
Uh Oh part 2

    You were vacuuming the carpet when you heard the slight click of a door closing. You turned off the  vacuum to see Cam standing there with a black eyes. There was a large cut on his stomach and it was bleeding.

     You ran over to him and tore off your flannel (you were wearing a gray t-shirt underneath) and pressed it on his wound. You then lifted him up over your shoulder and ran to his room.

"Wow mom... your really strong."

You laid him on his bed to see him smiling. You slowly stroked his head and prayed to Cas. He came in a second, and Cams smile grew bigger. He had a large interest in the supernatural, but you and Dean always pushed him towards school and a normal life.

You thanked Cas for healing Cam and then turned towards Cam before he could do anything else.

"Who did this to you?"

"A friend"

"You dont have any friends..."

"Well... you know what I mean."

"Uh, no... I uh dont know what you mean."

Then the smell hit you, it was sulfur. You hoped that it was just from his science class at school.

"Cam, please dont tell me."

"Why not, mom?"

"Two things, you could get killed and if you dont then Dean will."

"Mom, you promised me."

"For the last time I said maybe ok! Also I noticed there was some new holes in the shooting range. Was that you?"

"Well I had to practice didnt I?"

"Cam, I just dont like the idea of you hunting."

"Im a adult I can do it, ok?"

"You think this cut in your stomach is bad? This is a scratch to me, you want to know what its like to have a two inch deep cut across your stomach?"

"Sounds awesome..."

"It is not awesome Cam!"

You were interrulted by your phone ringing. You answered it and it was Dean.

"Hey whats up?"

"Got a case for you."

"Cool what is it?"

"A demon. Its only a couple miles from the bunker, so you may get away by telling Cam your headed to the store. How is he by the way?"

You turned to Cam. He looked at you and his green eyes sparkled, reminding you if Deans when you said yes.

"Hes peachy. Alright ill head on that case and call you in a bit."

You hung up and headed to your room, you started packing and when you got into your car, a door slammed next to you and you looked over to see Cam sitting with a flamethrower in his hand.

"Cam what are you-"

"Hey you will be there so I should be fine, besides ive hunted wendigos before if I can do it by myself I surely can do it with you."

You didnt say anything, you just turned on the car and headed out the bunker. When you pulled up in the old forest, Cam seemed a little uneasy.

"I thought youve hunted one of these before?"

"Im afraid of dark forests, remember?"

"Phobias of stupid things, got that from Dean alright. "

You cocked your gun and grabbed your blowtorch and headed down a trail in the forest, Cam catching up with you and cocking his gun. You marched into the cave and saw the wendigo eating a vamp?

Before anything could happen you shot the guys head clean off with your shotgun, and the wendigo ran for cover. You didnt even blink the entite time.

"Wow, I have a badass mom."

"Damn right."

You walked into thr cave and you heard a thump behind you. You spun around to see nothing but Cams gun on the ground, and a couple drops of blood.

"Cam? Cam!?"

You ran into the cave, blowtorch in hand. You searched the damp place frantically, only to enter a room and get knocked out.

"Mom? Mom!"

You opened your eyes to see you were tied to a pole, Cam sitting to your side, he had a couple cuts on his face.

"Hey Cam... hows it feel?"

"Hoe does what feel?"

"The cuts, ive guess you dont become a real hunter until you experience excruciating pain."

"Your right, it was vety painful, I didnt like it."

You laughed and then shut yourself up when you heard footsteps. The wendigo enteted and crawled over to Cam.

"Hey bitch, how bout you take a little bit of me before you touch him."

The wendigo smiled and punched you square in the jaw. You grinned and spit out a tooth. He kicked you in the gut over and over and you spit up blood, until finally a bright orangr light filled the room, and Dean was standing there above a pile if ashes. He rushed over to you but you shook your head.

"Cam.. get Cam..."

"Cam is at home y/n."

"No... he came."



Dean stood up and turned to Cam, then you with complete confusion all over his face. You and Cam smiled st each other while Dean untied you both.

"We are so talking about this at home!"