
Coma Part 1



    Now you were laying in a hospital room, in a white shirt and blue shorts. You walked into the halls, but they were completely empty. You felt weak, and your legs felt like raw noodles. You wobbled down the hallway and came to a staircase. When you descended you found someone at a desk.

"Excuse me, my name is y/n l/n and I was wondering where some family members might be, can you help me?"

No reply. You asked again, still no reply.

"Wow, ok thanks for nothing, bitch." You spat at her and walked away. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your chest. You doubled over in pain as doctors ran towards you... and pass you. Then you heard your name, it was Sam.

You looked up to see Dean and Sam staring at the hospital room everyone was headed to, with tears in their eyes. No, you were having a out of body experience. You gathered the strength up to rush to the room, and throw the figure off of you.

    Your pulse went back to normal and doctors filed out of your room, the reaper was gone for now. Dean rushed into the room followed by Sam, and they clutched your hands while crying.

"Sam, shes gonna die on us."

"Dont say that Dean."

"She almost died once! Shes going to die soon enough!"

Suddenly the brothers started yelling at each other. You yelled for them to stop, but of course they didnt hear you. You started pacing the room, and tried to knock a lamp off a table. Surprisingly the lamp did fall over, and both of the boys stared at it with wide eyes.

You suddenly tried to move something else, but you just went through it. Suddenly Sam burst into the room, you didnt even notice he left. He was holding a ouji board. You were so not going to do that. Sam set up the board and Dean sat next to him.

"Y/n? Are you here?"

"Yeah im here but I am not doing that shit."

You stood there as hope faded from their eyes, replaced by tears. You sighed. You loved the boys dearly, and you guessed that this may be the only way to communicate with them, so you have no other choice but to do it. You sat down on the other side of the board, and as Sam was about to take his hands away, you glided him to the YES on the board.

"Oh my god y/n. I thought you were gone."


"Was the reaper here?"


"You have to find the reaper and trap it."


Dean let out a chuckle and started to draw symbols all over the room. You then left the room to find the reaper, unaware Sam was still trying to communicate with you. You searched the whole hospital until you finally found a young girl with blonde calling out for help.

"Why cant you see me! HELP!"

"Hey its ok, I can help you."

"Whats going on?"

"Your having a out of body experience, but I can fix it."

You knew this was the reaper, but you wanted them to think you didnt know. You brought the reaper to your room, and you shoved them in, but they suddenly turned around and brought out a knife. They slashed at you and pushed you up against the wall. She then pushed you into your hospital room and smudged the reaper trap.

For every bruise and cut you got, it would appear on your real body. Suddenly she cut your stomach, and a large blood stain appeared on your blanket, making Sam and Dean rush to your side and examine your stomach. You punched the reaper in the face and she staggered backwards. You tried to pick up a peice of chalk to finish the reaper trap, but failed.

The reaper threw you back into the wall and you hit your head on the wall, and the world started shaking. You looked at yourself to see you were the one shaking, and you couldnt control your body. Your body in real life was shaking too, and you realized you were having a seizure.