
Chapter 4

"We've found some evidence from a man currently caught by another Hero agency, who's dna we think has a certain resemblance to Hisashi Midoryia. We wanted to contact you and Inko Midoryia as soon as possible. We know you might be busy, but could you stop by?" Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I-I'll Be There right away thank you-" he quickly hung up and put his coat on, returning the lounge room.

"Ochako, something has come up, so you think you can cover for me? I'll be back as soon as I can." He asked Ochako rather hurriedly. Quieting some people in the room.

"Sure thing." She smiled. "Where are you going?" Ochako curiously asked him.

"The prison about 8 miles from here. Love you!" Izuku stepped into the elevator.

The room was silent when Izuku left. "Why the hell is Deku going to the prison.?" Bakugo barked.

"I don't know.. I think he would have told if he want in a hurry. I'll call him later. It must be important.." Ochako muttered.

Ochako thought about what he could possibly be doing at a prison at this time of morning, and without any warning either. ".. Actually, I'm going after him. I'll be back in an hour or so"

Ochako hurries down the elevator to catch up with Izuku. "Deku!" She called, once she finally got to him. "I'm going with you! I don't know why your going to a prison, but I need to make sure everything is okay."

Izuku nodded, "I'll explain to you in the car. I didn't expect this either."

The two slipped into the car, putting on their seatbelts.

"Once I was around 3 years old, my dad started some drugs, because he lost his job and any source of income. He blamed my mom for most of the things that was his fault. I constantly remember he brought my mom down. I don't really remember him, but, apparently he is in jail now. The police gave me a call saying I had some of his DNA, so now they want me to confirm whether it is really him or not. They lost his record a while back, unfortunately." Izuku explained as he calmly drove down the street.

"Oh, I'm sorry Deku.." Ochako apologized. "It's fine, most of my life I forgot he was ever even apart of it. I haven't thought about him much at all.." Izuku answered as he turned the corner.

The two sat in silence together as they drove towards the prison. Ochako slowly edged her hand towards Izuku, gently setting it on his lap, she look up at him with a smile. He smiled back. "I'm glad you decided to come with me. I don't know if my mom and I could handle him alone. Sorry if I dragged you into this." Izuku muttered.

"Deku..we are closer than ever before now, why would I let you handle this on your own?" Ochako answered as they finally pulled up at their destination.

"Ah, there you are Izuku!" Inko, Izuku's mother, ran into his arms with tears. "I was worried you were to busy. You brought Ochako here with you?" She perked up quickly.

"Hello Ms. Midoryia." Ochako waved. "Oh no, you can call me Inko!" Inko nervously smiled.

"Come with me please." One of the police officers approached us. Deku look at Ochako with a bit of worry, but she squeezed his hand whispering that it would be alright.

"Here he is. Hisashi Midoryia." Inko silently gasped as she saw her ex-husband.

"Inko..?" The man said in a hoarse voice. "You actually came.. huh. I'm.. sorry for back then. I wasn't in my right mind-"

"I-I can't do this!" Inko ran off to the other room, while Izuku and Ochako just stood there. Staring at him.

"Who are you two..? Friends of Inko's?" Hisashi hoarsely asked. Ochako nudged Izuku.

Izuku took a deep breath, sitting down. "I'm Izuku Midoryia," the man's eyes widened. "Your.. son you left so long ago.."

"Izuku?! My-My son, how you've grown.. I'm ashamed how I couldn't have recognized my own three-year-old, so scrawny and useless. " the man heckled disturbedly.

"But how I was wrong, your quite fit and .. you have yourself a girlfriend here. Man I should have stayed a little longer to see how pathetic you'd be if I was still there. I shouldn't be here, I had a full proof plan, but own of my own men bailed out..I SHOULDN'T be here!" He shouted furiously.

"Deku, we should leave.." Ochako said.

"Yeah.." the two walked out to where Inko was, but Izuku looked back one more time. He had pain in his eyes.