

EARL a "perfect child" that every parent wish to have EARL who feels lonely in a big house EARL uses studying to escape from his loneliness He accepted it all and got used to being alone but, everything went to south An unfortunate thing happened that made him incapable and disabled ======= (AN) This is my own work, I wish to give you the best I can with my stories so, if you have prejudice against [BoysLove] [BoyxBoy] then I suggest, don't read this story and please leave quietly, there's lots of other wonderful works out there that may suit your taste. Thank you my lovey readers Support lgbtq+ Vote Share Comment

iNKHEART8 · Realistic
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31 Chs

Chapter 18 ŸØŲ.


I am astonished

The one who helped me yesterday and the owner of the jacket is the same person

"I'm really sorry it took me too long to return it, I want to thank you for lending me your jacket and for saving me yesterday" I said slightly bowing my head

"No, it's fine really, I'm just glad you're okay, you didn't show up at school and I was worried, how are you?" Reading his lips is not hard at all, he's not afraid to show his emotions the way how his face is changing expressions

"About that, the doctor advised me to rest and not wear my hearing aid because my ear bled from yesterday's..." I trailed off

"Yes, yes, they did something terrible to you and I pity them for having such tiny brain inside their big head" drinking his coffee "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah" I simply reply

"I'm sorry to ask but I'm curious, how did it happen?" He ask slowly "it's fine if you don't want to talk about it though" he said immediately

I know he's trying not to offend me and I haven't told the 'why' to anyone

"Well, I was soaked in the rain for a long time when you lent me the jacket, I got sick, sore throat, head ache and cough. Then I slept for almost a day and the infection affected my ears" I told him while looking down, when I look up his face is a little reddish

"I- I see, it must have been hard for you" he said looking at his watch "well, it's getting late now, are you going to take a taxi home?"

"No" I said, looking at my watch too, it's only 7:20 pm not late yet "I'll drive home"

"Alone? You're driving alone?" he said putting his palms on the table I felt the vibration from it

"Yes, why?" I'm quite perplexed

"No way, I'll send you home, let me drive for you" he said with such serious hazel brown eyes


OMG Dawn are you using this opportunity to know where Earl lives?

Enjoy mylovey readers :*

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