
Dean Winchester-1


You silently cursed at the quick sharp pain in your toe, of course you stubbed it on a book you left out for the one hundreth time. Suddenly you heard the familiar voice of Dean.



"You ready?"


You stuff a couple more things into your duffle as you head out into the main room of the bunker to find Dean and Sam waiting for you. You all head up the stairs and hop into the Impala. Dean of course is driving and Sam is shotgun, so you decide to take all the room of the backseat to a advantage and go to sleep.

When you wake, you are no longer in the backseat of the Impala, but laying on a bed in an old motel room. You figure that Dean must have carried you out of the back seat and taken you into the motel room, where were they anyways?

You open the fridge to see that Sam  has probably already gone out and gotten some 'groceries'. You pull on a hoodie and some sweatpants and grab your book, you lay down on your bed and wait for the boys to return from wherever they were.

Dean and Sam walk In arguing over something. Like usual, and you once again have to break it up.

"Hey, knock it off"

"Sorry y/n, its just Sam thinks you should join us on this hunt."

You sit up with excitement, with Dean being an overprotective boyfriend, he never let you go on hunts.

"Yes, please!"

"No y/n. Its way too dangerous."

"Dean I was raised by a hunter too ya know."

"I know, but ever since that one demon took you, I just dont think its a good idea."

You sigh and lay back on your bed. Suddenly you feel someone sit at the end of your bed. You look up to see Dean smiling at you.

"Well maybe you can go on this hunt, its seems like we only have a ghost afterall."

You leap up and hug Dean tightly.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!!!!"

You press your lips onto Deans as you both melt into a kiss, you hear Sam mumble in the back, "get a room..."