

"Where is your Royal Highness?" Anthony asked.

Everyone was at a garden party. The Pendermore girl have been trying to find the Prince for a while now, but slowly gave up. He must not be coming. The girl tried not to show her disappointment in the matter, but what can she do?

He's probably busy with his family duties... again. 

"He will show up, I am sure." Lillie said as she took a sip of her champagne.

"Is he treating you well?"

Lillie nodded. "He is. I invited him to play Pall Mall."

"You did? Let us hope he is a better player than Lord Kingsley."

Lillie chuckled. "Lord Kingsley was a joke. He could not even hold his mallet correctly."

"I cannot believe he lied to you. I opt to duel to teach him a lesson as no one shall lie to you." Anthony said. He was being a hypocrite. All this time he has been lying to not only himself, but the girl too.

"That shall not be necessary. We do not need a duel happening anytime soon."

Anthony chuckled. "Did you ever get around to naming the puppy I got you?"

Lillie's eyes immediately lit up. "Of course. I named him Harvey."

Anthony immediately looked at the girl. Did she just hear her correctly? "You named him..."

"After you yes." Harvey was Anthony's middle name which not many people know of since the Bridgerton boy made sure of it. But he couldn't help the smile appearing on his face when he heard the Pendermore girl's words. 

"It is a wonderful name."

"Harvey reminded me too much of you so I had to name him after you."

"When will I be able to meet Harvey?" Anthony asked.

"Will you join us for Pall Mall? I know Daphne cannot come as she and Simon are on their honeymoon."

Anthony didn't answer. He did not want to go. Watching Lillie and Lord Kingsley was torture enough, now he had to do it again with Prince Friedrich? But he was determined. The last time Lillie barely paid any attention to Lord Kingsley. This time should be the same right?

"Of course." Anthony smiled. "Anything for you my dearest Lillie."

"Great. You shall meet Harvey then." Lillie smiled as she excused herself. The Bridgerton boy watched as she greeted Prince Friedrich with one of her heartwarming smiles that he can look at all day. A sense of jealousy formed in his stomach and he hated that feeling.

Lillie was not his.

She was simply his best friend.

Nothing more, nothing less.
