
The date

She woke up early and walked down stairs she made her self coffee, drank it while watching tv

and then went to take a walk. She didn't wear her dress yet cause she didn't want it to get dirty. She took a 2 hour walk and didn't realize it until she checked her phone to see it was 10:00 A'clock.

"I'm hungry" she thought

She looked up to see a diner just a block away

"I hope this is a breakfast diner" she thought.

When she arrived She noticed it was a breakfast diner.

"Yessss" she thought as she walked through the door to smell pancakes,bacon,eggs,toast, and waffles.

She got a table for one and ordered some waffles with a tall glass of orange juice and waited. When it came she ate and paid then started her walk home. She got home and realized her date was coming up faster then she thought. She sat down and started doing a basic make up look, not a lot but not to little.

"There" she said as she finished up her makeup.

It was now 1:00 a'clock she just waited for the date by unpacking the rest of her stuff. At 6:30 she threw on the dress. And kept unpacking her last few things. At exactly 6:50 she heard a knock at her door.

"coming!" She yelled down the stairs as she slipped sandals on. She opened the door to see ace holding a Bouquet of white and red roses. She and ace both blushed.

"You look great" ace said

"Awe thank you, you look great to" Gracie replied. Ace handed her the roses and she invited him in.

"Sorry, we haven't finished unpacking down here." Gracie said.

"That's fine" ace said while closing the door behind him.

Gracie walked into the kitchen and look into a box and found a small tall vase.

"This is perfect" she thought.

"Let me put these in my room and we can go" Gracie said

"Sounds good" replied ace.

Gracie filled the vase with water and ran up the stairs to place them in her room. When in her room she saw a picture of her and her ex.

"I met someone new and I'm over you." She said before pulling the paper and throwing it away.

She placed the roses down and ran back downstairs.

"Ready?" Said ace

"Yep!" Gracie said

They walked out the door and took a walk through town to the ice cream shop.

When they had got to the shop ace held the door open for her and they walked inside, the two walked up to the counter and gazed upon the 50 flavors.

"I'll have a chocolate chip cookie dough" Gracie said reaching for her wallet in her purse.

"Can I get mint chocolate chip please" ace said.

"Sure thing!" The store employee answered

Gracie pulled out a ten to pay but ace insisted on paying.

"Please Gracie you shouldn't have to waist your money" ace said

"Fine" Gracie said putting away the ten

"SHIPPP" the employee said.

Gracie and ace laughed. Ace paid and they walked out with the ice cream.

The walked around town before she got a call from her mum, who told her to come home.

"I'll walk you home, I don't live far from your house" ace said

"Thank you" Gracie said blushing. And they started walking.

When they got to her house her mom yelled.

"Gracie come inside!"

Gracie huger ace and said

"I'll stop by the coffee shop tomorrow" before she went inside and ace went home.

She went inside to see dinner already done so she ate then showered.

"I'm tired" she muttered

She got into bed and played on her phone before drifting off to sleep.

Hai everyone! how is your all’s day been? Mines been great. I came home and finished up this chapter. I am sorry the last chapter took so long to publish. Like it ? Add to library!

MB_chicken_nuggetscreators' thoughts