
Gabriel x Reader


Living with the Winchesters had its perks and downsides. The perks were you always felt protected, and you had amazing brothers, a downside was that they were gone on hunts most of the time, leaving you at the bunker to get yourself bored.

    This time you decided to watch a bunch of Disney movies, and started of with Tangled, which was one of your favorites. So you popped it in and got up to grab some popcorn.

   When you returned the movie had started and you hopped on the couch excited to watch your favorite movie. When Rapunzel started to sing you sang along with her, and when Flynn had to battle with the horse you laughed your butt off. You then of course got up and started dancing when came on.

Mother knows best! Mother knows best! Dalalaa!"

Tiu sang and twirled along with the song, which was your favorite, and stopped when the song started to skip.

"Oh come on!"

You tried to turn of the TV, but it just turned back on. This time it wad all static, and a ringing in your ears started to form. Then the lights started flickering, and the radio in the other room startes blasting by You tiptoed to the room to turn it off. When you turned around to see a shadow of someone walking down the hall. You gaspes and grabbed your phone, and slammed the door to the room shut. You immediately called Dean.


"Dean! Oh ny gosh! I need your help! Theres someone in the bunker!"

"Ok stay calm, did you see who it was?"

"N-no I onky saw their shadow, tge lights all started flickering and the TV and Radio went beserk!"

"Where are you now?"

"In my room!"

"Ok, put salt lines on all of the entrances, and stay put for the next hour or so, Sam and I are almost there."

You werent able to answer because a figure appeared in front of you, and you screamed and dropped your phone, when he grabbed your arm and with a gust of wind, you werent in your room anymore.

I heard a scream on the other end of the line and slammed on the pedal. Olivia was our only sister, and neither Sam nor I would be able to forgive ourselves if she dissapeared, or worse.

    When the other line stayed silent I started to panic. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I knew that Olivia wouldnt have been able to protect herself, as she didnt know how to.

"Olivia are you still there?"


"Olivia please awnser! I wont hang up until you awnser!"

And that was how it was. I stayed on the phone until we reached the bunker and I found it laying on the ground, my voice coming out of it. Olivia was gone.

    You found yourself at some kind of park, and a man was standing next to you. He had whiskey brown eyes and shoulder length blonde/brown hair. You threw a punch at him, but it didnt seem to do anything.

"Woah there fiesty, I mean you no harm! Sorry about scaring you and all, but I had to talk to you in private!"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Im Gabriel, I think your brothers may have mentioned me once."

"Oh my gosh, your the angel who eats all the candy and stay in good form!"

"Hey! Thats rude!"

You relaxed as your realized that Gabriel was more trustworthy.  You sat down on a patch of grass and sighed. He sat down next to you.

"So, I was gonna ask you, you wanna help me prank your brothers?"

"Really? Thats why you scared the crap out of me? Is to prank my brothers?"

"Dont worry I can remove this all from their memories! Instead they would think that they finished the case early."


"Because, I have a wonderful prank in mind, but I nees your help to do it."

"Um... ok?"

"There you are Olivia! I havent seen you since we got back!"

"I know you havnt, I was in the uh... the shower! So I have a favor to ask!"

"Whats that?"

"Can you um... Can you please kill this spider in my room?"

"Really Olivia, fine..."

When Dean walked away to your room, you knew that Gabe would be waiting there with his prank for Dean , so you had to act fast. You immediately ran into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl full of maple syrup, and ran back out and poured it all over Sam, as he gasped in shock, you then took the pillowcase full of feathers and threw them at Sam, so they stuck to him. For the final touch, you shoved a carrot into his mouth, and you looked at your work.

   Dean then stormed into the room, and he was covered in tin foil, with chopsicks sticking out of his mouth. Gabe came in laughing, and you laughed along with him.

"Hahaha! Sam the chicken and... haha... Dean the walrus!"

"Shut up!"

You high fived Gabe as you watched Sam try to get out of his chair, but the maple syurp stuck him to it, and Dean fell on the floor, tryinf to free his arms from the tinfoil trapping them on his sides. Best prank ever.