

(Jason Scott x reader) Y/n McKenna was the youngest sibling of her older 2 brothers, they were the most popular kids in school which made you automatically popular. Although you didn't seem to enjoy all the attention you were a quiet teenager and didn't speak to anyone at school but your best friend, Kimberly. But that all changed when she started to become friends with that kid, Jason Scott and some other people. She felt abandoned. And they became ‘Distant’. Not long after they were attacked by these weird rock things that came out of the ground lead by some weird green girl. In all honesty she was scared shitless, but all that fear soon turned into sorrow and pain. And all that sorrow and pain turned into anger and lust for revenge. When she finds the white power coin what will be her next move? Will she join the power rangers? Or will she go against them? Letting her pain and lust for revenge get the best of her? Will she fight alongside the enemy? "You don't know what it's like to lose the people you cared for so deeply! You don't understand this sorrow, this pain I feel!...you don't understand anything." "Then make me understand. Talk to me, I'm here for you!...always."

Preciousdfwy41 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Jason Scott

Y/n POV:


I shot up from my bed immediately and rushed out to the bathroom stumbling while over the blankets.

'Shit shit shit, SHIT!' i kept chanting over and over again. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing my hair all at the same time. I accidentally slipped and tightened my grip around the toothpaste and smeared it all over the bathroom mirror. "Shit!" I breathed out. I wasn't gonna have time to clean it all up with my brothers rushing me outside. I brushed my hair as quickly as possible untangling the knots in my hair and washed my face.

𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦

I ran back to my room and grabbed whatever I saw first and put it on, I grabbed my converse, threw them on, grabbed my bag and phone then sprinted downstairs. "Oh, honey you better get going. You're gonna be late for school." Geez as if I didn't know already. *HONK HONK!* "gotta go, bye mom!" I quickly pecked her cheek then ran out the door straight to my brother's car.

"Well looks like sleeping Beauty finally decided to arise from her slumber." Diego teased. "Shut up, get in hurry, we don't have all day now do we?!" Said Rider. He was the oldest and the smartest out of me and my other brother, he worked his ass off and helped our mother around the house. At school he was popular and had girls all over him and he had to put his, "tuff bad boy" side on but in reality, he's a big sweetheart and would do everything he could to help you when you're in a dark place. However Diego is the complete opposite.

He takes every girl he lays eyes on for granted and has a new girlfriend every week, Rider would scold him for needing to have respect for women. But every single time he would brush it off and didn't dare to pay attention, in the end rider gave up and let him be. Diego is constantly getting in trouble. It's either for picking a fight or just being a total asshole.

But when they're around me and our mother, they're insanely overprotective. Literally every boy in our school stays away from me and doesn't even dare to look me in the eyes or even talk to me. Even if one did have the courage to do so, they would regret it rider and Diego would be at their throat if they even dared to speak, look or even lay a finger on me. Some people might think it's cute that I have overprotective brothers but really it's annoying.

I can't even go out or do anything fun without being bombed with questions like; where are you going? Who are you going with? How many people will be there? Are there gonna be guys there? Are you gonna drink? So eventually I gave up on going out anywhere.


We finally reached school grounds and started to walk into the building after parking the truck. As we began walking people moved out of the way when they laid eyes on us, rider and Diego were walking side by side while I was in back walking behind them. Some of Diego's friends came up to him and gave him a handshake. He soon walked off with him to their little group and not long after rider did the same walking off to his group. I felt alone and abandoned walking by myself.


I gasped and quickly turned around with a hand on my chest. "Kimberly! Not cool! You scared the living shit out of me!" I was practically yelling my this point and everyone had their eyes glued on me. Kimberly quickly put her hand on my mouth stopping me from speaking any further. "Shh, cmon class is about to start." She took her hand off my mouth and went over to her locker. We had all classes together except for one, science. Her locker was 3 lockers down from where mine was at.

"Did you hear about that Jason Scott kid?"

Huh, Jason Scott? I know I've heard of that name before but from where?

"Seriously? Cmon McKenna, Jason Scott the guy with short blondish hair and blue eyes?"

'Ohh, him.'

"No why? Did something happen to him?"

"Yeah, they said he was in the locker room with some cow trying to pull a prank or something. Not too sure about all the details though. I only heard it from some people I passed by earlier."

'Wow, what did he get himself into?'

Once we reached our class I barely paid any attention I kept on doodling in my notebook letting my hand draw whatever.

Class had finally finished and I soon realized I had been drawing a picture of me Diego and rider standing together. In all honesty the drawing looked pretty good and not like shit.


It was now the end of the day and I was walking to my locker eager to get out of this prison. When I turned the corner I bumped into someone falling to the ground causing all of my papers to fly everywhere. "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there."

"No it's my fault I was in a rush and I didn't see where I was walking." I looked up and saw two blue electric eyes staring down at me.

"Jason Scott?"

He looked down at his feet slightly embarrassed , he was probably thinking about everything that's happened and how I was so quick to guess his name.

He soon snapped out of his gaze and looked at me. "Yeah, that's me." He chuckled nervously, he lent me his hand to grab and I took the offer. He pulled me up and I started to gather all of my papers along with some of his help.

"Again sorry about that, didn't mean to cause you any trouble."

I looked at him and smiled, he looked shocked at first but smiled back.

"No worries it was just an accident."

I put all my paper's back in my folder and got up off the ground. I was about to say something when another voice caught me off guard.

"What the hell is going on here?"

'Rider. SHIT, this isn't good.' I turned around and saw Diego standing right besides rider with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Nothing, I just fell and he helped me up. No big deal" I said as calmly as I could, trying not to get him mad. Yeah he was a sweetheart but boy did he have a temper.

They began to approach us and rider walked up to Jason examining him while Diego pulled my arm pushing me behind him. I rolled my eyes at their protective manner.

"Hey is that Jason Scott? The guy who was on the football team?" Diego asked while tapping riders shoulder. Rider's eyes widened and a grin came up on his face. "Moooo" one of Diego's friends taunted.

'Poor Jason, he doesn't deserve this. Sure whatever he did was wrong but he still had feelings.' I looked at him with sorrowful eyes hoping the boys wouldn't do anything to him.

"Leave him alone... don't you think he's been tortured enough?"

Some of Diego's gang laughed at me before one of them spoke, "yeah and he's about to get it even worse than what he saw coming." I gave him a stone cold glare before turning my attention back to rider.

"Let's go home. I'm tired and I want to lay down."

He looked at me and then at Jason then at Diego before sighing heavily. "Fine cars out front I'll meet you there in 5." I raised an eyebrow at him and was about to question him but he beat me before I could. "Just go, no questions." I rolled my eyes and began to walk out the building towards the car. I took one glance back to look over my shoulders to see rider speaking with Jason.

'Oh boy, I wonder what he's telling him.'