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After all this time. After everything that had happened over summer break, it only felt right to at least hear her out and get her side of the story. If only things were different. But no it's not. See Harry was what you'd call a self conscious person always aware of his surroundings always having his guard up at all times.

From the the long seemingly endless corridor filled with the swarm of the 50 percent, there she was. Cyndey Hamilton, she was practically royalty at their high school but she always kept her claws in and never got them dirty since her puppets ( the Muppet crew) never minded getting their hands dirty for her but somehow she still had a veil over her that intrigued the masses and drew their favour towards her as though puppets on a string and got the boys drooling over her. Even with the chaos obscuring the view she still stood out from the crowd. Finally winning the battle in his head he made his way over to her by the end of the corridor near her locker. A few feet away from her Harry was startled by what he witnessed before him.

It was as if she didn't see him or she did it spite him since she was back at her her hunting grounds, the school campus where her rule was do or die. She turned in the opposite direction of which Harry was coming and turned over and leaned over to "PDA" this tall tanned jock who was now practically gripping her right there.

" Sh*t " Harry said to himself beholding the site Infront of him as his limbs slowly froze in motion while he walked over. " Really, Carl flipping Jones out of everybody", he thought to himself. He stopped half way to her and drowned in self paundering wondering at what he just saw. Keeping his head down though slowly immersing himself in anguish he continued to walk over and passed them like he was just passing through since him stopping right Infront of them would have definitely made a scene. And while passing them a decisive grin wore on his face as imminently his body flew into motion and bumped into the seemingly outrageous jock whose muscles were evidently way bigger than his sense of public descency.

" Watch where you're going deep sh*t " the jock instantly burst out after being rudely interrupted fro. what seemed like a y the seemingly scrumpy kid walking past. " You should get a room " Harry returned his polite words back at him which seemed to be aimed rather at the young lady he was in the company of rather than him.

" What did you say kid, you got a death wish or something " replied Carl sensing a depth in his words than there appeared to be at first.

"Just passing through the hall, nothing to see here and if you weren't blocking the way then maybe just maybe you'd be getting some" Harry shot back instantly without hesitation. And by now the whole corridor was silent shut as though a scene was cut from night if the dead and just placed in there with them. Everyone had stopped to watch how it all pans out.

"Let's go baby, he's not worth it, just leave it be "Cyndey held back Carl a bit, out of favour for Harry or was he really not worth it. " No no no no baby no, he's practically asking for it " Carl didn't want to let it go since everyone was watching and wanted t send a message to the masses not to mess with him even after they already feared the fiersumm duo.

" Really Cyd, you're going out with this dousche, guess it's just a probiotic thing then " by then Harry had turned his back to leave walking in the initial direction he came in. In that moment he felt his back foaming with cold sweat dripping all over his body. At that moment Carl was amidst running after Harry with a fist already layed out for him. It had dawned on him that something had happened that he didn't know about and he wanted to make sure that this kid got the hint to stay away and humiliating him Infront of the whole school seemed so soreal for him and he gunned for him.


And with one swift move out of the way and a foot still at his primary position, the rampaging bull was derailed instantly and sent flying straight to the floor. Everyone was shocked by what they had seen and knew for sure that Harry was done for. Without thinking about it long Harry immediately left the scene hurrying for the door to escape his demise and to his surprise the door was blocked away by the Muppet crew.

Harry knew he was done for the moment Carl got onto his feet and so wanted to leave right away. Initially he was never afraid of anyone, he could have easily taken him on for a set of swings regardless if he was gonna lose or win but this wasn't the time. He knew by now that most of the people watching had already taken their phones out to capture the moment and save it for all the internet trolls to shove it down Harry's reputation. Harry was a low key guy, he only had one friend Mike in the entire school and he knew this wasn't how he wanted a shot at his fame.

With the Muppets blocking the only closest exit to Harry the logical thing for Harry was to run crazy to the next exit or stand and fight. Flight or fight was a natural instinctive human response that Harry was quite familiar with and always resulted in him getting beat up at the end of it.

" You're gonna die for this Morgan " Carl shot up from the floor in an instant and slowly but hastenly made way for Harry. he was gonna make sure he left him six and a half feet under to make sure he didn't come out at the other end of it for humiliating him in front of the whole batch of freshmen and seniors around. " I'm gonna teach you a lesson that's not gonna leave your grave Morgan " the blood sure voice of Carl was sure to lend Harry straight to the morgue imminently. Harry so no way out and decided to stand his ground and take his ground and take him on.

With his back against the door, Harry knew he only had to worry about head on attacks and he knew he'd be able to take on a couple of hits before he would make a dive for the nearest exit and leave that place at once.

Carl took a huge right hook swing at the startled Harry leaning onto the door and he ducked from a mile away as he saw it coming. And there the door swung open on its hinges and instead of Carl's fist meeting the metal frame of the door since he didn't pull it back, it made its way to meet with flesh. BAMM! hisfist made contact with flesh and it wasn't young Harry who was on the recieving end everyone was stunned at who it was that got the brutely not so welcoming act. Still in Harry's mind he was relieved that he missed him by a mile and maybe it was because he was filled with rage and anger since he burst out and lashed at him. Still laying on the floor cradled up in his own legs with his fists up waving up at his opponent waiting for him to strike at him only to find him frozen stiff as though he had seen a ghost.

i know it's not amazing but I tried, rather write a thousand crappy novels before I get it right than giving up on my dream. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. Don't forget to comment on edits or changes that might be needed. Hit your boy up @just_.lelo on IG. and follow.

theboykhusso_creators' thoughts