

    Uuuugh, you hated pop quizes, especially when you didnt know jack shit about them. You started to write your name at the top, when the fire alarm went off, sending everyone jumping out of your seats.

    Everyone thought it was a normal fire drill, until you heard a explosion and the building shook, and smoke started to fill the room. People started to scream and you, well being the badass you are, you burst down the door and led everyone out of the school. When the last person left you felt something grab your back, and you were pulled backwards into the flames screaming.

    We pulled up at the flaming school and when we got out people were screaming and running past us. I stopped a kid who was about to run back into the building, she was covered in smudge and had tear streaks all over her cheeks.

   She tried to pry away from me and I stopped her.

"Let me go! Y/n is still in there! Y/N IS STILL IN THERE!!!"

I looked at Sam and he nodded, knowing we were thinking the same thing. I handed the girl to Sam and ran into the building. Suprisingly there was a small pathway leading through the fire, and when I reached the end a teenage girl was laying on the ground unconcious, flames licking at her face.

    I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, and I ran out of there. When I exited the flaming building, it exploded, and a loud screehing came from it, almost unhuman. The girl I was holding moved, and she threw herself off of me, and started running down the street, away from everyone.

   It was Sam and Dean, you remembered your brother, Garth, always talking about them, you just thought that they were fake. Oh no, after you heard them talking and calling each other those names, you just knew.

   So you ran, and didnt stop until you were in the middle of a empty park, in a abandoned part of town. You sat and rested, but couldnt stop thinking about that . It was terrifying.

     You collapsed in a alleyway and started to sleep, when the soft taps of rain hitting your nose. Your eyes fluttered open and you realized you had slept there all night, and there were a few dollars laying next to you from people passing by. Just enough to get you into a motel.

    You sprinted to the nearest motel and nearly fainted when your walked into the 'lobby'. There was Sam and Dean standing there. You walked up to the desk and slapped the money on the table, snatching the keys and stalking past the guys, ignoring them trying to get your attention.

   You found your room and slammed the door in Deans face. You layed on your bed and fell asleep to the sound of knocking on your door.


    You woke up gasping for air and laying in a pool of sweat. No, you wouldnt go back to the life of hunting. Ever since the incident with your mother, you refused to do it. You then focused your mind onto what you saw in the burning building. It was like a person, but huge, and on fire or something.

    You grasped your head as it grew in pain. You stood up and headed to the door, and when you got out you started getting double vision. You started walking to your car, when you stumbled against the wall. You clutched your head and kept trying to walk to your car, when the world started spinning and you collapsed, hitting your head on the corner of a strange black car.

    You moaned and grabbed your head, your hearing was pulsing and you felt like you were going to explode. You tried to stand up and when you did your legs went all rubbery, and you faceplanted and immediately felt the taste of blood in your mouth.

    You tried getting back up when a pair of strong arms picked you up, and placed you back onto your bed. Your vision was still fuzzy, but you felt that you knew who it was.

"Woah there, you are in no condition to be up and walking."

"Yeah fuck you too, I can walk if I want to douchebag."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Your vision finally cleared up and when you looked around, you didnt recognize where you were. It was some kind of brick room with a window and no other furniture than a desk and a bed.

    Dean was sitting at the end of your bed with a worried look on his face. He got up and said he was going to get some tea for you, and you took the chance to start exploring.

    You stumbled out into a series of halls, and after a while of exploring you felt you had been going in circles, it was like a labyrinth. You kept walking until you felt to weak to wake another step, and you ended up sitting down and waiting there in the dusty hallway.


    It had seemed like forever when you finally heard Deans muffled voice somewhere. He seemed to be calling out your name. You tried to say something to get his attention, but all the came out was... What the heck was wrong with you?

    Suddenly you heard Deans yelling get closer and closer, and you started coughing up blood, which led Dean to you. He looked over you and wiped blood from the corners of your mouth.

    You felt yourself fading again, but forced yourself to stay awake. You placed a steady hand on Deans shoulder and stared at him square in the eye.

"Whats... whats wrong with me."

Then you blacked out.