

``Hey Kagura wanna train later and maybe even a duel if you want, don't worry I'll be easy for you.``

``Kaguraaa can you make me one of those signature sandwiches you always make? It's really delicious!``

``Uyy Kagura have you ever tried buko? It tastes great, my mom can make it for us.``

Yeah she just can't imagine.

She stopped her weird thoughts and looked at the confused Hayabusa. The real one is right here Kagura get it together, she mentally slapped herself.``Sorry~ I was just thinking of a world where a talkative Hayabusa lives.`` She'd bluntly joke as the ninja was silently taken back. Well it wasn't really a joke-


The day passed by quickly as night was drawing near, the two headed home. But the ninja was quite troubled. Right now, he was still escorting Kagura home. This was going to be the last time he'll see her for a long time now. His only friend in this village and he's leaving her.

``Hayabusa?`` She called out, he was lost in his train of thinking again.

``Good night.`` He whispered as she smiled and went inside, he was truly an idiot.

He was leaving tomorrow at the brink of dawn, he won't be seeing her anymore. She didn't even know of his enrollment, and frankly he wanted her to be in the dark about it. But that same nagging feeling is still there.

He tossed it aside, emotions would only distract him. He dashed off to his own home and slept, tomorrow was a big day for him.

As the morning dew hit, the young Hayabusa dashed off heading to the Minoyan Empire.


Upon his travels an owl stopped him, saying that he will be the one escorting him to the campus. Hayabusa was suspicious at first but the owl showed him the list of scholars that will also be escorted at the Eastern lands.

``Now let's see we still need that moon child. . . and that yin yang girl. . .`` The owl muttered to itself as it read the list. Hayabusa was looking around him avoiding the glare from his right. And this very glare belonged to Hanabi.

``Oh I will beat you someday. . .`` She'd mutter as she crossed her arms leaning on the wall. Right now the three were in an egg pod that will transport to wherever the owl pleases. Well this saved Hayabusa from running miles, though it was a great training session.

``And we still need. . . Ah she's here.`` The owl opened the pod as the girl stepped inside. Hayabusa was quite surprised as he stared at her smiling.

``Ah! Hayabusa~`` She'd smile grimly, it was the same playmate he had ever since he was little, and she'll also be attending the class.

It was Kagura.