

EARL a "perfect child" that every parent wish to have EARL who feels lonely in a big house EARL uses studying to escape from his loneliness He accepted it all and got used to being alone but, everything went to south An unfortunate thing happened that made him incapable and disabled ======= (AN) This is my own work, I wish to give you the best I can with my stories so, if you have prejudice against [BoysLove] [BoyxBoy] then I suggest, don't read this story and please leave quietly, there's lots of other wonderful works out there that may suit your taste. Thank you my lovey readers Support lgbtq+ Vote Share Comment

iNKHEART8 · Realistic
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31 Chs

Chapter 28 ŸØŲ.


"My curfew?" I said tilting my head

"Wha- ohh! right, 9pm" he replied looking at his watch "there's only 15 minutes before your curfew" Earl said moving his leg up and down anxiously

"yeah" I sat down with a thud on the couch

"what to do?" Earl whispered more to himself

When mom called me and asked where I was, worry showered upon me but she suggested that I shouldn't go home now because it's late

I just don't know how to tell Earl about it, I heave a sigh

"mom called to remind me about my curfew" I stated

"what did she say? Was she angry? What did you tell her?" Earl asked cutely

"She wasn't angry, I told her I'll sleep at Derrick's" I trailed off "so, I might have to ask Derrick this favor, let me call him for a minute"

Earl opened and closed his lips like he was about to say something but he couldn't, either way I still called Derrick

when I came back to sit on the couch I have a really loud thumping heart

"what did Derrick say?" Earl demanded

"sadly he couldn't let me stay over at his house" I said haplessly and heave a sigh more louder this time

"w-well, if he couldn't help you, I mean it was partly my fault that you couldn't go home tonight" Earl said stuttering "you can stay o-over here instead" he was blushing when he finished the sentence

"re-really? Can I?" I sit up straight, looking at him full of hope in my eyes

"sure" he said with a smile "I'll ask Mary to prepare a room for you" he immediately left to find Mary

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I have to take this time and get to know Earl even more

I have high hopes for this sleep over and cross fingers that something augur will not happen in the future to stain my relationship with Earl

"I told Mary to prepare a room for you" Earl came back with a good news

"thank you Earl" I replied with a sweet smile

"go wash up when she's done cleaning the room" he suggested

"hmm sure" I replied with a swelling joy inside my chest

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