
Castiel Imagine

You were walking down the side of the road towards the bunker. You had just gone to the store to buy some pie and salad for the boys, and you ran out of money before you could buy yourself a sandwhich. You stomach rumbled but you ignored it, turning up the alleyway to the bunker.

When you got to the bunker you opened the door and went down the stairs, slamming the food onto the table to let the boys know that you were back. They both came scrambling in and gulfed down theur food, then leaving to return to whatever they were doing, leaving a bunch of trash for you to clean up. You sighed and started picking up the trash.

"Hello y/n."

You jumped and nearly screamed when you heard Castiel. You turned around and gave him a bitchface, crossing your arms.

"I told you not to do that!"

You growled.

"My apologies y/n, do you need any help?"

"No, not really-"

You were interuppted by your stomach rumbling and you groaned, heading to the kitchen and opening the fridge to see a moldy sandwhich, a rotten apple, and three pies, which you knew you couldnt touch, otherwise you would have to deal with Dean.

You returned to Cas and sighed.

"Whats wrong y/n?"

"Oh nothing, just a little hungry... thats all." You said, rubbing your stomach. Cas nodded and you looked away from him, blushing, you always had a small crush on him, but you knew he didnt understand emotions, so you never told him how you felt.

I looked at y/n as she looked away from me and blushed. Could she feel the same way about me that I feel about her? I felt bad for doing this, but I slowly pressed into her mind, trying to find out what she was thinking.

I immediately pulled back out and stared at y/n, blushing. She looked back up at me confused. I grabbed the sides of her head and leaned foward, kissing her, when she kissed back my heart fluttered, and im sure she felt the same way. When we seperated for a breath, we looked into each others eyes.

"I didnt know you felt the same way about me, Cas."

"Y/n, ever since I mer you, you always made my heart flutter, and I knew I loved you, I love you y/n."

"Why Cas, I love you too." Y/n said as we kissed again.

We were hunting a wendigo when it happened. I will never forget it, I was so close to y/n, she was my best friend, and when she died, I felt it was my fault, and could never forgive myself.

I didnt realize I was crying until Dean snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Hello? Earth to Cas? "

He said. I turned to him and nodded, letting him know that I was here, and we set off on another hunt, but I could feel Sam and Deans heartbreak, and we all knew one thing for sure.

Life will never be the same without y/n