

(Jason Scott x reader) Y/n McKenna was the youngest sibling of her older 2 brothers, they were the most popular kids in school which made you automatically popular. Although you didn't seem to enjoy all the attention you were a quiet teenager and didn't speak to anyone at school but your best friend, Kimberly. But that all changed when she started to become friends with that kid, Jason Scott and some other people. She felt abandoned. And they became ‘Distant’. Not long after they were attacked by these weird rock things that came out of the ground lead by some weird green girl. In all honesty she was scared shitless, but all that fear soon turned into sorrow and pain. And all that sorrow and pain turned into anger and lust for revenge. When she finds the white power coin what will be her next move? Will she join the power rangers? Or will she go against them? Letting her pain and lust for revenge get the best of her? Will she fight alongside the enemy? "You don't know what it's like to lose the people you cared for so deeply! You don't understand this sorrow, this pain I feel!...you don't understand anything." "Then make me understand. Talk to me, I'm here for you!...always."

Preciousdfwy41 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Jason Scott pt 2

Jason POV:

"Just go. No questions."

In all honesty that girl was cute, hot even. I knew her brothers were overprotective but I didn't think they were THIS overprotective. I didn't want to be here any longer so I tried to sneak my way out of this hoping I would have to deal with this. I needed to get to detention before they started to suspect anything.

"Hey, where do you think you're going? We're not finished with you yet." I turned around and glared at Diego. "Dude. Cmon I didn't even hurt her, your making a big deal about this" they all stood quiet as I spoke. "Now if you'll excuse me I gotta get to detention" I turned back around and started to head down the hall, I was surprised they didn't do anything but walk away and leave me alone. They probably weren't trying to pick a fight but they were always the ones who would. Well Diego would be the one.

As I was walking I glanced over my shoulder to make sure they were gone and weren't gonna cause me any trouble. My eyes landed on a piece of paper laying there glued to its spot. I was just thinking it was a random piece of paper someone dropped while walking. But then I realized that the girl had dropped her papers earlier, it could be hers. Curiosity was slowly becoming too overwhelming and I just stopped, turned back around and walked towards the paper. I picked it up and began examining it. I leaned back on the wall and saw it was a drawing. A drawing of rider Diego and that girl. Huh, did she draw this? If so she did an amazing job at it. Although I knew who her brothers were I never really acknowledged her.

I was slowly snapped out of my gaze by hearing the sound of heels clicking. I looked up and saw a girl walking in my direction, eyes glued to her phone. I just leaned back more into the wall and let go of my grip on my bag opening my hand as a way of saying 'hey.' ( like how he did in the movie ) she just ignored me and walked off, not caring for my existence. Although I didn't mind I felt like an idiot, I'll admit she was pretty and beautiful. But not as much as that other girl was. Her e/c eyes and her h/l, h/c hair. She looked like an angel, I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life before. I looked back at the drawing in my hand before smiling.

'Tomorrow I'll give it back to her'


Y/n POV:

I was beginning to grow impatient with the boys as I was waiting in the car from them. I hope they didn't do anything bad to Jason, I feel horrible that I left him there to deal with those jerks. Minus rider and Diego, no matter how much shit they put me through, I could never hate them. They're all I got, well besides our mom but they will forever have a special place in my heart.

"5 minutes my ass." I cursed under my breath.

Just then I heard the door open and both boys jumped in, I was sitting in the passenger seat with my seatbelt already on. They both had an expressionless face on but I could still see the anger coursing through them. I looked at the 2 before asking, "what did you do to Jason." Well it was more of a demand instead of question.

"Nothing" rider replied.

"Absolute nothing" repeated Diego.

I raised an eyebrow at the 2 before Diego gave a look saying, 'drop it.' I sighed slumping into the seat. We all stood quiet for the rest of the ride home.

When we finally reached our house we all got out and walked inside, still quiet. I walked up to my room, dropped my bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed.

'Finally home sweet home'

Just then I heard a faint knock on my door and when I sat up, Rider was standing by my door leaning on it. I inwardly groaned, "what do you want?" He didn't say anything but approached me. He stood in front of me staring at me. "What were you and that kid doing?" Is he serious? I rolled my eyes, "really? Nothing, I was just in a rush and when I turnt the corner I bumped into him." He raised an eyebrow, "you sure he didn't bump into you?" I sighed heavily. "Listen I have a shit ton of homework to do. So could you please stop with the questions and drop it?" Lies. He didn't say anything but folded his arms and glared at me.

I slowly got up off the bed and walked past him. I felt him grab my wrist and turn me around, "listen stay away from him you hear me."

"Wow isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" I chuckled.

His grip on my wrist tightened and he pulled me closer to him harshly. His brown eyes were staring right at my e/c ones. "Stay away from him. And I'm serious y/n don't talk to him, don't even look at him when you walk through the halls." I was completely shocked. He never called me by my first name, it was either y/n/n or McKenna my last name. Where the hell was this coming from?

"What the hell? Let go of me. Where is all the coming from?" I tried to yank my wrist out of his but his grip only seemed to tighten at my sudden move of actions. A small whimper escape my lips but not loud enough for him to hear. "Listen, I'm not playing around. He's nothing but trouble and will use you to get what he wants. And when you run into people like that, you stay away from them." I raised an eyebrow and asked. "And what exactly does he want?" I already knew the answer to that but I still questioned him.

"Stop playing dumb. You already know what I'm talking about and you will Not talk to him. Understood?" I could believe what I was hearing. "I'm not your fucking dog I can talk to whoever I want whenever I want."

'Bad idea!' This only seemed to enrage him more.

