

For a moment and a half Harry had frozen in suprise wondering how it was that he was still in one piece and left unscratched by the ripper before him. Everyone else stood still in silence as if taking in and digesting what they had witnessed. The Muppets themselves were also frozen in place with their eyes peeled out and dead set on the sight they beheld since they were closest to the action and they saw it all happen right before their very eyes. And their eyeballs were sure to pop out of their heads as they didn't blink.

Finally Harry quickly came back to his senses as he awaited a second blow to collide with his body but to no avail he was stood up. Surprised, Harry slowly rose his head up slowly, his eyes climbing up the mountain of a boy who stood frozen Infront of his eyes. As his eyes were making sense of what was going on he noticed the door that was closed was now open and from it poked out a figure of a man in a suit standing right at the doors if impaled there forever.

The figure standing at the door turned out to be the principal of the school. Mr Ross. Right before Mr Ross stood the young Carl frozen in a fighting stance with his arm stretched out and his fist forward. "The punch, did it" Harry wondered if the overly standing Mr Ross was the recipient of the devastating blow that was meant for him but fell on him. "It didn't hit the door or I would have heard the slam on the door" his mind continued to pace around this thought trying to make sense of it all.

The expressions on everyone's faces summed it all up for him as he realised soon that his assumptions weren't just assumptions and it indeed happened. All this happened in an instance such that Mr Ross hadn't yet even reacted back to his earlier received blow from the high school senior.

Mr Ross's eyes had turned bloodshot red when he finally came back to his senses and starred heavily at the frozen student right Infront of him who had just delivered to him a blow enough to even knock him off his feet. His face was red brewing with raged trying to escape from him. His teeth grinding against each other could be heard from the *oh so* corridor. His fists were already winded up and his long fingers curled up into big fists ready to pound someone into mince in an instance. He pulled his eyes slowly down to the young Harry laying aimlessly on the floor, the one whom he had received a blow for and Harry felt weak and utterly defense less under his gaze and thought for sure this was it and he would be expelled from school and never graduate from high school and become one of the statistics.

Pulling his eyes again from Harry principal Ross met eyes with the audience and noticed all those lenses focusing on him and still aimly recording everything happening from every hesitation to the slightest twitch of a muscle. A slightly hesitating movement came from Mr Ross letting his anger off the leash for a moment as he swiped down Carl with one hand and sent him falling straight to the floor laying with his face down facing the ground next to Harry. "Is he that strong, or maybe it's because he was already struck with fear and couldn't stop himself falling" Harry thought to himself as the mountain of a boy came tumbling down and started trembling on the floor like a whimpering baby. The bloodshot gaze immediately fell on Harry who felt even more vulnerable than before and wondered what would happen next, will he join in and beat them both up or will he be more subtle about it. As if all the rage and anger had settled within him Mr Ross's face calmed down as he came back to his senses and said sloud "the two of you in my office NOW!!!". And the corridor's atmosphere got gloomy and everyone was instantly struck with fear and uncertainty as they saw him change from slapping a Jock senior to the floor and leaving him crying like a baby with just one move and wondered if they were next. "And as for the rest of you, the bell rang a long time ago. Get to class or you're suspended immediately". And just as he said this the crowd dispersed and everyone paced and squeezed through the not so big metal door behind him and ran to their classes without a second thought and all that remained were Harry, Carl and Cyndey who had stood there frozen. "And as for you, my office now".

The atmosphere in the oversized and overly furnished office crammed with nonschool related equipment making it even more crowded than it actually is. In the chairs Infront of the principal's desk sat three students eagerly awaiting the principal's verdict and what he would do to them. The air stood still even with all the windows being wide open. Despite all the trouble he was in Harry couldn't help but admire the offices interior design and the items that filled it up. You could almost see his eyes glowing from the bubbling excitement within. The air in the office grew even more suffocatingly still as a cold sweat was running down the backs of these three students sat aimlessly not sure whether to break the silence first. After a few seconds of irritable silence, the office's quietness was cut in half by the principal's voice hurdling straight for Carl sitting on the chair like a child in a timeout corner with his head facing down. His hands trembling with fear couldn't stop shaking. His breath fast paced and slow at the same time still shocked from earlier's squabble.

