
Deane x Gabriel

I walked along the side of the old bridge headed home. I had frozen tears on my cheeks and I had a thick coat wrapped around me. I sighed as I thought about the day. My friends backstabbed me, bullies called me a snake and said I only spread venom, because of my diamond snake bites.

Snow floated down the sky coating everything with a large white blanket. When I thought nothing could get worse, there was a buzzing in my pocket. I picked up my phone and saw it was Jason, my boyfriend. I answered and immedistely started talking.

"Jason! Im so glad you called! Today has been terrible! Jessy, Cate, and Veronica all backsta-"

"Deane listen, Im sorry for everything that happened today, but I dont care."

I stopped walking and froze, my heart pounding and dropping to my stomach.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked.

"I met someone hotter, and better than you, next time you want to get a guy, remoze those pesky snakebites, food gets caught in them and its gross!" Jason said and hung up.

I slowly lowered my phone back into my pocket and looked at the flowing river underneath the bridge. Everyone had left me, and there was nothing left for me. I slowly made me way onto the railing of the bridge, and looked at the coursing river below me.

I took a deep breath and looked around, to make sure no one was watching, and I slowly fell fowards. I closed my eyes as I felt the freezing air blow over my fave and through my blonde hair. I spread out my arms ready to be engulfed by darkness any second, but it never came. Instead I felt a warmth surround me, and a strong pair of arms around me. I opened my eyes and I saw a bright warm glow.

"You know, theres much more to come and see in life, for example candy, so why end it so soon?"

I jumped hearing the voice and I looked around, but all I saw was that bright glow. I blinked my eyes a few times, and suddenly the glow started to fade.

"Wait! No! Dont leave! Who are you? How did you save me?" I asked, and a coldness surrounded me, and I found myself sitting in the snow by the river. I looked around and saw a man in front of me, he had beautiful eyes that represented the color of sunlight going through a bottle of whiskey, and his smile immediately brought warmth to my entire body.

"W-Who are you?" I softly asked.

"Names Gabriel." He said pulling out a sucker and sticking it into his mouth. "Im your gaudian angel. I wont be suprised if you dont beleive me." He said.

I stared at him, at his beautiful eyes and his smile. For some reason, I did believe him, and I knew he was an angel ever since I saw him.

"Thank you." I said to him, smiling. He smiled back, and took a step closer to me.

"So you beleive everything I just said about me being an angel?" He asked with a suprised look on his face.

"Yes I do." I replied.

"Do you also beleive that I chose to be your gaurdian angel, because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life?" He said leaning closer to me.

"I do." I mumbled out before our lips crashed, and we stayed that way for as long as I can remeber. The snow gently falling around us and melting on our skin. Ww pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I love you, Deane, your so beautiful, and I love your snake bites, they make you look stronger, more beautiful." He said to me and I smiled.

"I love you so much Deane." He repeated.

"I love you too, Gabriel." I said

And we always stayed that way.