
Demons Lie

    So this is it. This is how I die. Tied up to a pole by some douchbag vampire. Wow, dad would be so dissaponted in me. Especially since the vamp is a chick.

      The vamp entered the room. Damn she had one hell of a rack. She smiled and leaned over to suck my blood. I closed my eyes when suddenly I heard the sound of a knife against skin, and a thump on the ground. I opened my eyes to see a tall thin girl with h/c h/s hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had vibrant e/c eyes and a thick smile.

    She was holding a bloody machete with a pile of dead vamps behind her. She untied Sam and I and started to walk out, but who was she?



You turned around to the two men. You knew they were the Winchesters, wimps. There had been a rumor of a demon who had become a hunter, and was doing a great job,  Legend actually. Well you know the legend is real, because that legend is you.

    You turned around to the older winchester, Dean, and smiled.

"Who are you?"


"You a hunter?"

"Uh huh, you the Winchesters?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just so I can brag that save Winchesters."

Dean just smiled as you exited the building. When you walked out you felt a thump in the back of your head and everything went black.

You jolted upwards when you realized that you were in a unkown place. You calmed yourself when you realized you were in the bunker, Sam and Deans home for now.

    You looked at youself and realized you were in a baggy AC/DC shirt, and your original leggings, stained with blood. You looked around for your weapons, none anywhere. You got up and walked to the library of the bunker.

    You being a demon was cool, but was even cooler was you were the princess of hell. Hell yeah. ()

"Y/n, your awake."

"Yeah, so uh, what happened exactly?"

"You were passed out on a sidewalk and a demon was dragging you, we killed it and took ya in. Youre a teenager, right?"

"Yeah, im 15."

"You are little young to be hunting by yourself, arent you?"

"No, im fine. I was doing fine."

"We were thinking we should take you in."


You thought about it. If you stayed with them and earned their trust maybe you could get them off your back once they found out.


"Ok sweet."

    You stabbed the demon before it could say anymore. It had already said you were not what they thought you were, but you could make it past that. The real problem was, you were in a demon trap.

    Dean huffed and nodded to you and started to walk out with Sam following. You couldnt do anything but take a step foward and stop.

"Come on y/n, lets go get some pie!"

"Ive gone as far as I can."

Dean looked at you and then his smile dropped. His eyes filled with betrayal and Sam pulled out a flask of hot water.

"Get out of her."

You felt a sharp stab of guilt as you realized you were going to have to break them the news.


"I said get out of her!"

"Dean im not possessed!!!"

A tear rolled down Deans cheek as he realized what you were. You looked at your feet and felt a tear roll down your cheek as you were suddenly felt a burn all over your body and you fell back crying out loud. Holy Water.

"What were you planning?"


"Why did you trick us? Did crowley send you?"

You frowned at the name of your father, you loved him greatly, but despised the fact he hurt and killed people. When you were a kid you always wanted to be an angel. All you ever wanted was to help people, not hurt them.

"N-no, my father did not send me, I sent m-myself."

"Your dad?"


"Crowley is your dad."

"He is, and I hate him. All I ever wanted to do was rid all evil, I wanted to be a angel as a child. I wanted to be a hunter and save people. Thats why I started hunting with you guys, because I just wanted to help..."

You were full on crying now, and curled up into a ball.

"Come on, I didnt make you so you could cry at the Winchesters!"


Y/n lifted her head out of her lap. Her eyes were now a deep red and bright red ombre, she stood up and turned to her dad, fists clenched.

"What are you doing here?"

"Saving my little princess of course!"

"You threw me out!"

"Hey, you wanted to be a hunter so I let be one. Dont blame me for whatever happened after that."

"Dad, all I want to do is help!"

"Well I cant help you with that!"

Y/n blinked her eyes again and they became their normal e/c shade. She clenched her fists and the demon trap under neath her cracked. Crowley was flung against the wall and y/n strode up to him.

"Dont ever come near me again!"

"Alright... but ill always love you... princess..."

With that crowley was gone. Y/n turned to me, her eyes once again that red shade, and a tear slid down her cheek, and then she was gone.