

EARL a "perfect child" that every parent wish to have EARL who feels lonely in a big house EARL uses studying to escape from his loneliness He accepted it all and got used to being alone but, everything went to south An unfortunate thing happened that made him incapable and disabled ======= (AN) This is my own work, I wish to give you the best I can with my stories so, if you have prejudice against [BoysLove] [BoyxBoy] then I suggest, don't read this story and please leave quietly, there's lots of other wonderful works out there that may suit your taste. Thank you my lovey readers Support lgbtq+ Vote Share Comment

iNKHEART8 · Realistic
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31 Chs

Side Story 1 ŸØŲ.

Author's POV

Conversation of Dawn with his mother

"Where are you? I'm reminding you it's almost 9pm" Dawn's mother started to talk with a warning tone in her voice

"Ahhh yeah, I'll sleep at Derrick's house, I'm sorry I forgot to text you mom" Dawn immediately thought of using Derrick as an excuse

"You forgot? or you just didn't want to tell me? tsk fine, just call me if you need anything" understanding Dawn because she has known Derrick for a long time and she knows he's a good kid

"thanks mom, love you"

They said goodbye before hanging up


Conversation of Derrick and Dawn

Derrick picked up on the second dial

"Hey man, do me a favor" Dawn said immediately, he didn't even let Derrick to say any word first

after some static ringing behind the phone Derrick answered 

"you rarely ask anything what is it?" this conversation piqued Derrick's interest

"if mom calls you, tell her I'm sleeping over at your house" Dawn said desperately, he knows that Derrick is the only one who could help him

"what?! Are you crazy? Why?" Derrick is baffled by this sudden request, he never imagined that a time will come for Dawn to ask something like this

"come on, it's a favor, please" Dawn strongly pleaded

"haaaa fiiineee, tell me the details tomorrow or you're dead" said with a warning tone, thinking that this friend of his is having a really dark secret for him to resort in lying to his mom

"heh thanks man" Dawn knew that Derrick would accept his sudden request but he needs to return the favor which was telling him the WHY

Dawn took this once in a lifetime opportunity so that he could at least stay over at Earl's house for one night

And he actually made it successful by taking full advantage of the kindhearted Earl

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