"Quite a lovely morning wouldn't you say" the principal's wary voice bounced off of the walls of the office and back to their ears as the wondered how he could be so calm after this. Other than the fact that he was also a past at his church and also ushers at the school's chapel, no man could possibly hold this much anger within and just make it disappear in just an instance without a second of thought and speak so calmly. It was his calmness of voice that made them swell up with even more fear than before and from it they could sense a side of him they hadn't yet since from him and knew how much trouble they were in.

Mr Ross's faced twitched as his words landed on deaf ears and they could tell he was even more irritated than before even with his back facing them while he stared aimlessly out the window at the already risen sun hiding behind the clouds as if unsure whether to come out or stay in hiding much like the atmosphere within the office.

"Now you all know the school rules, is that correct"

"Yes sir" the trio of unwilling students replied"

"And you know fighting is unacceptable within the school's premises during learning hours"

"Yes sir"

"But here we are now aren't we, anyone care to explain to me how is it that this happened in my school"

"Sir he started it and I was jus...". "And you just what". Carl was cut off from even finishing whatever it was that he was saying. "You there young lady, care to tell me what happened back there" Mr Ross said pointing to Cyndey who sat there wailing in thought. A moment passed and the eery principal wasn't taking it well when his hand slammed against the desk and instilled more fear in the students.

"I don't know what happened sir" said Cyndey with an obvious crack in her voice. "You don't know what happened eh". "Yes " she replied. "What about you there" he pointed to Harry who for obvious reasons was still admiring the entireior of the office regardless of the situation he was in.

"It was nothing but a big misunderstanding sir, that's all".

"A misunderstanding" said Mr Ross with chuckle laugh as if he was slightly irritated by the response he got. "Yes sir" Harry sprung the words out faster than light. "I don't buy it, would just a simple misunderstanding lead to a fist fight I'm my corridor and much less me in the recieving end, doesn't add up" prompted Mr Ross trying to push them to tell him what happened out there before him.

"See this is what's going to happen, you're gon..." *Ring, Ring* Mr Ross was rudely interrupted by the ringing desk phone which cut him mid speech. "Yes miss Jones make it quick I'm in the middle of something" rage could be heard whispering off if his voice as he answered the phone call from the school's secretary. "Sorry to disturb you Mr Ross but the minister's office have pushed the minister's visit to today afternoon and they're on their way now"

"The minister is coming today, now"

"Yes sir, she's on her way already"

"We need to call an assembly immediately and inform all the stuff and make sure everything goes accordingly and they're well received and taken care of" Mr Ross hurried on slurring on his words as the minister of education was coming in such short notice that he couldn't even catch his breadth while on the phone. "Yes sir already on it". "Good and come by my office to discuss some things about it". "Coming sir" and the phone call was cut off immediately from the other side.

"Listen up and listen carefully, the Minister of education is on her way to the school and you three are going to stay here and not move an inch, got it".

"Sir wouldn't it seem odd that all the other students were at the assembly but then when you come up with the minister she finds three students locked up in your office, to me that would seem like they were prisoners or something. You are tryna sell that you're running a tight ship at the school and that doesn't seem too good on a review by the ministry, does it. And it most certainly won't look good on your name, will it sir" Harry sprung on his big boy pants without thinking and appealed Mr Ross who saw what he was selling and fell right into it. After a few longer seconds the silence was broken by Mr Ross's voice with unwillingness to it. "You're right, you three are gonna go to the ceremony and as soon as it ends and the minister has left I want you all back in here and not a second too late. Have I made myself clear"

"Yes sir" the reluctant students mumbled as they managed to weasel their way out of this for now. As the left the door they crossed miss Jones who was stunningly dressed as if she knew all along that the minister was coming today.

As they left the office and the door behind them was shut, they all sighed in relief as if they had been holding their breaths the whole time. "This isn't over Potter mock my words, let's get outta here babe " said Carl as his voice still breemed with anger that hadn't died down yet. "I'm not going anywhere with you Carl, you got me roped up in this mess in the first place" said Cyndey in a low voice as if unsure of what she was saying. "So you're gonna choose geek boy over me, what's he gonna get you huh. Do you math homework for a week". "At least his not a bully like you, it's over Carl piss off" she replied. "Fine keep him for all I care, even the more reason to come after you punk, better watch your back" as he disappeared off. Harry stood there quietly as Cyndey stood there quietly as well. And said "so we're not gonna talk about it". "There's nothing to talk about". "You can tell yourself nothing happened between you and I, but I can't deny that we had something going and that you felt it too" he said as he made his way to the assembly.