His grip on my wrist tightened and he gripped me by the collar of my shirt with his other hand pulling closer, I seriously don't know what his deal was with Jason. I mean cmon he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

'Or so I thought'

"Cut the bullshit y/n! You will not talk to him wether you like it or not, don't make me bring Diego into this. Your just making things harder for yourself." He half yelled. I fought back the urge to cry, who the hell does he think he is? I'm not his fucking pet or anyone's as a matter of fact. "Hey what's going on in here? I heard yelling." We both turned our head to look at our mother. "No mom, everything is fine. Just talking about something that happened at school." He paused, "right y/n?" My own mother was shocked. Rider hardly ever called me by my first name unless shit was serious.

"Right" I whispered but loud enough for them to hear. My mom being my mom was completely oblivious and started rambling on how she needed help with making dinner. I completely zoned out and just stood there with tears in my eyes. My mothers talking seemed to get farther and farther away yet she was standing right behind me. My vision blurred and it was only me in the room. "Y/n." A voice echoed and it sounded all sweet at first but when it called the second time. "Y/N!" This time it sounded more demanding and evil, I snapped out of my trance scared shitless. What the hell was that?

"Y/n? Honey are you ok?" I lifted my head up and stared straight into my mother's eyes before putting on a fake smile. "Yeah. I'm alright mom, just zoned out a little." I turned to look at Rider who just glared and walked out.

"Hey mom, I'm not feeling so good, i'm gonna go lie down ok?" She looked at me before putting her hand on my forehead and another on my cheek. "Hmm ok you do seem to be getting a little warm. Call me if you start to feel worse and I'll come up ok?" I just nodded my head and walked toward my bed and laid down, not even caring if I didn't change I needed to relax and forget all this drama. And that's exactly what I did.

When I woke up I felt way better, I mean I was still tense but still felt better. Since I didn't have much homework besides reading I was good and could easily finish it. I decided to take a Bubble bath to help calm my muscles down.


I played some music while relaxing. Everything was going good so far. I forgot about everything and didn't make too much of a big deal about it. That is until I heard the doorbell ring, I was wondering who could that be. It wasn't either of the boys' friends because they would have told us before they came. And for sure it wasn't for mom because she was done and through with dating and barely talked to any of her friends. Ya know after our dad left us and all, it hurt her the most. I shivered at the memory, it was an awful day.

The door kept on ringing and no one seemed to be answering it. "RIDER OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled. No answer, hmm did they go out? Whoever was outside kept ringing the doorbell and my patience started to wear off.

"Ughhh, I'M COMING!" I got up out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body and walked downstairs. It was cold as hell, i mean of course it would be I just got out the tub and we had the AC on. I walked down and saw a note on the diner in the kitchen from my mom.

'Went out to get groceries. Be back soon, love ya'

Well isn't that lovely. I walked to the door and opened it seeing who in the hell disturbed me from my bath. My eyes widened at the person standing in front of me. I grabbed his arm and yanked him inside before anyone saw us slamming the door shut. "What the hell are you doing here?! You have to go before my brothers get back!" He just looked at the ground and...wait...was he blushing? "I-I um didn't mean to disturb you or anything but uh...you dropped this. And I just came to give it back." It was my drawing of me and the boys. In all honesty I didn't even know I dropped it, but was thankful he found it. I grabbed the drawing and smiled, which caused him to smile. He looked cute when he did.

"Shut up I told YOU to grab it"

"Yeah whatever buddy."

The voices boomed outside. 'SHIT!' They could not see him here with me especially since I'm practically naked with only a towel covering me. "Hurry they can't see you!" I dragged him upstairs and shoved him in my room. "Stay here and be quiet." He nodded and didn't dare to ask questions.

I ran back into the bathroom and let the water go down and dried myself up.

'Shit! I didn't bring any clothes I left them in my room'

I was looking around abruptly desperate to find anything. I sighed in defeat and began to walk to my room again. That is until I'm bumped into Diego. "Hey sleeping beauty when'd you wake up?" I rolled my eyes and shoved past him. I reached my room and slowly opened the door and quickly shut it when I got in. Jason looked tense and scared, hell I would be too if my life was on the line. But once he saw it was me he relaxed a little.

"So I um... I need to change so could you turn around?" He went pale before nodding his head and immediately turned around facing where my window was at. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a big t-shirt and some leggings and undergarments. I threw it all on as quickly as possible before turning my attention back to Jason.

"Ok you can look now." He slowly turned around and stared at me eyeing my up and down, undressing me with his eyes making me feel as if I were still naked. I blushed a little before chuckling, "like what you see Scott?" He blushed and looked away. I needed a plan to sneak him out of the house before anyone could notice. My room was on the 2nd floor so he couldn't go through my window, I mean he could but I didn't wanna take the chances of him breaking a leg or something while jumping down.

But unfortunately it seemed to be our only option and I opened the window seeing if there was something he could jump on to get down safely. "Alright go down that way and jump off. There should be some old mattress there. Once you get down, run, and don't turn back. We can't risk anyone seeing you." For a guy like him to be on the football team and to soon be the laughing stock of the school he sure was quite throughout this whole thing. Nonetheless he did as he was told and was about to jump down when he stopped and looked back at me. I looked at him confused but before I could question him he asked, "what's your name?" I looked at him with a confused face but told him either way. "Y/n. Now hurry up we don't have all day!" He turned back around and jumped down. I couldn't see which direction he ran in due to a big tree by my window blocking the view. I sighed in relief before jumping out of my skin. "Who ya talking too?"

I went into defense mode and turned around punching the person. "Owww! What the hell was that for?" I looked at the human being who had given me a heart attack, and once our eyes connected I burst out laughing. I had punched Diego square in the face. "Well maybe next time you'll learn not to sneak up on people." I said between laughs. "Yeah yeah whatever." He pouted crossing his arms.