

"WAHHHH!" A baby's cries were heard in the room.

"Look, honey... It's a beautiful baby girl." A woman says to the man in the room.

"What will her name be?" the man asks with a loving expression.

"Morrigan... Morrigan Mengsk." The woman says.

The woman and man are Arcturian Mengsk and Jane Mengsk. They are a noble family of the Terran Dominion, with strong ties to the royal Emperor Mengsk. Arcturian is the younger brother of Mengsk.

A man dressed gaudily enters the room. "Little sister let me see my niece" Arcturus shows a rare expression of love only his wife, Brother, and sister-in-law have ever seen. He may be a shit father and a terrible human being, but he is still a human being who loves his family.

"Arcturus. Here is Morrigan." Jane hands the newborn to Mengsk, and the emperor holds the baby girl that is crying with a tender expression seldomly seen. 

"Hey Morrigan. It's me... Your uncle." Arcturus sees the baby calm down and grabs his finger.

"She likes you, brother." Arcturian smiles.

/// Five years later.

"Uncle! Uncle!" Morrigan smiles at the emperor.

"What is it, baby girl?" Arcturus smiles. It's his birthday this year.

"here is your birthday present!" Morrigan hands a box to the emperor.

"Oh? Thank you Morrigan! This makes me very happy!" Arcturus opens the box and widens his eyes at the device.

"I call it the Arcturus Reactor! Named after you! It provides limitless clean energy! I accidentally discovered a new element not found on the periodic table! The schematics are underneath the Arcturus Reactor! Do you like it!? Do you like it!?" Morrigan hugs the Emperor's leg.

"I love anything you give me, honey. Thank you for this amazing birthday gift!" Arcturus gives a tender kiss to his niece's forehead, making her giggle.

'Why can't my son be as good as Morrigan? She's a genius in all subjects. Comparisons really do beget envy.' Arcturus shakes his head with a wry smile.

"This will help the dominion a lot. I'm very happy with my present, Morrigan." Arcturus kneels down and hugs Morrigan.

"That's good." Morrigan narrows her eyes in contentment.

'It's been five years since I was born and two years ago I got my last life's memories. I know I'm supposed to be a grown woman, but not mentally. Memories are just that... Memories. My system is a technology system. I look like a chibi Commander Jane Shepard from Mass Effect. I can create technology from Marvel Mass Effect Star Wars and many other games shows and movies. I will make the dominion stronger than the Zerg and Protoss!' Morrigan hugs her uncle back.

"So, my niece, have you created anything else?" Arcturus smiles.

"I'm currently working on what I call the Super Soldier Serum. It's not perfected yet... However, it's only a matter of time. Once I perfect it, we won't need CMC suits anymore because Super Soldiers can rip those suits apart with their bare hands." Morrigan smirks.

"That's great! Perfect, it as soon as possible!" Arcturus gives an identical smirk.

"Of course I will! My goal is to make the Dominion more powerful than the Zerg and Protoss!" Morrigan smirks back. She and the emperor are doing the silent communication again.

/// 13 years later in Tarsonis City.

Morrigan is singing for soldiers of the Terran Dominion, who are going to war against the Umojans. The Umojans feel threatened by the Dominion's advances and want to stop them.. She is singing a song that was lost to time by the Terran's world war IV. A dark time engulfed the world where music was lost seemingly forever.. The Terran's were lucky to find some old Records and Record Players. Morrigan sings Meet Me On The Battlefield by SVRCINA. humanity lost these songs forever, the songs from one of her favorite artists in her past life during the fourth world war and over time people forgot it.

Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan closed their eyes and listen to the Princess's song. Arcturus was so disappointed with his son that he made Morrigan the only heir to the throne. Morrigan ends the concert for the soldiers by singing Soldiers by Otherwise.

"Each and everyone of you is a Super Soldier with the best armor and the best weapons! You have superhuman abilities due to your implants! You will show the Umojan's that the Dominion is indomitable and unbreakable! I am proud of every one of you, not just because you survived the Super Soldier Program, but because you are all my family! I will be fighting with you for I have undergone the same program! You are the hope of humanity! You are... SOLDIERS! I WILL MEET YOU ALL ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!" Morrigan walks away and smiles at the deafening cheers.

'In this AU that has me in it... Sarah Kerrigan is not a Ghost Operative but a super soldier with soldier implants from Mass Effect technology tree. We will not abandon her this time. I have told my uncle many times that they are my pride and joy and I consider them brothers and sisters in arms.

I told him I would do anything for them, even if it meant risking my safety. It took a lot of convincing him, though... I had to show him just what they were capable of, so that he didn't even think about abandoning Kerrigan. Now he thinks that they are too valuable to abandon.' Jim interrupted Morrigan's thoughts as he entered the Armory.

"Commander Morrigan... The songs and the speech have filled me with confidence and make me think that I will come back home. I thank you for doing that not just for me but for the rest of our brothers and sisters in arms." Jim gives a 90 degree bow.

"You are my brothers and sisters in arms... I will jump into the fires of hell for every one of you. Singing some songs and giving a speech is not a problem, brother." Morrigan smiles at Jim and puts her hand on his shoulder like Master Chief from Halo does.

"Now let us go to war and show these Arrogant Umojans that we are the best of the best!" Morrigan walks out of the armory with an M-77 Paladin X, M-99 Saber X, Black Widow X and 10 magazines for each gun. Every super soldier can carry over 20 tons of weight. The weapons that should have felt too heavy to carry are now light as feathers to them, allowing them to be a walking arsenal.

To Be Continued...

Tell me what you think. I'd like to know your thoughts! I figured I should write a StarCraft fanfiction since there aren't a lot of them out there and if there are, they are dropped and have been dropped for years.

Crimson1997creators' thoughts
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