
Dean the Big Bad Wolf

    You swore as you were thrown against the wall. This witch was much more powerful than she seemed. Dean and Sam were both tied up in the corner, and had some kind of sparkles covering them.

    You noticed the witch started reciting a spell, so you took the chance to throw the witch bomb, but not before she threw the same sparkly stuff at you, and it stuck to you like metal shavings to a magnet.

    You untied the boys and you all walked out to the Impala. Your skin felt tingly, but you ignored it. It was probably the spell. Usually spells that had sparkles or whatever made you paralyzed for a couple minutes so the witch could attack you, so that must have been what the tingling was.

     When you reached the bunker after a long drive full of Deans terrible singing, you groaned and headed to your bathroom, took a shower, and went to bed.

    When you woke up your entire room was freezing. Your eyes were so cold they seemed frozen shut, and as you tried to stand up, your feet came in contact with a cold slippery floor, and you fell.

    You groaned and rubbed the back of your head, and when you opened your eyes you screamed at what you saw. Your entire room was covered ceiling to floor in ice. Your bedspread was crinkly from being frozen, how did you not notice this before?

    You then tried to stand up again, and when you did, you got a strange feeling in your feet, and suddenly you could walk on the ice as if it were normal wood, you didnt even feel cold anymore.

    You headed to the bathroom to see if you looked any different. You screamed again when you saw your hair was pure white, and your eyes were a shocking icy blue, much more vibrant than even Cas's eyes.

    You heard footsteps in the hallway and a pounding on the door. You tried to open the door but then you realized that it literally had a thick sheet of ice covering it.

"Y/n! Whats wrong! Open the door!"

"I cant!"

"Yes you can! You better not be hurting yourself!"

"Im not Dean! Its literally frozen shut! I cant even reach the doorknob!"

"Alright ill be back y/n!"

You started pacing your room and noticed your gun sitting on a icy dresser, not affected by the ice, yet. You grabbed the gun and when you did it immedistly became covered in a small layer of frost, that kept becoming thicker, eventually becoming a thick layer of ice, like everywhere else in your room.

    You were interuppted when you heard a long crash, and looked behind you to see that Dean had used a hammer to break down the door and the wall of ice. When he saw you his eyes widened.

"Y-your hair..."

"Dean whats going on!"

"Jeesus its freezing in here? You could have froze to death!"

"I feel fine. Im actually warm."

Dean approached you and put his hand to your forehead and immediately drew back.

"Your as cold as ice y/n! What the hell happened!"

"I was going to ask you!"

Suddenly Sam burst into the room and had a large puffy beanie on his head, he was holding it down with his hands.

"Guys, somethings wrong."

"I see that Sam! Now why dont you stop wearing that hideous beanie and come help me."

"I cant, my hair will keep growing."

"Your hair will never stop growing now come help!"

Dean walked up to Sam and despite his protests ripped the beanie off of his head. Sams hair flowed down all the way to his feet. You and Dean couldnt help but laugh, as Sam frowned. Then right before you eyes Sams hair grew another two inches in under a second.

"Ok, something weird is going on, everything I touch freezes, Sam had really long hair, and Dean, whats wrong with you Dean?"

Dean just shrugged and gulped. He was hiding something. You gave him a face and he finally gave in. He turned around and lifted his robe, which you didnt understand why he was wearing, and the earmuffs, and the gloves... you were too busy worrying about your own problem you didnt even notice Deans strange outfit.

    When Dean lifted his robe and turned around, you and Sam let out a large gasp. Right there were Deans fine ass should have been, was a large grey wolf tail. Dean took off his earmuffs to reveal two large pointy ears, and when his gloves came off, he had long fingernails. He was like a wolf.

"What the hell?"

"Yeah I know ive got freaking ears over my ears! Wait, where are my human ears?"

"There gone Dean, and I think my hair has stopped growing."

"Do you think it has to do with the witch?"

"I bet it does."

You thought about it for a minute and then realized what was going on.

"We are fairy tales!"

"Fairy tales? Like in-"

"Rapunzel, Big Bad Wolf, Jack Frost!"

Dean and Sams faces tensed as they realized what was going on. The witch had turned you guys into fairy tales, and you probably had to do what the fairy tale characters did to get the curse lifted off of you guys.

"Do you think we have to play our roles?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, Sam has to have someone climb his hair... which... has grown longer than I can see, or I have to freeze a whole town?"

"And I would have to eat a little girl?"

You shrugged as Dean just growled, which came out as a literal growl, which scared himself.

"Ok well Sam yours will be easy, you can just go up the staircase and throw your hair over the side, and Dean will climb it-"

"Why do I have to climb it?"

"Because ill freeze it dumbass! Anyways, I can freeze the small town over, because its the middle of winter and they would just think its a storm, now Dean, I dont know about you."

Everyone agreed and got ready. Sam bunched up his hair and wrapped it several times around the railing by the entrance of the bunker, and then before he dropped it down you stopped him.

"First, Dean had to say the line."


"Just do it!"

"Fine... Sammy, Sammy... let down your hair..."

Sam threw the hair down and it landed on Dean, while he muttered something like under his breath. Dean grabbed Sams hair and started climbing, while Sam struggled to hold him. When Dean reached the top, there was a bright flash of light, and Sams hair was back to normal.

"It worked!"


"I have to eat a kid?"

You and Sam just stared at Dean and his ears flattened against his head. You dragged the guys out of the bunker and drove to the nearest town. You placed your hand on the welcome sign, and a large layer of ice spread over the sign and spread to the town, covering all the small houses and stores.

    Another bright flash of light, and you were suddenly shivering. Your hair color was back to its usual h/c, which meaned it had worked! You squealed and jumped onto Sam, while Dean stood behind you guys, growling.

"Well that was easy, but what about me? I have to eat a girl!"

"Maybe not a whole girl, but at least a lil peace of her flesh"

Dean shivered at the thought of eating another humans flesh. You took out a knife and winced as you cut a small tip of your finger off. You wrapped your finger in a bandage you had gotten ready and handed the tip to Dean.

"I am not eating the tip of your finger!"

"Would you rather be a wolf hybrid Dean?"

Dean thought about this and slowly raised the tip of your finger to his mouth. He started to chew and then chew faster, satisfaction covering his face.

"Huh, tastes like chicken!"

Suddenly a bright light blinded your eyes, and when it went away Dean, normal Dean, was standing in front of you with the grossest look on his face as he spat into the snow.

"Oh gosh! Thats disgusting! We are never doing that again!"

You and Sam laughed as all three of you headed back to the car, once again happy at the end of the day.