
Æthereal Archives

"Archiving otherwise lost data on them tends to be beneficial in the long term. Not just for me, but for them as well, once they're ready to take it all in from an external perspective. They are not ready. As for me, well, it feels like I always have been, for better or worse. It is impossible to go back for all of us, and with that damning understanding comes a different kind of acceptance that I never imagined that I would achieve. It was bittersweet at first, but with this newfound meaning, I keep myself busy recording what was left behind, and what has yet to come as we tread closer. Infinite paths are carved to reach the same destination, that much I understand now. None are left unscathed, or without fatigue at the very least. To what end, you ask? Well, interpretations have been made along the way, many are just to get to the next milestone. Where one ends, or is rendered obsolete, another comes to light, and perhaps another, depending on how far you walk, and how much further you are willing to go. It pushes us down from our subconscious, offering a taste of what lies ahead. I don't think we are as separate from one another as we always tend to imagine, or from our environment, for that matter. As I read back and reflect, all I can say is that the destination is way beyond how far a single perspective can walk all at once. At least, for now, especially if it is traveled alone. So many paths have become intertwined, however, as we draw ever closer to that sweet, absolute end to all of our journeys, to which we can reflect and simply offer nothing more than a hearty chuckle. We are but buds, carving our way to the surface to take in the sunlight as both a collective and as individuals. For you, the reader of our endeavors, I offer side stories, for lack of a better term, while I compile and develop the main sagas of our collection. It will be fun to express who we once were, and who we will become. Reflect on us, from start to finish, and do enjoy."

Chompa1000 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

An Homage to Faja

As many wise men have no doubt told those that can bear the message; "You come into this world with nothing, you leave with nothing. What have you got to lose? Nothing!"

Call it a traditional slogan by a man named Stan (who wanted to be a woman so he or she could have babies), or a quote passed down from some writer who borrowed it from someone else. Either way, humanity chooses careful words to pass down by oral tradition in order to live in those who remain.

I think He chose this quote from The Life of Brian because he's genuinely the man I've always known him to be; full of all the wisdom and old fashioned humor that demands life's harsh and sometimes unfair truths be taken not with petty pessimism and fear, but to embrace it with shimmering, optimistic acceptance.

It's as though life is what you make of it, when it comes down to which extreme or middle ground you feel most comfortable with enduring until the bitter end. Look at the bright side of life when you can, for it ensures that even when one is chewing on life's gristle, one can properly chew and swallow when it comes time to lick our chops before the next meal.

Each feast is a means to continued survival. The more extravagant the meat and mead the better, but we don't always get to choose to have the same menu day after day. Therefore, the less we grumble, the louder we can whistle, and this will help things turn out for the best.

It comes for us all. No exceptions as of now. It doesn't discriminate, nor does it offer exceptions to anyone. The only thing we can choose is how to interpret it for ourselves and our dearest loved ones. When offered His message, how can we dare remain ignorant of a truth equal to any other?

I won't ramble. I won't rant. I will only remain confident that, beyond anything else, life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.

The years have been a blessing, His focus and actions always orbiting around us; His family, His friends, His legacy. They will not move forward without him, whether he's here to experience it or not.

Always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the right side of life. 

Always and forever.