

The girl had to move...

new town new school, but the worst in her opinion is the new friends.

She struggled with making friends and was forced to leave her boyfriend by her abusive father.That was when the fighting started... Her mother and father would fight for 45 minutes each day after he came home for work.

"Why can't I be normal" the girl thought.

When her parents stoped the fighting she wanted to stay up, and see how her friends were doing. Turns out her boyfriend moved on quicker than she expected and she fell into a depression but she knew she couldn't show how she felt. She did know that she could only trust her mom.

The girl fell asleep around 2:46am, she woke up at 1pm!

"Oh no my dads going to kill me" she thought

That's when she heard her father scream from downstairs

"GRACIE!!!" She heard from down the stairs

She rushed down the stairs pleading and saying I'm so sorry.

Her father slapped her and called her lazy.

"Where's mom.." she managed to blurt out

"She went to get food from the store" he said

"Oh ok" she replied

"Just go explore or something" the father said rolling his eyes.