
Insanity Part 2

Y/n pulled me and Sam against the lockers like the rest of the school, when the rumbling in the ground grew louder. Suddenly a large crowd of people were running down the hallway, some wearing blue scarfs and some wearing puffy sweaters. There were this one pair of people that caught my eye. One was wearing a puffy sweater with blonde hair and a mustache, and the other one was wearing a black overcoat and a blue scarf, that reached out and grabbed hold of the others mustache, and ripped it off yelling !

    This was the most insane school I had ever seen. When the giant crowd finally passed, a couple blue cardboard boxes, that looked like phonebooths, came running up, I realized they were people in costume. These people were trotting along while yelling or something like that.

"Wow, it looks like the whovians broke today too."

"This place is crazy! I cant get over it!"

"Alright, its ok, so in the science lab is a broken dimension teleporter thingy, I can fix it and set it to your old dimension if you can distract the teacher for about half the period."

"Um, ok."

   When science finally came, y/n snuck to the back of the room and signaled us to distract the teacher. I tried to think of something that would come as a shock to these people, and then I got it.


Everyone in the class turned to me with the most angriest faces I have ever seen, even y/n. I shrugged and they all jumped me and Sam chasing into and down the hallway.


Sam and I ran even faster at the sounds of these comments, and they were terrifying us. We ran into the sherlockians and whovians, and the whole thing just became a mess. In the end everyone ended up standing outside the school, which was on fire, the whole dang place.

"Well y/n, how are we supposed to get back now?"

"Well, how did you get here in the first place?"

"Uh, an angel sent us."

"Oh really? A archangel because others cant do that."

"Yeah Gabriel."


"Uh... ok..."

"Here, let me call him. GABRIEEEEEEL!"

"Yes y/n?"

Sam and I turned to Gabriel, furious.

"What the hell man? Why did you send us here!"

"So you could meet y/n! I think she would do just fine in our universe, dont you?"

"Shes a kid Gabe!"

"Correction, im fifteen."

"Whatever, she isnt coming!"

"Come on Dean, let her come."

"Ugh, fine, but it she does something stupid, your taking her back immediately."

"Oh yay! I always wondered what your dimension would look like!"

I groaned as y/n hugged Dean and I, this was gonna be a weird few years, hopefully days.