
Dean x Reader

You sat at the bunker table reading up about shapeshifters, and you kept glancing up at Dean. You had to admit, he was really good looking, but you knew he didnt have any interest in you, he was one of the guys who spent most of his times at strip clubs and never in a long term relationship.

You sighed and turned the page in your book, reading and not noticing Dean looking up at you, examining you and how you had your beautiful h/c hair and e/c eyes. You would learn that he had feelings for you later, but for now, you and him both were stuck being hopeless.

You looked around the room you were in, it was dark and everything had gone silent. You could hear your own heartbeat and everything seemed to be going in slow motion, suddenly Sam burst througj the weak wooden wall, and crashed onto the floor unconcious.

You ran over to him and looked up to see Dean himself pointing a gun at you. Your heart shattered and you couldnt find anything to say as you raised your hands to signal you surrender.

"Atta' girl, dont fight back, otherwise id have to kill you."

"Dean, why are you doing this!? This isnt you!"

You started to get nervous as Dean laughed, but it almost wasnt like his laugh. Sam started to gain conciouscness at your knees, but a kick to the head from Dean knocked him out again.

"Remeber that time that demon slaughtered your family y/n?" Dean asked, a rotton tone in his voice.

"No." I lied, I never liked to talk about what happened when I was younger, I still have nightmares about it every night.

"Oh come on, I know you do, dont lie to me y/n!" Dean smirked and cocked his gun. "How about you describe every detail to me?" He asked.

"I came home and my parents were dead, a demon was there." I said bluntly, not wanting to describe it anymore.

"Every single detail..." Dean snapped stepping foward again. Dean snuck in behind Dean, it you were confused, until you remeber what you were hunting, how could you have been so stupid and blind?

"No!" You snapped and you saw the fake Dean try to pull the trigger, but it seemed you couldnt, you raised a eyebrow and the real Dean behind him stopped, pulling out a silver blade.

"I cant shoot you..." he mumbled.

"Why not?" I asked, confused.

"Because Dean loves yo-" He was cut off by a silver blade going through his chest, amd he fell to the ground dead, the real Dean looming over him. You felt a slight turn in your stomach, amd the world seemed to spin around you, amd everything went black.

You slowly opened your eyes to see Dean and Sam leaning over you. You were back in the bunker, so you musy have been out for a day or two. You slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes sleepily. "What happened?" You ask.

"You passed out." Sam said simply. You looked at him and rolled your eyes.

"I know that dummy, i mean how did I pass out, or what happened afterwards?" You snapped, a little irritated.

"Its ok Sam, I got it." Dean said and Sam nodded, leaving the room. You turned to Dean and remebered what the shapeshifter had said, that Dean loved you. "Dean? Is it true?" You ask.

"What true?"

"That you love me?" I asked in a shy tone, not knowing what he would reply with. His face turned pink amd he looked down, and then back up at me.

"Yes it is true, I do love you." He said, and I smiled.

"Oh Dean! I love you too!" You said and smiled. He smiled too and you both leaned in and crashed your lips together passionately, it was a good day.