

EARL a "perfect child" that every parent wish to have EARL who feels lonely in a big house EARL uses studying to escape from his loneliness He accepted it all and got used to being alone but, everything went to south An unfortunate thing happened that made him incapable and disabled ======= (AN) This is my own work, I wish to give you the best I can with my stories so, if you have prejudice against [BoysLove] [BoyxBoy] then I suggest, don't read this story and please leave quietly, there's lots of other wonderful works out there that may suit your taste. Thank you my lovey readers Support lgbtq+ Vote Share Comment

iNKHEART8 · Realistic
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31 Chs

Chapter 17 ŸØŲ.


He-- he texted me

"I'm so sorry for contacting you this late but, I would like to thank you and return your jacket back. When are you free?"

I know the sender is Earl, all possible text from him has been running through my head all this time so I know he sent the message!

He wants to meet up with me!!

The feeling of joy washing away all the boredom I felt for the whole day

I don't know what to reply so, I went with the

"maybe later"

But then I realised that sounded kinda off putting so I immediately texted him

"meet me at the café? 5pm?"

"I'm fine with that" Earl's reply made my heart dance

"cool, see you" having this conversation with Earl is making my blood pumping more than normal

I'm trying to make it casual, you can't blame me. I don't want to scare him away

When the bell rings I darted out of the room and directly went to my car

Reaching the car with a burning sensation in my throat due to the lack of oxygen from running

I simply can't wait to see him


I curse traffic with all my guts

I tried to go as fast as I could but, traffic is on my fucking way, if only I have the power to move these cars out of the way, tsk

I thought nearing the cafè would make me feel better but it's the opposite

It feels like my heart will jump out of my chest from thumping so much

Entering the shop I immediately spotted him, his back is facing me and he's seated in the middle of the shop

I think my knees will drop to the floor right then and there, I can finally talk to him and it made my insides flutter

When our eyes met I felt the fluttering inside me changed into a storm

"Hey" is my first word, yup, dumbass

"Hhmm...? You're-" he stood up slowly "It's you, you helped me yesterday and- and the owner of?" He pointed to the paper bag

I nodded my head and said

"Yes, it's me" I smiled showing my teeth "You're Earl right? I'm Dawn, nice to meet you"

Reaching my hand out for a hand shake and he took it reluctantly

I thought when our hands were connected 'ahhh it's so soft'

Dawn is sure whipped to the bones

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