
Death Enjoys His Pizza

     "I am going on this hunt! I dont care if its a cupid of the king of hell! Your not going alone!"

"Y/n, this is a group of demons, I dont want you to come, I will be fine by myself!"

"Hell no you wont! Theres more of a chance of us both survivng if I come!"




You flinched at Sam yelling. He never yelled at you. You rab to your room crying, and started to pack up some things for a hunt. You heard Sam leave in his car, and knee Dean was out drunk at some bar. So there would be only old cars left in the garage. Good enough for you. You turned on the ingine of a old cadillac, and headed out to where Sam had said the hunt was earlier, before you guys faught.

     You pulled up in the driveway of an old house, and snuck into the house. You felt the presense of several or more people in the house. You had somehow beaten Sam, though it was probably because he stopped for a salad, you didnt know how you were related.

    You were suddenly pulled from your feet and fell backwards, hitting your head and knocking you out.

    When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed there was already a tan cadillac parked there. I had seen that car before, in the bunker garage. Y/n was ready here. She could be in danger.

    I ran into the house and was immediately ambushed. I was able to kill all the demons from my anger. Y/n was my only child and I would hate to lose her, yet I already did.